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CoH is nerfed, NOED is not



  • Member Posts: 26

    Lmao this is peak dbd community.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Survivors can still heal each other without CoH. If they healed to be more bold then that is just the game, the perk simply made it slightly faster. And it requires some times substantial time to find a totem, then bless it. The killer can instantly disable it and now the survivor has to spend several seconds to rebless it. If it is a Hex perk imagine how much of a gen you could have finished instead? Killers blaming a loss to CoH would mean they lost anyway. CoH was a secondary objective. I'm not so sure if CoH sometimes helped killers win and they didn't even know it. If it is not worth using, it'll be better to use a medkit and 4 other perks. I don't think I would use it now - 75% is not worth all the effort just for the killer to come by and stump it. I mean, the devs need to put responsibility on the killers at some point. They made it be extremely loud so killer can easily find it.

    This is the first perk somewhat worth using in literally years and it's already been heavy nerfed twice. Think about that. That's why survivors can't have good perks or meta changes. Killers get good perks every time (Starstruck, Hex: Plaything, etc...)

    While killer has 4 perks, those perks are way more powerful affecting the entire match, all four survivors, making the killer stronger. Survivor perks sometimes don't even get used because they are so situational (ie. unbreakable, Power Struggle).

    I disagree about NOED because you can't look at it theoretically. In theory, if it is a SWF playing absolutely perfectly, it might yield only one kill if the killer makes some mistakes. If survivors are expected to play absolutely perfectly with zero mistakes, then killers should too.

  • Member Posts: 5,047
    edited January 2022

    Yes, but now everyone can heal themselves, instead of taking another person off gens, you can do it yourself. And snuffing assumes the killer can even find the boon.

    They were loud so a killer could know that they are in play, so their not completely blindsided by them. We don’t get endless reminders that were “cursed” until the hex goes.

    COH can be timed and used when wanted, and unlike the killers hex totem, once a boon is snuffed, the Boon can be replaced as many times as deemed necessary. Even if the killer knows exactly where the totem was (which I am not advocating for) the killer would still have to walk over and Snuff it.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    For real its such a minor nerf this will take off like what a second or 2 from a self-heal or something the fact that it still allows for a whole team to self heal at near normal speeds is already ridiculous for one perk

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Survivors are blindsided when Devour Hope strikes. Why can't the killer figure it out on their own? This loud sound makes the Exponential perk useless because if the killer drops someone, he immediately stomps the totem.

    They could have reduced the sound considerably to compensate for the extreme nerfs.

  • Member Posts: 5,047
    edited January 2022

    devour hope

    A fair argument, randomly being exposed with three generators left is definitely... suboptimal. However, that requires five safe un-hooks in order to trigger, during this time, if the survivors find the totem, it's gone. Another point is the four survivors making up the team, compared to the one killer. Hex: Devour Hope also requires that the survivors don't know it's in play. If they do know, Hex: Devour Hope becomes useless.

    boon: Circle of healing

    With this perk, it does not matter whether or not the killer knows it's in play, because they still have so much more to deal with, and in the entire map, somewhere there happens to be a Boon totem. Making an extended effort to locate + remove the boon sacrifices the rest of the game. It also only lets me know that a boon is in play.

    those annoying chime things that in no way sound like chimes

    These are required because of a usually overseen difference between survivors and killers - POV. Survivors have a 3rd person POV that they can pan around, check across walls, and overall see much more. Meanwhile, killers have a 1rst person POV, that requires the killer to actively look at the boon to know it's there. The chimes are just to let the killer know that the Boon is near, to make up for the more "stingy" POV they are given.


    I do agree with your statement on Exponential. It requires way too many things to go right if it is to work. A change (might) be something among the lines of "Anyone who healed you for 1 health state can pick themselves up" or "Anyone that you healed at all in the dying state can pick themselves up." I do think exponential has no reason to be a Boon.

    Ruin - Undying - Tinkerer on Blight especially is dumb OP. It removes almost all necessary skills from Blight, and basically hands him map pressure, Blights map pressure overall definitely needs some tweaks or nerfs.

  • Member Posts: 279

    You saying that it wasn't "that strong in the first place",just like Aven,shows you didn't know how COH screwed a lot of playstyles from killers especially hit and run,altough it doesn't Make the perk useless,its still pretty strong and useful,it just goes from 100% to 75%. Also,boons in a way don't have counterplay,they are infinite,noed sometimes you can't even get to use it,because survivors already cleansed 5 totems,some "people" say its hard,even tough you just need to memorize well the locations.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Nerf noed this, nerf noed that, how bout we get an actual balance team and not the budget one BHVR has.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    Why nerf noed when we can just nerf all the killer addons and make random killer nerfs with no compensation.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    Lol, maybe if you just did bones you wouldn't have to hold this L. Thanks developers for taking sides in this important argument about who needs to do bones.

  • Member Posts: 1,324
    edited January 2022

    Thats not even a proper nerf to CoH. Its more like maybe now killers will shut up for 2 days..which we wont because this nerf does not fix whats broken with the boon and that its the relighting issue.

    NOED on the otherhand has a counter..multiple counters. Survivors have perks that can find the totems and you can break them or you have these ridiculous boons to cover up the totems so noed does not activate. As its been said multiple times bones.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Exactly. Speaking of nerfs I think pig's nerf timer is ringing.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    Right can't be having something out side of normal game play happen to offend.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Correct, just do bones only works in one direction because when you break NOED, the totem literally shatters and it is gone. When you snuff COH you mildly annoy a Survivor for a handful of seconds and it is back.

    Hell, I've re-Blessed a COH just to move it to a more convenient spot AND gotten a sweet +1500 bloodpoints for doing so.

  • Member Posts: 103

    Do you enjoy waiting in queue?

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    What has COH have anything in common with Noed?

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Since the nerf to CoH increases the time to fully heal by a whole 2 seconds, how about we decrease the time to cleanse NOED by 2 seconds?

  • Member Posts: 699

    The thread starter is really comparing COH to NOED? LOL NOED will get you a down and maybe a hook and "hopefully" a kill. COH has to constantly get destroyed and OH guess what. COH has to constantly be destroyed by the killer. You really wanna go there? lol

  • Member Posts: 1,667

    Oh please, noed is extremely easy to counter if you have a team with some brain... Don't forget that this perk is a hex, therefore it should be risky but powerful... If you have problems with noed just took perks that aid you to find totems, they are here to help you... But I was almost forgetting that most survivors play with the usual meta build and they don't want to "waste" a perk for countering a possible NOED...

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    I honestly hope this nerf causes survivors to completely quit using Boon totems and spend all that time doing "secondary objectives" to doing gens. Then we can hear the cries of pain from Killers as gen speeds become even quicker.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Just leave, tada, if a survivor is hooked... don't go back for them?

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Honestly, i actually don't see Sluzzy complain to much about NOED, i find she complains more about tinkerer and blight

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Did...u just compair monstrous shrine to the 2 most broken meta perks in the game 😂😂😂

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    I thought you were the same guy responding to your thread because of the perk picture you have, lol

  • Member Posts: 2,213

    The CoH nerf is literally nothing. If -25% makes you stop using I dunno what to tell you.

    75% bonus healing + Self-Care for the whole team is still Overpowered.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    She was complaining about huntress a lot last year, then bubba and now switched to blight and tinkerer.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    right! Not OP but it’s still a strong perk with other healing mechanics.

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    Just let the survivors leave, tada... don't go for them?

    I can't even tell if you are being serious now.

  • Member Posts: 302

    I totally get where people come with this. Noed is mediocre and not that great, but it feels like actual ######### to be hit by/ be forced to prevent every game.

    They really need to rework it in a way that buffs it but doesn't make it awful to go against.

    Why not remove it being a totem, and have it announced to all survivors upon completion of the final gen? Give it a timer of 2 minutes and 3-4 unique survivor hook requirement and bam, i feel that addresses it's fairness issues while making it still powerful.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Your not even serious if you compare a super strong perk to NOED, a C tier perk.

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    A perk that can only be useful in 4man SWF? Comparing to a perk that grants 2 (TWO!) free kills out of the box with no effort? Well, i don't know, you might be right on this one: they are not even comparable.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    If NOED is getting more than 1 down/ kill, then the Survivors just suck

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    You can say the same about CoH causing killers lose games. It's not an argument. The perk is weaker than Self-Care in soloQ.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    What are you on? I want some.

    COH has an AURA that all survivors can see. Every damn survivor unhooked can run to it and heal themselves up, saving the time of the unhook and allowing them to field more perks.

    Use your critical thinking skills. They're there, somewhere.

  • Member Posts: 5,623
    edited January 2022

    CoH is weaker than Self-Care? Do you listen to yourself? A free heal for the whole team that requires only 1 Survivor to use it, has a single counter, pretty much killed every Killer that requires to split pressure and 3genning and wastes the Killer's time whenever they go out to snuff it is worse than a 32 second heal that you will get to use maybe twice? You're just salty the Perk got nerfed by... 2-4 seconds

  • Member Posts: 2,005
    edited January 2022

    Yeah, personal insults are even stronger an argument.

    About what you are saying beside that: try utilizing this perk while playing in soloQ, just try. You will spend half of the game looking for totems and mostly will encounter broken bones. And even after you succeed, your boon might be gone in a second, literally, because that's how long it takes for the killer to snuff it. And the killer certainly won't have problems finding it, given its loud noise for 50 meters.

    Why does it happen so that I've never had problems with this perk even while playing against SWFs? It's not nearly as strong as DS and DH.

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    Noed only gets consistent value if you're out there exerting pressure and constantly downing people so that survivors dont have time to do bones.

    At which point you could argue theyd be better off running something to help them down people even faster like I'm All Ears or...Coup de Grace idk.

    Only time I utterly despise noed are the "face camp at first down" killers because your solo team might be a little slow slamming out gens.

    Only change I actually would make to NOED would be to make it ACTUALLY A HEX but work like old Undying where it just keeps transferring until theres nothing left for it to jump to. This way, solo q gamers dont wastr their time if there is no NOED

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    I DO utilize this perk in soloQ. It's busted as hell. I play 60 killer/40 survivor, where that mix is 20 solo/20 SWF with over a thousand hours in this game. But my personal experience isn't valid, or even required. You don't know what you're talking about, you're just throwing out words without any reason or evidence to back it up.

    DS and DH are their own problems. COH is a different beast entirely and you can evaluate it on it's own and come to the conclusion that it's too strong. That's why the math was done. Look at the #'s and the perks efficacy. It gets value almost every game, and when it does that value is disproportionate to the single perk slot it costs.

    Your personal experience makes not an acceptable argument. I'm so tired of seeing anecdotal nonsense on this forum.

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