The Thing

Beolthar Member Posts: 27
edited January 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I've been thinking recently about other horror titles that could have their characters in this game. Would anyone else be interested in John Carpenter's "The Thing" being added to the game? The Thing itself would be the killer and the survivor could be MacReady. I don't know if the development team has mentioned any other big title additions or roadmaps yet, but I think it could fit in really well. Maybe have the Thing's power be something like it can shapeshift into the survivor it last injured? And the map could be the Antarctic Research Facility. I think it would be really cool and that it could be implemented well. What are your guys' thoughts?

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I'd love to see The Thing as a killer if they can figure out a good way to do it. And yeah, the suggestion has come up on the boards before, it's a popular IP. 🙂

    Some random thoughts on The Thing

    • The main ability would obviously be mimicking survivors to blend in before attacking. One thing that comes up sometimes in talking about a killer looking like a survivor is some people think that it would be very weak against a swf since they would immediately know when someone is a killer. But keep in mind that when a killer looks like a survivor it also implies that they're Undetectable with no red stain and no terror radius, which by itself is a solid ability! So one way to look at The Thing would be that mechanically it would probably be sort of similar to Ghost Face - a killer who can easily be Undetectable for extend periods of time but who loses Undetectability once they attack (in the The Thing's case, attacking would probably turn them into an alien monster for example.) What would make The Thing different from Ghost Face in terms of how they play would presumably be the details of exactly how they become Undetectable and what their secondary ability is. For Ghost Face, that's the ability to mark targets with the Exposed condition. So The Thing would need something other than that, I'm not sure specifically what though.
    • Since a lot of The Thing's modus operandi is sabotaging equipment when nobody is around, one possible secondary ability for The Thing could be that while they're mimicking a survivor they get bonuses to out of chase actions. So when they damage the generator in survivor form, for instance, they have an inherent loss of progression on it kind of like a Pop Goes the Weasel effect in addition to simply putting the gen into regression. They could even have a limited use ability to pull down a pallet or two a match - imagine being a killer that could, if a survivor isn't watching, a couple of times a match preemptively drop and destroy a God Pallet!
    • The map would definitely be the Antartic Research Facility. For sure! 😄
    • Survivors could be MacReady (Kurt Russell's character in the movie) and Dr. Blair (Wilfred Brimley's character). I could see perks for MacReady themed around Macgeyvering things up, maybe, and the Doc's perks around healing or research or info gathering on the killer.
  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Id love an antartic map we do need a doppleganger type killer

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    The problem with a doppleganger killer is the main problem in general with this game; against solos or even 2 person squads it's fine but once you get 3 or 4 person squads, gonna be real easy for everyone to go "Hey, you see that Dwight over there with the giant tentacle sticking out of his arse? That's the killer, not me so don't let him Thing you to death".

  • ArchAbhor
    ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847

    The Thing is my favorite horror movie, that being said i seriously doubt itll be a concept that works in any kind of satisfying way in dbd. The powers and abilities of the alien are way to powerful to me smack down then hook. If they were to implement it, it would require a completely new way to face a killer since contact with the thing is deadly. I'm not saying it couldnt work but i have zero faith they would be willing to put the effort in to do this properly. I hope they prove me wrong because The Thing is a terrifying concept and would love to see it in the game

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Would love the thing

    A scout/aoe trap power would work well. Something like the head skitter that can break off and can be controlled (similar to Victor) but then placed as a hidden trap. A built-in mori to absorb and mutate could also be interesting.

  • Beolthar
    Beolthar Member Posts: 27

    Sure, but a general problem with the game is applicable to all killers. It will affect some more than others. Plus, that situation would be mostly due to teams that are using comms, which breaks/shifts the game's balance no matter what killer is being played.

  • Beolthar
    Beolthar Member Posts: 27

    Those are some really cool ideas! I wasn't sure if it had been on the board before. I'm still new to the game since I started playing it about 3 weeks ago or so.

  • NemeanXIII
    NemeanXIII Member Posts: 286

    I have an idea👍