Is Hex No one escapes death too overpowered and deserve a nerf?

There are many killer perks that are very good and give them a good advantage/control over the game but the perks don't carry them to a win. During end game if the survivors don't remove every totem from the map the perk activates. This gives the killers an increase on speed and instant downs. This perk is strong enough when activated to eliminate full teams in the end. A perk that can do all this work without it taking skill is far too good and unfair considering many survivor perks like decisive strike got nerf to the ground favoring the killer even more. A way to balance this is to either make it into an actual hex totem during the whole game so survivors can actually remove it while the killer can carry a perk like hunted grounds mixed in to give themselves an edge if the survivors try go for it. The other way is to give the killer a timer for 1 minute somewhat like decisive strike in which they can hopefully knock 2 players down but not a full team. I hope they can balance noed because in it's current state it's too overpowered against survivors while survivors don't really have many good perks to work with anymore.
I'm really not sure where the idea that NOED is an easy win came from. Maybe my experience is just flawed in some way, but every time I've ever tried to use it, the perk is useful for at most one down before it's cleansed or people just leave.
Which, by the way, is why it's not OP and doesn't need a nerf. You can, if you really want to, stop it from ever activating... or you can cleanse it after it activates, or you can just leave. The killer has to have done very well throughout the match for that to not work, and if so, they already earned the kills they got before the perk activated, so it's not as though NOED gave them an unfair win.
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A perk that can do all this work without it taking skill
I mean, if you ignore:
- Needing to find survivors.
- Needing to chase Survivors.
- Needing to mindgame Survivors.
- Needing to deal with loops.
- Needing to HIT Survivors.
Then yes; NoED 'takes no skill'. But for anyone NOT lying to create a false narrative; NoED is fine.
A way to balance this is to either make it into an actual hex totem during the whole game so survivors can actually remove it
No. This would ensure that NoED never, ever, EVER sees end game. The entire reaosn it hides until end game is because it does not DO ANYTHING until end game.
The other way is to give the killer a timer for 1 minute somewhat like decisive strike in which they can hopefully knock 2 players down but not a full team
No. Survivors, with pallets, Dead Hard, and strong loops, can run a Killer for 30+ seconds. Your time limit ensure NoED would down maybe one person.
Bottom line: NoED activates in the end game. It does not do anything until the end game. The Killer plays with 3 perks until the end game. These are the workings and drawbacks of NoED.
Do bones. Stop asking for nerfs. Stop riding the same lies as every other Survivor who wants NoED nerfed because they are too lazy to do bones.
Do. Bones.
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It should be reworked. Even though it can stopped before it activates, even though the effect isn't always that strong, it still sucks to go against and should be changed accordingly.
Not nerfed, just entirely reworked.
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Even though it can be countered. Even though it's not always strong. It should be nerfed because Survivors find it unfun?
Yeah, sure, ok. 🤦♂️
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I'm really not sure where the idea that NOED is an easy win came from.
The same peopel who pointed to 5 gens popping as a fake win condition in order to say 'NoED rewards failure'. They could not find actual, legitimate flaws with NoED, so they invented BS like 'Rewards failure' and 'Easy wins' to create fake flaws they could then point to to demand nerfs.
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"You can, if you really want to, stop it from ever activating... or you can cleanse it after it activates, or you can just leave. The killer has to have done very well throughout the match for that to not work, and if so, they already earned the kills they got before the perk activated, so it's not as though NOED gave them an unfair win."
These statements contradict each other. NOED would give a killer who already did well too much extra pressure on top of survivors that would have needed to fight to get that final generator done. That alone makes NOED unfair. It's like hooking 1 survivor for the first time after all gens are done and they simply can crawl out of the exit gate before you can even hook them again. It's a bit unfair for DS to linger that long during the EGC, just as its a bit unfair for NOED to give an already good killer even more pressure after fighting for the last gen.
It's a moment of overkill that doesnt need to exist. You can make NOED more fair by making it work like Pentimento, give the killer control on where and when NOED actually activates. You can disable DS once the gates are opened, no one getting tunneled early during the EGC.
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They only contradict if you think NOED is a good perk. I don't. It's an extremely inconsistent benefit that you only get at the very end of the game, and that seems to only last long enough to give you a single down, maybe two if you're lucky- assuming neither of those players were already injured, in which case you would've got the down anyway.
In order for that one down to matter, you have to have done well. You have to have at least one survivor dead, otherwise that one down will be undone by someone going for the cleanse and someone else going for the save- and if they're at all coordinated the third guy will be on the exit gate.
Are there scenarios where NOED is overkill? Yes. Same way there's scenarios where No Way Out is overkill, or Devour procs at a point where it's overkill, etcetera and etcetera. Sometimes you don't need one of your perks because you're already winning, it doesn't make that perk unfair.
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NOED is fine. If the Killer is playing bad, you have time to cleanse Totems. If the Killer is applying pressure and not allowing you to cleanse Totems, then he played well
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Yes, it carries bad killers by giving them extra downs and kills - as a reward for nothing else than having at least one dull totem still standing on the map. Look at the comparison to new perks like No Way Out, encouraging you to hook every survivor at least once prior to the fifth gen pop to get the strongest value. NOED is just thrown on and no other input is required from the killer.
I'd even be ok with an indirect nerf by providing survivors a basekit totem counter. But the perk badly needs nerfing or reworking for the longest time. I would prefer it require a dull totem and still be on a timer basis like it was before, granting more time for each hook during the match or something like that.
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Yes, it carries bad killers by giving them extra downs and kills
I'm sorry; I must have missed the patch where NoED finds, hits, carries, and hooks survivors. Oh! I does NOT? Then it does not 'carry' or 'reward' bad Killers, because all it does is remove ONE hit. Actually achieving that hit is still on the Killer.
But go on; keep peddling the same bullshit lies as every other no-skill Survivor angry they did not do bones. 😊
NOED is just thrown on and no other input is required from the killer.
That's because, and this here is a secret: It requires input from the Survivors. It's on THEM to shut it down. Amazing, I know.
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I am sick of discussing NOED but i can't help myself noticing that every now and then a new NOED topic appears, the people against noed are always different, the people supportive of NOED are always the same 3-4.
It appear being a crusade for you guys.
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That's because the people against NoED are usually accounts made to whine about NoED. While the people defending it have been around and know how the game works.
It's almost like the defenders are veterans who know the game better than Mr. 1 Post who whines about it and logs off.
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It is not what i see with my eyes.
It seem me that the people that complains try to point out some aspects of the perk and you guys always come in team and fill the thread with a bunch of posts where you repeat the same things over and over like parrots completely ignoring the person and his doubts.
Obviously after beiing threated always like a ######### the person go away and post somewhere else.
But whatever, as i always said, i have no horses in this race. I am main killer and i am 100% sure in my matches there will be no NOED.
You instead... seem that you are trying to protect your gamestyle.
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It seem me that the people that complains try to point out some aspects of the perk and you guys always come in team and fill the thread with a bunch of posts where you repeat the same things over and over like parrots completely ignoring the person and his doubts.
Maybe because the things we say are literally how you counter the perk? I mean, what do you expect? That we say different things to the same damn complaint every day?
You seem to be ignoring that most new posts on this forum are either meming, trolling for reactions, or have 0 idea how the game works before making 'suggestions'.
NoED is fine. It will be fine after the 100000000th person dies to it and makes a new account to whine as if they found something new. Because it is fine, we will always say that it's fine. Expecting us to say something different to the same whine is kind of silly.
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Whatever man.
As i said i got bored.
Wish you have fun with Noed.
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Lmao read. I said "not nerf, rework". Narrow minded and biased. That's what you people are
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No, it's nowhere near as strong.
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I dont think it's overpowered but I do think it needs a change, hell maybe even a buff as long as its a well made change. I don't even find noed to be that powerful personally but I do certainly find it to be too high a reward for basically no work done by the killers and its super unfun to go against.
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Shouldn't exist in it's current state simply due to solo queue.
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Or survivors should start using perks against totems -_-
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Why shouldn't it tho, hiding and escaping is also a skill.
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The only thing that should happen is to get an "exposed" status right after the last gen is finished. So you know you deal with NOED now.
At this point all you can see is a killer running strangely faster and tries using m1 only - these are indicators that he/she uses NOED.
Apart from this I consider each match with noed so I check for totems or see what killer do / i do not let them hit me
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The problem with NoED: strong against soloQ, weak against SWF.
So the problem is actually the gap between soloQ and SWF.
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-Well is NOED unfun to face against?
-Does NOED need skills?
-Is it need to be nerfed?
Here is why. First of all, it is a perk which only active when the last generator is completed. So the killer can not benefit from a perk slot till the end of the match. Moreover, there are many items and perks that survivors can counter NOED such as maps, small game perk, and counterforce. I remember many times when counterforce saves me from NOED. Some of you survivors will say that you did an amazing job, completed all the gens, and evade the killer till 5 gens and deserve the win. While that kinda thing is kinda true, as a survivor you need to calculate what killer can use and what should you do to avoid it. If you rush gens and do not calculate the possibility of NOED then sadly it is your fault. Personally, I don't use NOED but I think it does not need to nerf. There are far worse perks than NOED such as Ranchor which just expose the obsession and give you the ability to kill him till the end of the match and not to mention that perk works like Bitter Murmur as well which I think is far worse because you can avoid killer, do all gens and if he/she use Ranchor there is no way to counter that one. Once the killer got you, you are dead.
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no its not.
If noed occurs survivors either ######### in their pants or know what to do - look for totems.
Im 99% soloQer and it is total failure or total success so 50/50 actually, depends on skill of other survs
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SWF can organize themselves a lot better when it comes to locating the totems. I am not saying that solos are not able to handle noed. I am saying that SWFs can do it a lot easier.
If you have different opinion, that is fine, no need to respond.
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You made a public statement, I had different opinion, I have pointed it out.
Its called discussion. If you felt offended it was not what I meant
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Funny you mention that after the devs intentionally made it hidden until after the first hit.
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I would rather implement a requirement like with No Way Out, so that only good killers benefit from it. Maybe that per hook you get it adds 10s to an initial 30/45/60s of use. And that it's not a Hex then.
I can't count on how many matches teams get wiped because a bad killer gets lucky because of noed. Sometimes you don't even have the time to do all bones. I would rather have a decent killer who was fair the whole match winning with noed than those who just camp.
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I mean if you get wiped by just NOED, your team is bad and killer is good.
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Have you ever played solo? I can understand that you can prevent noed from happening/deal with it as a swf very well , but for soloq it can be horrible, since you can't coordinate your team.
And the killer is not good if they rely on a perk. It's the same with survivors needing DH, DS, BT and UB to do #########.
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i mentioned before that this happens mainly with soloq where you can't coordinate or don't get to do all bones before the last gen is done (because the team is very efficient).
killers who play the long game usually have no real gen regression and therefore you get the idea that they have noed pretty soon. bad killers have a ton of gen regression perks and still get many kills because of noed even if they only have 2 hooks in total.
This it what annoys me. not the killer who does his best, has many hooks, but struggles because of map layout etc; but the killer who doesn't even try but gets the kills anyways.
I usually don't care about noed, but it feels cheap sometimes. same as the BT/DH/DS combo during EGC when you 2hooked everyone.
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And the killer is not good if they rely on a perk. It's the same with survivors needing DH, DS, BT and UB
That's...That's literally what the perks are there; to be used and relied on. ######### is with this shaming people (Killer or Survivor) for using perks BS some people do?
Not everyone is a no-perks god. The game was designed to use perks. Jesus.
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I wouldn't bother with these people.
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Well if you can't coordinate as soloq that's your problem.
And yes killer is good even if the rely on a perk, I mean what the ######### are you talking about game is literally unplayable without any of the slowdown perks.
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It's not overpowered, just extremely poorly designed.
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That's just explaining this game in general.
"It's not bad, just poorly designed"
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Similar to how solo survivors are told to run Kindred, Windows, DS, BT, Bond e.t.c just to communicate with the team somewhat and counter camping/tunneling.
Stuff like this is why I haven’t played survivor in so long. Too many perks are needed with only four perks slots available, and this feature that the devs are early in developing for solo queue (showing what your team is doing in the hud) still won’t help with noed too much.
Note this doesn’t mean I believe survivors need more than four perk slots, just incase that wasn’t obvious.
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NOED is ok.
Not everybody runs it. And therefore you are not cleansing totems because you don´t care. And then it shocks you when he has it. Completely your fault.
If you are scared of it get Small Game / Counterforce and destroy all totems by yourself and will never have to deal with it.
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Needing to find survivors. never an issue during endgame, especially with the hatch change- Needing to chase Survivors. not for long
Needing to mindgame Survivorsnot required, unless you spent the whole match afk, the speed bonus will do most of the workNeeding to deal with loops.again this is endgame, you probably dealt with any loops that would prevent you from getting a down- Needing to HIT Survivors.
"Takes no skill" is exaggerated but its infamy isn't unwarranted
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"Takes no skill" is exaggerated but its infamy isn't unwarranted
It's infamy is very much unwarranted. 'Takes no skill' is as false as 'rewards losing'; They're both blanket statements that ignore entire aspect of the gameplay loop to pretend NoED does something it very much does not do.
Takes No Skill: Makes it sound like NoED teleports Survivors onto the hook, or otherwise plays the game for Killers.
Rewards Losing: Makes it sound like Survivors have already won, and NoED somehow changes this. But Survivors inventing a fake win condition (5 gens being done) does not suddenly mean NoED is an actual problem to REAL gameplay balance. Just the fantasy balance in their heads.
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No, cleanse Totems. The only change it might need is for noobs who use it as a crutch. Only activate if 4 hooks were achieved
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Exactly this. Killers can camp, tunnel, and slug for free - their perks only enhance those playstyles. But if a survivor wants to counter any of them, at least one perk for each scenario is required - and usually just one perk won't cut it by itself.
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Weirdly you admitted it actually require skill by all those sentence, effect of NOED is depends on what killers done till endgame, aka skill.
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i would like to know where I denied or admitted that Noed require skill. I said its infamy isnt unwaranted.
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No. You can brake totems before peek even activates. 2 chance to beh for a kill. If survs dont leave and want saves before brake it killer deserve to capitalize mi stakes. Gen pops before a pari of hook at high level, so killer can beg for hooks with a lucky noed.
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It's infamy IS definitely unwarranted and even you admitted what it require to use NOED properly by palette nonsense.
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I said you have be literally AFK (not playing or not moving) for you to not have broken strong pallets. I didn't even give a statement on how to use NOED properly (you keep adding stuff i never said). I said X thing is not REQUIRED because of X.
again no statement on whether or not NOED requires skill. Again only made statements on its Infamy
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Well your statement innately admitted that it REQUIRES skill, whether you meant it or not.
You can't deny objective facts especially when you clearly did what you did.
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so let me ask you, do you think breaking pallets require skills? or are you just trying to gaslight me?