What happens to your progress if you unlink your Behaviour account?
I have my Behaviour account connected to my Steam and Epic Games account a few months back, I've played like a days worth of games on my Epic account but other than that, all the progress prior to connecting and after connecting has been earned on my Steam DBD.
In the FAQ where this is mentioned (https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/articles/360053328931-What-progress-do-I-keep-and-lose-when-unlinking-an-account-) the answer seems a bit unclear so I just want to check, I'm assuming one of these happens, does anyone know what it is?
a) only the things I earned on the Epic Games version of DBD gets removed from my steam account, my steam account keeps all it's progress that it earned over the past month (excluding the few items/ bp earned on Epic Games)
b) All my progress on my Steam dbd gets reset to a month ago at the time it was when I linked my account
c) other (if anyone knows, please let me know!)
If you unlink the accounts, everything you earned whilst your accounts were linked stays on the Behaviour account, your Steam account will go back to what it was at the time of linking.
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So just to confirm, if my steam account goes back to what it was at the time of linking, my steam's still connected to my behaviour so all the stuff I grinded after linking my accounts + everything I had prior should be safe?