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Lets Just admit that NOED and Boon COH are Equally Bad
There is so much discord and tribalistic behavior in this community and many discussions devolve into an us vs. them mud slinging contest. Whenever someone brings up their feelings for one perk, someone's counter argument invariably is "what about X perk?". The problem with NOED and COH are that they are simply poorly designed perks that give one side a huge advantage while completely changing the dynamic of the game. Once a boon goes up, you can forget about applying pressure and then patroling a gen and in order to get any return on investment you have to commit to downing the survivor. On the same token NOED is a laughably overpowerd tool that gives killers a huge unwarranted advantage in the final stage of the game.
The real issue at hand is not the inherent balancing of the perk but rather the fact that these perks are simply nauseatingly tedious to play against. BHVR can tell us that these perks are behaving as intended, but despite what a column on their excell spread sheet says the sheer volume of complaints is proof that they are annoying to play against. Unfortunately the infamous Q&A did more to stoke the flames of resentment than to mollify the concerns of the overwhelming majority of the fan base. The Devs either don't care about our feedback or at the very least do a poor job of explaining their rationale. I know its easy to give back seat advice to professional devs but the smug arrogance and the palpable condescension makes me want to play CIV.
If you think about it, COH is the complete opposite of NOED. I mean really think about it.
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I don't think any of those perks are that bad.
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I don't think so.
One is bad because it massively stomps solo queue and doesn't give you help vs the teams you should theoretically need it on. It's problems are a product of the game's fundamental design issues from day one.
One is bad because it's batshit OP and desperately needs to be nuked from low-earth orbit, irrespective of design issues from day one.
I don't think they're the same at all.
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They're not comparable. NOED is a Hex and can easily be cleansed while CoH is absolutely busted
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Let's see. NOED only works at the end of the game, can be prevented by cleansing dull totems or even removed after it has spawned.
CoH can be placed anytime throughout the game. Cannot be removed from the game since it can reblessed infinitly. Completely nukes certain killer powers and playstyles.
Yeah they sure are the same /s.
For all the complaints about NOED at least you can remove it from the match. If I had the option to permanently remove coh from the match I would have less complaints about it (and boons in general).
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I think that's a pretty huge false equivalence. One perk is a pretty mediocre spike of efficacy in the endgame that can both be prevented from ever activating and can be removed from play as soon as it does activate, and the other is an incredibly potent boost to a pretty vital mechanic that's present throughout the entire match and has tricky counterplay.
That being said I'm not making this out to be an us vs them - there are unbalanced things on the killer side too, and CoH is orders of magnitude stronger than pretty much everything else survivors have access to, so this is really just to highlight how powerful CoH is in the right hands.
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Yes they are both bad perks, there's only 1 big BUTT
Noed can be destroyed entirely and there won't be a chance for it to come back, COH (or any boon for that matter) can't be destroyed and will be coming back.
So in a way COH is a stronger perk as it gives unlimited healing and can be activated indefinitely as long as the player is alive, while NOED will (if you let it happen) only activate at the end of the match.
So are they really both opposite of each other, i don't think so.
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oh boy a noed discussion do i need to bust out the totem sheet?
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That's my point. 1 perk is really strong and affects an entire match all the time while the other is a toss-up and can only be used after all gens are completed.
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They are both terrible, but for different reasons. One gives bad killers pity kills, rewards bad play and is basically fundamentally flawed in terms of design.
The other is just too powerful in terms of numbers (the numbers being either the speed, the range or the amount of uses/times it can be relit)
COH could be a great perk with some tweaks. NOED needs redesigning from the ground up
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"pity kills"? That's skill according to Patrick.
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100k BP says he plays basement bubba
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Totally agree. One gives you free heals and another one free and undeserved kills
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One has meaningful counterplay and the other doesn't. Seems a pretty easy differentiation to me.
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if Killers create a new boon totem you can break that gives 4% more speed for survs and you need to hit the survs 3 times to put them in diying state we can agree
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That has literally nothing to do with what I said. You can not only permanently disable noed, you can do so before it even has a chance to activate. You can even use the application of CoH to disable it while blessing it and preserving it to be reblessed if snuffed. That means that one has significantly more counterplay than the other.
I think I'm starting to be convinced most of the people who think CoH is ok (or at least equal to noed) legitimately have no idea how to use it properly.
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I don’t say COH is fine. Neither is noed
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Does this forum community really has nothing else to do but to cry, bash and complain on potentially imbalances in the game, just cause they are being such an issue to them that they cannot get rid off it? Like really, I’m reading here for a few days and all what happens in 80% of activity is exactly what I named above. This is even more sadistic and cruel as DBD itself. Yikes.
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One gives everyone infinite free heals throughout the match and the other makes everyone leave without attempting to rescue me.
I really dislike both perks.
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One is annoying for about two minutes and one is annoying for the whole match.
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Well to be honest what do you expect from the general section of a forum?
Discussions about the option for a tutu as a cosmetic for trapper?
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No, Billy.
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That’s an insane comparison lol. CoH is so much stronger it’s not even funny.
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I’ll take some of that
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NoED is fine. It can be prevented from ever activating, and turned off permanently after it does activate. The Killer is Running 3 perks for the majority of the match.
CoH is OP. It can be reapplied no matter how often the Killer snuffs it. It removes all pressure and forces the Killer to tunnel. All 4 Survivors can bring it. It can never be removed permanently.
Oh yeah; they're totally the same. 🙄 NoED is fine, CoH is OP. Sorry, but thems facts.
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Nah they just ain’t.
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While I don't think noed even comes close to how powerful CoH is, I would gladly sacrifice NOED to remove CoH.
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Me too. But removing noed will make killer rate to down from 50 to 40% at least
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I would not want to get rid of a useful, balanced perk (NoED) to remove an OP pile of never-should-exist (CoH). Mostly because the devs would just add another broken Survivor perk and Killers would get nothing.
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Noed have counter and CoH doesnt
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I’ll take some of that
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TF is a 'pity Kill'?
Oh right; as per Survivor Rulebook: Any kill after 5 gens pop is not allowed. The Killer has lost, and any perks against this rule are OP and reward the Killer for losing with kills. Survivors shall henceforth call them 'pity kills' in order to shame Killers into doing what we want so we can win easier.
Edit: typos
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Noed is ultra easy mode at egc. Faster moves and 1 hit. I know it, I use it too
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Only if Survivors play like potatoes. And don't clear totems beforehand. And don't have second chance perks. And don't find and cleanse it within 30 seconds of popping. And don't just leave instead of trying to save their 1 friend you caught.
But sure; 'ultra easy mode' 🙄
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I don’t want to argue with you everyday about the same thing. You use noed and think you’re a semigod. I use noed and I think it’s essy mode as hell
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The only counter to noed is a 4man swf lmao
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Noed get permanently destroyed by cleansing and now by Blessing. COH can be snuffed and that it.
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Rofl. Where did I ever say I think I'm a 'semigod'? Or are you doing yet more personal attacks because I can prove you wrong in 2 sentences?
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If the survivors have popped 5 gens and you are getting downs only with NOED, it is literally giving you a kill you didn't deserve and wouldn't have secured otherwise. You're bad and NOED is the developers way of saying "there there, here's a consolation prize for participating" Its basically the equivalent of the thanks for participating trophy you get when you don't win any real prizes.
If you have given survivors time to cleanse totems AND do 5 gens, you've failed even harder. So you're saying the counter play to NOED is to hope the killer sucks especially hard? And doesn't have Pentimento, of course.
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If the survivors have popped 5 gens and you are getting downs only with NOED, it is literally giving you a kill you didn't deserve and wouldn't have secured otherwise.
Bullshit. Nothing says '5 Gens Is The Cutoff To Kill Survivors' except Survivors. This is a flat-out like pushed by scrubs angry they genrushed and died to NoED. Try something not factually false.
You're bad and NOED is the developers way of saying "there there, here's a consolation prize for participating" Its basically the equivalent of the thanks for participating trophy you get when you don't win any real prizes.
Again; made-up lies. The Killer has not lost, or 'almost lost' or 'basically lost' because 5 gens popped. Again; this is a factual lie invented by bad Survivors mad they died to NoED. Try again.
If you have given survivors time to cleanse totems AND do 5 gens, you've failed even harder.
And if they still have not cleansed totems and did 5 gens and I NoED them? They failed harder than I did. Try again. But this time; try to use facts.
Oh wait; there are no facts that promote this 'NoED is OP' tripe Survivors gurgle at each other until the echo chamber makes them think they're right. That's WHY they word-vomit lies non-stop and invent rules like 'If 5 gens popped...!'.
Sorry; you're wrong. Factually wrong. I know it stings, but take this time to learn from your lies and falsehoods.
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I love how triggered you're getting over forum posts, desperately trying to argue that you aren't terrible because the only kills you get are with a crutch perk :)
For the record, I never said it's OP. I said it gives bad killers kills they don't deserve. Such as you, it seems.
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I love how triggered you are that NoED is a balanced perk. To the point that people saying straight facts are 'triggered' because you need to feel like you're 'winning' the argument.
Desperately trying to argue NoED is OP because you're too lazy to do bones and want to genrush and t-bag out the exit gates with your 16 second chance perks while in a 4-man SWF on voice comms.
Sorry, cupcake; me spitting facts to the lies does not make me 'triggered' so you can pat yourself on the back. Keep reaching. 😘
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I see you didnt even read or take in anything I said. I expect because youre still angry over getting stomped by a swf. I would love to watch you stream sometime, I bet that would be a blast.
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'Giving undeserved kills' is just more Survivor bullshit, so sorry if I skimmed over yet another lie.
Keep being bad and losing to NoED; we all know that's why to scream the kills are 'undeserved'; because it kills YOU.
No one intelligent thinks NoED 'gives undeserved kills' because they know how the game works, buttercup. A kill is a kill. You are not safe until you step off the map. Anything else is Survivor-main tears.
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I don't even main survivor, I just don't run NOED on killer because I'd quite frankly not be carried in end game because I sucked during the rest of it. I;ve always maintained that NOED is the perk exclusively of bad killers. Stream a couple of matches for us and prove me wrong, I'm man enough to admit to my mistakes if I am.
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- Your view on what NoED does does not mean that's how it works. You can decide 'It helps bad Killers' but to claim Killers are bad for using it is to push your views on others and continue this bullshit fake-rule of '5 gens means Killer lost' that Survivor mains peddle. Stop it.
- Like I'm giving this salt mine access to my twitch account just to prove something petty to you.
- I'm actually a crap Killer. I only use NoED for the salt, mostly because it never makes it to end-game and I'm down a perk the entire match before Survivors give me death threats for HAVING it, even though it never proc'd. I get MORE death threats if I get even 1 kill with it. Because people follow your stupid 'Rewards bad Killers' mindset and expect everyone to obey their made up bullshit rules.
You can THINK it 'gives unearned kills' as you want, but when you start stating it like fact; you are wrong. Your opinion on NoED is in no way fact. And stating it as a fact just feeds into the bullshit Survivors screech on a daily basis because they hate dying to it.
NoED is fine. Your opinion is not fact. Stop stating it like it is and people won't have to keep slapping this idiocy of 'Rewards bad play!' down on an hourly basis.
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I’m loving this lmao
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no. noed is a fine perk, while coh is busted and unfair