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What if Boil Over made the killer drop the survivor?

Like actually drop the survivor, not having them wiggle off. Almost as if you dropped them on purpose.

This would shift the usage of the perk, it wouldn't make it easier for you get free from the killers grasp, but it would instead make it so that your teammates have another chance to get off a flashlight save.

Add a 60 second cooldown just so that you don't drop the survivor multiple times on you way to the hook.


  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Theres no reason to change a perk that is perfectly fine how it is ESPECIALLY after being a perk for so long that hardly anyone ever used because it was essentially useless. I never used Kate's perk. Boil ever felt more like a waste than a benefit but now with the right use of it can actually give you a good enough reason to use it. The perk is fine but I imagine they're going to nerf it because a few killer mains went on here and whined about it. God forbid survivors get anything decent that prevents the killer from feeling like the supreme power in every match.

  • Idontknowtbh
    Idontknowtbh Member Posts: 467

    I don't get the point of using a perk to make the killer leave you on the floor.

    You might as well just ask to remove it if you don't like it.

    It's eventually going to die down, like the rest of the perks they buff. Give it a few days and everyone will go back to their normal build

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,352

    Functionally, this is the same thing as what the perk is already doing since dropping a survivor grants them wiggle progress.

    Ultimately changing the state to being carried to dying doesn't really matter unless the killer leaves you on the ground and you have other perks to help you get up. Boil Over just needs a number nerf, because 25% is a huge chunk to gain when basically any drop counts.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261
    edited January 2022

    Dropping a survivor = +25% wiggle.

    It's literally boil over effect with more time waste and more risk for a flashlight or a pallet save.

    Or I'm missing something ?

  • Decagn
    Decagn Member Posts: 18

    That's a great suggestion actually, rather than having a place in the map that the killer can never hook the survivor from, it would mean that the killer is punished for dropping a survivor in certain scenarios!

    Also I just wanted to point out, I've discovered that you can just run "No Mither, Soul Guard and Boil Over" and the killer can't do anything to hook you if you loop them in the same area, it's horrible :/

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    First of all the killer should feel powerful every match the games idea was to try to survive against an overwhelming threat. And second no one whined about the perk being good but creating a scenario where it is impossible to hook the survivor that's the stuff many people have a problem with just like many survs have a problem with how strong dms is only on artist and thats understandable

  • Reshy
    Reshy Member Posts: 402

    Just make it grant additional wiggle progression for protection hits, either as a selfish benefit or altruistic as in if you get hit someone else gets the wiggle progress.