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I still don’t understand how the must universally fun killer is so rare



  • Member Posts: 4,082

    I did, but there is no denying that Demo IS the most loved Killer.

    I still see many people hating on Spirit, and tbh, I would love vs'ing her more too but every Spirit uses MDR+DCB, which kinda feels like cheating.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    If i back to game, i will play Spirit. But game is not interesting for me this days. BHVR decisions are not makes me happy, so i give break. But Spirit is cute, i love to face with her.


    When i started this game (2018), Freddy and Myers was my reasons. I saw people are playing DbD. And i saw Myers and Freddy in this game. Omg! I was so excited and started. Myers was my first main and Freddy second. And Nurse third. But Nurse was op and boring for me, so i played with Myers and Fred more. But then i give break. Real life issues.

    And i back to game at 2020 because life was boring at home and it was first days of covid. And i played as Freddy and it was weird: Because i had not ability to put people in Dream World. I had snares but i did not know what they are doing. I am so confused and after match, i looked what happened to him. Because i did not know BHVR reworked him. It was disappointed for me, i felt sad. Because i loved so much to play as Freddy, he was so unique. I gave chance to new Freddy but i never liked him. And then i stopped play him and i am sure so many people stopped play him for same reason. And then they nerfed him and more people stopped play him. Sad story for Freddy.

  • Member Posts: 206

    I don't mind spirit, but the last 5 I've gone against have all been running MDR + Blossom. It's such a braindead combination the killer practically plays itself with those addons. Otherwise she's fun to play as when I want slightly easier matches.

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    Last time we had a well loved killer from both sides, bhvr nerfed him, many of us still play him.

    We don't want more nerfs like that.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Since I've been getting back into playing a bit more killer, I've been playing Spirit occasionally. I'm just too lazy to put in the time and effort to learn her. 😆

  • Member Posts: 62

    i agree shes very fun, she used to be my main before i got piggy, i like being able to patrol the gens and explore the map so quickly and she has many different add ons that changes up your gameplay but i guess the nerf really impacted the interest in her, ill admit i dont use her as often but mainly cause i like varying my killers with specific builds since its been a bit hard to play killer "normally" for me lately

  • Member Posts: 797

    I like to dabble in Spirit on the days where I don't just exclusively play Blight.

    I don't understand why people still regard her as brain dead when iron will exists and is prevalent, not even mentioning the nerf that allows you to actually mindgame while phasing.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    You aren't one to speak for everyone else's perspective.

    I personally enjoy going against Spirit, 10 times more than old Spirit. She has interesting counterplay that differentiates from other killers, and she is overall a scary killer to go against.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Didn't enjoy playing her before the nerf. Now that she is easier to read I don't even find her fun to go against as survivor.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    She's too disorienting for me. I didn't play her too much even before the stridor and other nerfs.

    And since everyone and their mother is using iw nowdays me playing spirit would be a pathetic sight. I would just mindgame myself all the time.

  • Member Posts: 302

    Is this like your tenth thread about this? They nerfed her, she's not as fun to play as anymore when you give survivors so much information.

    Everyone moved on to other killers that they have more fun with. Get over it already.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Wdym? Blight is played a lot.

    Since he is most fun to play and play against.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    You think he has only made 10 Spirit threads? Oh, boy do you have a lot of greatness to experience for yourself.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    Universal fun Killer and Spirit don't belong on the same sentence. She's actually pretty fun to go against but MDR/DCB ruin her in terms of fun. Now, if we talk about Demo then yeah, not many people play him and, aside from him getting the boot a while ago, I don't know why

  • Member Posts: 454

    In my experience she's in the top 10 killers I face when playing survivor.

    I don't know what it's like playing as her because I haven't unlocked her yet, but honestly, she's not one of my favorites to go against. In fact, I think she's one of my least favorites. But the fact that I usually have at least one teammate DC in every match against her plays a role in my dislike for her, so Idk.

  • Member Posts: 2,025
    edited January 2022

    I read the title and was like: "Yea, where are all the fun killers"

    Nowadays I only get the same 3 killers every game. And its, ugh.

  • Member Posts: 285

    She is not fun at all to go against esp if you do not have Iron Will.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Honestly the directional audio cues along with distance audio cues may of been too far, at least in my opinion. I love to play her but my hearing isn't good enough to pick up the audio clues of the Survivors, even with my new headset so I can't track anything. So I use the hated MD Ring and Dried Cherry Blossom combo.....and that Combo is strong but not as strong as the MD Ring x Father's Glasses. (Still puzzles me why they removed it in the first place.)

  • Member Posts: 472

    Yeah, I'm not a big fan.

    I don't find matches particularly fun against her.

    It tends to be a spirit with rancor, BBQ and whispers that "leaves the hook" only to phase back in when the survivor gets unhooked.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Most universally fun is a stretch but like any killer who gets a nerf their play rate tanks. Look at slinger, billy and twins for reference

  • Member Posts: 1,417
    edited January 2022

    Eh. I play her sometimes.

    Here. Have a clip.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    honestly, they made it easier to play against her than to play as her. Every time I win at a short loop vs her because I could hear where she was kills any and all motivation to use her on the offchance im playing killer.

  • Member Posts: 4,759
  • Member Posts: 304

    Wait this isnt a Billy post anyway

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    None of these killers you mentioned will work very well if you just turn off your brain.

    It's funny though how different people can have these different killers they accuse of being brainless. It's honestly really ridiculous.

    Just because you don't like a certain killer, doesn't mean they are brainless to play. None of the killers in this game are "brainless". Some are more challenging to learn and master than others, but none of them give you easy, brainless wins.

  • Member Posts: 5,047

    Honestly, I've seen a lot more spirits since her nerf.

    Same with slingers though, I don't know why I suddenly go against so many Slingers but I hate going against them

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Funny way to spell Billy/Oni

  • Member Posts: 1,252

    Here we go again. That whats happens if the killer loses their easy mode gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 3,171

    She is fun...will give you that. As for maining her though I don't think that will happen. If I was going to lock myself in a closet (only use one killer) it would be Pig/Artist. Especially now that she is the first licensed killer with a tome. The types of people who have the nerve to say she takes no skill need to uninstall please. Unlike survivor (🙄) every killer takes skill.....whether some take more than others is mute they all have there own neat tricks. Tracking survivors by sound only (since scratch marks are a ######### joke) is a skill all in it's own.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Most fun killers for me to face are Demopuppy, Pig, Non-Face Camping Bubbi boi, Non top-tier slugging at 5 gens Nurse and Twins (I know people hate them but I love Victor). Oh, I also like versing Hag when my team is semi competent- Urban Evaison ftw.

    Spirit can be fun, but most just tunnel and camp hooks from a distance.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    spirit is not that fun to play anymore, nor is she fun to vs anymore. Ever since Stridor got gutted for spirit, I have seen a very low amount of spirit. Its fair to say that when Stridor got gutted, so did spirit. Iron will makes spirit have to blindly guess with no information which is unfun for killer because the killer has to make many more guesses in a single match than a survivor, like on average a killer makes about 20~ reads/pathing guess in looping(chase) assuming the killer acquires 7 or more hooks. Entirely blindly guessing over half-the time and playing entirely on complete intuition is just not a very consistent way to play killer. The equivalent for survivor would be like needing pallet stun the killer on every single pallet to not get hit.

    In order to make spirit not blindly guess, they invented an add-on that mirrors what stridor used to do for spirit which is cherry blossom. The add-on is not very fun for spirit because it takes away her skill-cap which is sound-tracking and turns her into a reaction vision killer.

    From survivors perceptive, spirit is very unfun to play against because part of the fun of playing survivor against her is not knowing her location and not being able to react to her ability while manipulating her sound cues. manipulating sound cues is too risky because of threat of spirit cherry blossom and instead of putting pallets down on same side/other side, you can just listen for her so there is no prediction based gameplay. It just devolves into spirit get stunned at pallets. pallet too safe? Spirit breaks pallet, rince repeat. Pallet unsafe? Spirit wastes time getting her ability back because she moves at 110% and sucks at playing pallets, so its just gamble get hit at a pallet for what other killers that move at 115% can do easier without needing their ability who also have safety net if they fail by bloodlust.

    In general, deathslinger and spirit was my favorite killer to play against as survivor. I liked them because they did not rely as much on reactionary gameplay and revolved more on intuition and prediction based gameplay. Due to the nature of their powers, their powers had limited scope where there wasn't consistent mind game everywhere but an expected mindgame that both sides had fair shot at winning/losing. It sum up to why i dislike vs nurse because there too many possible mindgames everywhere and often main strategies to create mindgames are to use large layers of LOS blocking, high-blinking(places where nurse cannot slow her blink down) or utilize vertical-movement(forces nurses to pay attention to the left-right instead of exclusively forward-back).

    Given how dry/impractical her current gameplay is, its not surprising that she is not played.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Yeah it was sad moment for me. I loved Freddy's aura reading ability. If you are in Dream World, i can see you everywhere, you are not safe in my world.

    Freddy was greatest hit and leave killer.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    she wasn't fun at all to play against when there was zero counterplay.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    I don't feel like many people find spirit all that much fun to play against tbh, you might but I don't think it's really universal.

  • Member Posts: 5,612

    I was coming here to see hillbilly...i am disappointed.

  • Member Posts: 858

    I played her for a while back in 2018/2019 (so before her many nerfs) and honestly, I just got bored of winning.

    There was a really good SWF that I would encounter quite often and they would destroy me when I played my other killers (Trapper, Clown, Bubba). With Spirit? They didn't stand a chance.

    Teams like that are rare, though, so the average gaggle of solo plebs might as well have spawned already on the hooks.

    She's probably more challenging now but I have yet to go back to her.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    I mean c'mon, you've been on the forums for awhile(judging by your post count) there is no way you forgot how hated she use to be and she's really not that much better to go against now after her tweaks and addon changes. I also find it a great testament to how much people miss old billy by how many people came to this post expecting him, RIP my boy.

  • Member Posts: 11,763
  • Member Posts: 136
    edited January 2022

    Hillbilly is the most Fun killer in this game and Behaviour nerfed him because of nothing. Now nobody wants to play with him.

  • Member Posts: 1,033

    I'm just absolutely horrible with focusing on just sounds and moving grass because my movement and camera movement is so erratic and fast (most likely from my league of legends days). So I have trouble tracking people while I'm phasing. I do enjoy playing her as I love her aesthetic, but I have to use stuff like spies from the shadows or predator or something like that when I do.

  • Member Posts: 64

    Due to your passion I decided to re-visit Spirit. I am having a blast!! I think I will be maining her now!! One more Spirit floating around! 😁

  • Member Posts: 867

    I love her skins, I just don't really enjoy playing as her. I think for her to feel satisfying you need to be able to land those phase walk attacks which I am no good at with controller.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    That's what I found enjoyable, a killer without the cheap counter gimmick and an intimidating presence. Trying to limit interactions to areas I knew had resources and the potential to help escape chase added a sense of strategy to those games.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    Just like any other killer that is even more expected than usual to rely on their power, if you don't really like using their power you won't like the killer. You see similarities with killers like Hag, Nurse, Twins and so on.

    And personally? I quite simply don't find her power fun to use. And no, it's not because of any changes - I never found her power fun to use.

    Of course only my personal opinion, but I can't really get into playing her as a result.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    you can love her all you want but when you say that she is the most universally fun killer you are trying to say that your opinion represents at least a decent amount of the community and frankly trying to say the rest of the community likes playing as and playing against spirit is just false and she's not even close to being universally loved from either side.

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