About the boil over abuse, especially on RPD

So I had finally my first squad trying that on me as Oni and it wasnt that bad as ppl say.
They did the classic sluff, bless the totem at the library and keep running up there when I chased them.
so tell me what the problem now is? You just slug them at the library up there and keep snuffing that totem, you camp their slugged bodys and blodyblock the stairs and they bleed out 100% or they jump down and then you keep slugging them (dont even need blood fury for that).
Yes the game takes a while and its boring, but its the same for the survivors, just as you are bored you keep slugging them and they can count the books at the bookshelfs while they wait for the bleed out.
I almost got even a 4k cuz they tried to pick everyone up but I even ######### up and they got a 2 man escape which is totally fine imo.
Idk why ppl act like its the end of the world, just grow up and play around it lol, its always the same, ppl are too lazy to adapt and instead just cry everywhere.
*edit: I get every game atleast 1 boil over on average and I NEVER had the situation where they wiggled of because of that perk, it was mainly because of ppl taking a hit on the hook which can obviously happen without the perk aswell.
*Edit Edit: Seems like ppl dont really get my point, I am not saying that boil over is fine and doesnt need any change, I want to point out that its not as busted or bad as ppl claim it to be.
You answered your own question "What the problem is now?" when you said "It's boring." That's the issue. And no, I don't think it's boring for the survivors because they intentionally went in to do it. They enjoy it. People don't generally go out of their way to bore themselves.
The answer is simply that it's unfun and boring to go against. It turns the match into a total slog that takes forever, can be abused very easily, and it still has almost no practical application EXCEPT to troll people. That seems like a really bad game design, to me. And this game has nerfed plenty of things before due to them being unfun and boring to face. Also a lot of people work jobs, so their time isn't worthless to them.
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You get it wrong, I am not trying to defend this perk and say that it should not be nerfed. I am totally with you there, however I have seen ppl saying it makes a swf unkillable which isnt true at all, thats what I was trying to explain here. And yes it is unfun however, the squad messaged me and insulted me, they sayed Im a skill less ######### oni, I took this as they didnt really had fun beeing on the ground for almost 5min.
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It was fun as ######### when I did it yeah.
The only thing stopping me from doing it again is that I sympathize with the Killer.
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If they get the totem spawn on the first floor under the desk then you can't really snuff it is the main huge issue that I see.
Just exboonential on that totem and they die up there with soul guard if you do slug to waste more of your time.
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People just like being dramatic. The same people who will say a wiggle perk is abuseable (even though it's useless on most maps) will then go and defend Dead Man Switch, pain resonance, as a legit strat even though it's twice as busted as boil over will ever be. 🙄
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Totem can spawn elsewhere but still reach library, as noted.
Which will then allow for much, much more protracted games.
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People need to grow up because they have a different opinion than you. Yeah... Um... You really don't see the issue with that argument, do you?
I digress, I more or less agree. If the solution is not 2 hooking everyone before going for kills, people go ballistic. There is nothing wrong with camping, tunneling, or slugging. But they are scared to be criticized at the end or something. So strange.
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I also had 2 swfs do this to me today. I mean u can win by just slugging them as was already said but that really isnt the point. I think if u get into a position in this game where just by the perks the survivors run u are literary either forced to give up on the hook or just leave them slugged there is something wrong tbh.. It also totally denies the purpose of the game in my opinion to chase someone around the map and finally down them and then get nothing in return. Feels really unrewarding and if ppl do it on pupose its just unfun as hell. I hope the devs rework it somehow either by nerfing it so u can make it to a hook or by looking at the hook placements and making sure u can at least reach one or two hooks from everywhere on the map no matter what survivors run and the survivors have to take action by blocking or saboing for u not to reach a hook.
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Standing there and watch how someone bleeds out over 4 minutes sounds like peak quality entertainment. /S
But if you don´t see an issue with that, i´ll keep using that perk.
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Honestly I can't believe this actually went live, with the already horrendous survivor queues they are only going to get worse now killers have even more frustrating ######### to deal with
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Not saying its okey but its not like survivors are invincible because of that, you can still do something against that.
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I still play out the match as killer and survivor when my teammates/opponents do this "strat" but it just makes the game overly boring. The killers forced to camp their slugs until they die and if im the one rando i get to be the lucky one whos actually playing normally and probably get killed off first because im the easiest to kill normally there. As killer i play to have fun with chases around loops. Not constantly downing people till they die on floor. I try to avoid slugging as much as possible.
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Id have to light disagree here as survivors camping on top of library and just going back up there over and over again till they die isn't really what id consider progress. No gens are being done or anything else. Just abusing a perk to make the killer slug you to death. Dms pain resonance actually encourages hooks and progressing the game by downing and hooking people on scourge hooks. I won't disagree that dms pr is probably stronger then boil over. But remember old OoO? It wasn't a strong perk besides when? When ya had a 4 man swf with it and new boil over is the same way. So while id say dms pr is stronger its definitely less toxic then boil over rpd. It's so much a problem i find myself running sacrifical ward as survivor so i am not the 1 survivor not abusing the perk to die first. Which then gets a prompt dc at loading screen because they got outplayed by a offering.
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As a barely functioning but still technically functioning adult, I don't have any desire to waste the handful of matches I play a day playing "Babysit the downed jerk".
I'm here to play the game and you're wasting my time with your BS.
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Don’t get mad at the survivors, they didn’t design the perk.
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If you're running Boiled Over, I'm not mad at you for doing that. I might be irked and annoyed but they're running a perk, that's not illegal.
If you're running Boiled Over with the planned strategy to run to areas where I literally am unable to hook you, F that noise, I'm going to be mad at that survivor for wasting my time. They're not going to care but they don't get a pass for abusing a perk like an ######### just because they didn't design the perk.
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It's terrible for both killers and solo queue survivors. The first group I ran into was a 3 person SWF with No Mither, Boil Over and a RPD offering. I thought they would try to save the one random but they left the random to one hook. As I play solo queue as well I know how incredibly unfun that is. I just ended up slugging them and letting them bleed out slowly.
Another survivor with it and the Ormond offering got their group 4K'ed as well since they would run to the second floor and I'd just slug them and leave immediately to kill the survivors doing gens. Absolutely no value to their time.
I did run into a person using it normally without the height drop aspect and they got out of one hook which was some normal value to the perk but the other times I ran across it it was a waste of the killer's time and a waste of their non SWF teammates time.
It should be disabled until the abusable portion of the maps are fixed.
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I love when this happens because then I just get to listen to music while they bleed out.
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If they're just playing normally with Boil Over, sure. If they're using map offerings and deliberately running into unhookable corners, they know damn well what they're doing.
That's like saying don't get mad at the insidious/agi/ig/noed basement Bubba because they didn't design the killer. It's still someone playing a deliberately ######### game where nobody gets to have fun.
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If you see someone doing this, just slug the entire team.
Keep in mind that devs do keep track of slugging statistics, and survivors will start complaining on top of that. If they see that slugging has gone way up and survivors aren't having fun, they'll make short work of the perk.
Haven't gone up against it myself yet, so no opinion.
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Boil over is waaaaay more busted don’t lie to yourself
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