A problem with the Video Tape

The game starts. Everyone has RBTs on their heads. The killer is running a Video Tape. Nobody sees auras of Jigsaw Boxes. The killer is running Rules Set No. 2. The map is Midwich, an offering was used. Would be wise to fnd the box and get rid of the traps. That's what we did... Until we realized one box is bodyblocked by an AFK Pig. Two of us managed to find a key to their traps, while the other two wasn't able to do anything, just do generators and eventually die as the RBT timer expired.
The pig didn't do anything throughout the game. Crouched in the beginning blocking one box and enjoyed her two undeserved "kills" afterwards. I believe that the Video Tape addon's purpose was to have an easier start as The Pig, much easier start, but it is an iridescent addon after all. I guess it was just a matter of time until players notice it's so abusable an addon that is simply a threat to game's health. I've only encountered such killer once, thankfully, but everyone can run these addons and make another match for survivors a really unenjoyable and frustraiting one.
It does not look like a tactic or a strat to me, it's simply an exploit. Yes, this time it was two kills, but it could've been one, three, four or no kills, that's true. It was all RNG, still leaving a chance for at least one survivor not being able to get rid of their trap and be killed. It goes without saying that these kills were undeserved, not requiring the killer to do anything at all, not requiring skill or even clicking a mouse button. Is it fair?
Giving you guys a video and a screenshot. I hope that the problem gets acknowledged and eventually solved somehow.
Funny to me that they decided to nerf her that patch but also gave her the most trolly killer add on around. It's been a thing since the add on was put into game and it's way worse than Bubba face camp because you actually cannot do anything. You are beholden to luck and luck alone. There is zero the survivor can do to stop it. Bubba face camp, technically, could be stopped, and you had to go down first to even get to that point. You can do nothing about your key being assigned to a body blocked box, except die, and you didn't need to do more than load into the match to get your trap. It's not really an exploit though because it's not doing anything not intended by the add on. In the same way boil over abuse isn't an "exploit" it's just god awful design that shouldn't have made it in. The add on should be changed to not allow such a thing because it is genuinely one of the only "killer strats" I would genuinely call unfair and unfun. But as is, it's not an exploit or against any rule to do. It needs to be changed, but who knows when that happens. Thankfully, it's not an epidemic. I've never actually faced one though I know of them.
Still kinda funny the first time I saw it, though.
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thats hilarious lmao
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its unfortunate then. its like 25% chance only. mostly when Pig is using video tape its like first or second chest and trap is gone.
The mechanic of this killer is abusable and I dont think there is any solution than just recording abusers and sending a ticket to a support.
Pig is a cool killer but very abusable with certain perks
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It should be kept as is because it's so ######### funny for either side.
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Respectfully disagree. There is nothing funny about being on the receiving end of such a tactic.
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Dying for absolutely no reason is actually funny in party game like this, this is not a sweaty pvp game where you play for win!
Hatch is good thing in this game for same reason, getting a escape for absolutely no reason is funny!
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Just because you find it funny does not mean that is the general consensus. That'd be like saying it would be funny if there was a 1% chance that a Survivor dies every time a gen is finished.
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This game if full of stuff like that. I think it adds charm tbh.
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Just because you felt it unfair doesn't mean that is the general consensus either, and yes I think it's funny to add 1% chance of dying.
You could add 1% chance of escape too, to balance it.
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Fair, but I am fairly confident that far more people are wholly against randomly dying with no input than in favor of it. You are welcome to your opinion, but do not expect it to be remotely popular.
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As a pig main, I find this hilarious. I have stood in front of a Dwight's box woth Amanda's letter when there were only 2 boxes. It just sucked that the box he needed was the one I was in front of. His teammates tried to get me to chase and even flashlight me. Sadly, Dwight's head popped
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It's popular because everyone loves hatch.
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Currently, the boxes work like a shell game, not like a probability generator. Only one Box will get the Trap off; the other ones will not no matter how many times you can theoretically search them. The closest you can do is make it so if the Pig lingers around "the correct" box for too long, the "correct" box switches places with a different box, but that I think has its own set of issues with potentially revealing the correct box too soon if the Pig by coincidence is lingering around the correct box without realizing it.