Playing without BT is Hell

On the last Q&A, people were thinking that there was a hint about BT becoming a base kit mechanic in the future. I just wanted to say that the more i play solo q survivor the less i can play without BT anymore. I need that one perk in all of my builds, and not running it always end up killing my team. So, if BT would eventually become base kit, i would gladly welcome that new change. The current solo q survivor experience is hell, and this is mostly because killers hard camp/ tunnel... what wouldn't be an issue if all survivors on the team decided to play seriously, and bring the right perks to deal with it (but thats not always the case).
If you team dies because of no BT then try not to pick hooked ones in front of killer or running in strait line to help him so that killer sees your intention or dont loop freaking killer nearby hooked one.
Im 99% survivor main and most of survivors who cries about tunnelling are such guys as above. If you were a killer, wouldnt you not let him being unhooked to have an upper hamd, especially if it happens in front of your eyes?
I never use BT yet I win a lot as solo survivor
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That doesn't work when the killer camp and tunnel on purpose.
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To be honest there is not a lot of them.
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We're definitely not playing the same game.
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Be proud that you are on extremely high MMR I suppose.
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Nah, just the most of them.
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We don’t know if borrowed time will become basekit, if they do maybe they will rework it someway.
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Luckily it's becoming base kit, so you won't have to worry about it for long.
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I play survivor 50% of the time and there is definitely a lot of killers that stay within 8 meters of the hook and never leave that area. There's no way to rescue someone without getting hit, grabbed or them downing the unhooked survivor.
I think BT and DS should both be base kit at this point.
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I'd say survivors should get permanent immortality instead, because getting hit and be injured is frustrating.
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Nah, DS is the superior perk. BT only protects your teammates when you make a ######### save. DS protects you when someone else makes a ######### save on you.
Don't make unsafe unhooks and you won't need BT. If the killer is chasing you near a hook, continue to take agro away from the hook, not run in for the save anyway relying on BT
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I would say DS is for tunneling and BT is for "camping within 8 meters". BT is known to be poorly used and executed. For example, someone leading the killer right back to the hooked person.
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Exactly, BT gives players bad habits. IMO. They get so used to farming, that without BT, it exposes a flaw in their game.
Then, they blame it on killers.
Post edited by Clevite on0 -
Better blame devs, probably.
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A badly executed BT is great for the killer. However, when you have a killer camping-8-meters of a hooked survivor, the only counter a survivor has is BT. If you didn't happen to bring that perk, then you can't do anything. It's just poor game design.
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Like i already said: doesn't work when killers defend hook on purpose. Its not up to me for the killer to not defend his hooks.
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Then, it's genny time