Dear Behaviour,please add 1 extra jigsaw box on the map when facing Pig

So stuff like this wont happen,with 1 extra jigsaw box on the map,you wont have to worry about Pigs that use video tape addon and just afk camp in front of the last one.
WIth this assuming,if you dont remove the trap in first 3 tries,the 4th is a guarantee.
This pig got 3 kills just for afk camping in front of the last jigsaw box all game then just hooked the last survivor,I guess its self explanatory why this shouldn't be in the game.
never seen it
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Alternatively, reduce the boxes to 3. That should do the trick.
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Video tape addon: All Survivors start the Trial with Reverse Bear Traps installed.
You can camp the last jigsaw box,and if you are unlucky and not removing the trap from the first 3 tries,you die.
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By extra box, do you mean there should be an additional box that removes the trap? Otherwise all an extra box does is make it less likely for the Killer to camp the "correct" box.
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I would just let 1 jigsaw box spawn 😈😈😈
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As a pig main, all i'm asking is for five jigsaw boxes to spawn and make all survivors do four of them (no more no less): no more box camping, and no more first try... everyone would be happy.
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Only after they added stable hooks in the spots abused by BO.
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I'd support trying to find a way to make it so Pig can't camp the last box, but I also want some assurance that Survivors can't get the trap off in one search.
I've been thinking about making it so in addition to first box search being auto-fail, they add a fifth box and make the trap guaranteed removed after four searches. That way, the odds of removing the trap are 0% in one box search while still being 25% in two searches ( 5/5 chance of failure * 1/4 chance of success = 1/4 odds of removal), 25% in three searches (5/5 fail * 3/4 fail * 1/3 success = 1/4 odds of removal), and 100% in four searches (since the trap will auto-remove after four searches) while also making it so the Pig will have to find a way to defend TWO boxes after the Survivor fails on the third search.
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With this,I mean if you dont remove the box in the first 3 tries,the 4th one is a guarantee.
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Or, if the Pig is afk in front of a jigsaw trap: Use the other boxes. It's basically never going to be ONE box for every Survivor, and the Pig has no way of knowing that one box is ANY Survivor. 🤷
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The problem is that it doesn't have to be one box for every Survivor. It just needs to be one box for one Survivor. If the Killer is feeling grief-y, then anyone whose Trap key is in that box has no chance.
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Pig is literally a grief killer because of that 1 addon.
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1 or 2 doesn't really matter, you will die when you die.
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I see more and more killers do this now,this is definetly something that needs to be adressed.
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It's ridiculous the number of survivors who remove the RBT first try.
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a simple, but immersion breaking fix, would be after 3 box, if you didn't get the trap off you can search the first box you searched again.