Punishing criticism

The recent action taken against Dowsey reflects poorly on BHVR as a company, I agree with him that this seems like they’ve taken a stance against criticism.
I firmly believe that the devs need to be treated with a degree of respect and that many people dehumanize them due to their frustration with the game, but there’s a very large difference between that and making a joke. Patrick said something that was a little tone deaf and the community responded to it, removing cosmetics for legitimate criticism is a step too far and reflects very poorly on the company as a whole. This is a terrible PR decision that will absolutely make people question their support of this game and the team behind it.
It's a message to streamers: Don't criticize our game or you'll be punished.
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Sadly it seems so, pretty shady stance to take in my opinion but there’s been a tone of “don’t question us” for at least a year now
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Completely agree, censorship of opinion
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Was a big part of me making this post. Up until I saw that email I thought it must’ve been a bug
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I genuinely thought it was a bug as well, i literally thought 'Surely they are not that pathetic '...i was wrong. Typical BHVR
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I’m pretty disappointed in them too but I’d like to keep this as dev-neutral as possible, last thing we need is to antagonize them and get posts like these removed/banned
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We do not discuss the issues with content creators on this platform, it leads to drama as you have those that side with the creator and those who don't. So please keep these discussions off the forum.
With regards to criticism, constructive criticism here is very welcome - unconstructive, insulting comments are not - neither is the targeting of one individual.