Nintendo Switch - No Network Connection / Constant disconnect.

hexxed Member Posts: 1
edited August 20 in Bug Reporting

I'm losing my ######### over this damn issue that's only seemingly happening to me. I play Dead By Daylight on my Nintendo Switch and I've been noticing more and more over the past week that whilst in the middle of a match, I'm suddenly disconnected and brought back to the main page with the game telling me that there's no network connection when there's no actual network issues i'm having. I didn't care at first but it's gotten so bad that it happens more than a handful of times whilst playing and i've gotten to a 1 hour penalty when i've done nothing wrong. I've already filed a report to Dead By Daylight themselves about disconnection penalties but OBVIOUSLY they can't do nothing about it.

It makes me not want to play this game that i've put nearly 300 hours into and spent an ungodly amount of money on as well.

Truly if there can be a way to fix this, it needs to be done quickly because there's no way I should be getting penalized for the game's own damn bug.

Post edited by JocelynAwakens on
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  • N13hol8s
    N13hol8s Member Posts: 11

    its been happening to me last few days. i play a game then kicks me out twice from the lobby then its ok for 1 match. repeat and cycle. i am switch user

  • Thunder269
    Thunder269 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Same thing is happening to me now though it’s very consistent, every game I start at some point it will send me to the game menu saying I have no internet connection, did you ever get a fix?

  • JocelynAwakens
    JocelynAwakens Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Posts: 1,595

    Please create a new thread. This thread is from 2021 and we need a new post to more accurately track everything. Thank you!

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