I think the devs missed the point about DC bots

If I'm not mistaken, the reasoning given in the recent Q&A stream for why the devs don't want to implement the tutorial bots for survivors that disconnect went something like "we feel the human element is better than a bot".
Devs, seriously, I don't think anyone would disagree with that statement, but that is so not why people want dc bots to exist (which do so, btw, on DbD mobile), you've completely missed the point there, in my opinion. If you guys wonder why the community increasingly believes you are out of the touch with your own game, that would be one example, but that's a different discussion.
The reason people want bots to replace survivors who disconnected and why that is a popular feature in DbD mobile, is simple: it's better to have a bot help you out that no one at all.
Imagine loading into a game and the first survivor going down dcs, creating a 3v1. That is not unwinnable, but everyone agrees that a 3v1 with 5 gens up is much more difficult on the survivors and tips the balance too heavily in favor of the killer. A bot that would replace the disconnected survivor here would help correct that, even with the mediocrity that they display in the tutorial.
Yes, the human element beats bots, but bots definitely beat survivors that abandon you.
Do you have any experience with DbD mobile bots? I doubt you've seen them in action. Because I would rather have nothing than those 'things'.
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Really though, I would be pissed if a bot was the feeding tokens to the killer. Would a bot be smart enough to prioritize healing when going up against an Oni or play more stealthily if they’re the obsession and the killer is clearly running play with your food? You don’t play the same against a plague as you would a legion. Would a bot be able to conform to that? I think that’s what the devs meant by the human element.
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While they'd be totally useless as teammates, it still sucks to punish other players out of points because you can't take being found/downed first. Yes, I mean BBQ stacks, but also WGLF stacks, or heck, just the points you get from the hook/unhook, even without taking bonus points into consideration.
But as for actual gameplay, when someone disconnects randomly, not even out of spite, then yeah.. an actual potato would be better than a potato bot. Especially if the killer gives a notification as to what happened, or puts a little icon or something next to the survivor's name in the HUD.. I know if I came across 2 players and I knew one of them was a bot, I'd chase the actual living person, the bot is an easy chase, I'll take care of it later easily enough.