Whats your feelings on killer state vs survivor state?

Need both sides. And no fighting plz :) keep it sane but plz express your feelings on the state of gameplay so the devs know what to fix and what not to fix.
I feel like the state of killer boils down to being a victim of Power-Creep.
M1 killers without major anti loop have been power crept out the game for a while now which is sad given the game's mascot the trapper is in this category.
Hit and run got Power-crept out of the game by CoH(Circle of Healing).
Specific killers such as the Twins can do effectively nothing against Boons along with having 2 boons(CoH and Exponential) hard countering them making them one of the most severe victims of Power-Creep.
Also the less said about the killer nerfs the better.
For survivor its entering into a new golden age of Killer bulling.
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Game is better than old versions for sure but still need job.
For example, M1 killers are so weak at current meta. Anti-loop and top tier killers are okey.
Solo-q has pain for years.
Some maps are issue (Midwich, The Game, Haddonfield etc.)
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Yeah the old version was less appealing to the eye. I hate watching old dbd videos. Lmao
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I never played old DbD but yeah, i saw on Youtube. It was real pain for killers.
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Killer is miserable and nobody plays it.
Survivor is less miserable so more people play it.
Neither are good.
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Survivors can significantly dictate the flow of a match
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I feel that overall the game is currently survivor sided. At the top level, its SWF sided. in the middle, its kinda even, since it only takes 1 good survivor to really turn the tide of a game sometimes. At the lowest level, killers absolutely dominate though.
The biggest problem I have with balancing the game, and especially with the "feedback" that often gets given, is that too little of it actually takes things into account, and instead relies on knee jerk reactions. "Killer camped/tunnelled? Killer OP." "Survivor chained 2 loops and I refused to break the pallet? Survivor OP" People would rather get directly angry about a play not going their way, rather than try to learn from it.
And I get it. At all skill levels, and on both sides, there will be situations you can do absolutely nothing about. Be it from bad RNG, bad teammates, incredibly strong situational advantages, it can be extremely frustrating to be put in situations you simply can't win. Unfortunately the only time those situations are important to game balance is when they are constructively addressed, and not many people offer reasonable answers.
Here's an example: Scourge hooks. There are 4 of them regardless of how many scourge perks you have, which is consistent enough and kinda makes sense (since the hook can proc multiple perks, there's no reason to increase the amount.) Unfortunately, there is no system in place for determining scourge hook distribution, so they can spawn in such a way that makes them entirely useless for most (if not all) of a match.
This dilemma itself technically isn't new, since killers had the same problem with hex spawns, but it raises an interesting balance discussion: How can scourge hooks be made more consistent, without removing their limitation of requiring specific hooks? Do you make it so they have to be a certain distance from each other? maybe require at least 1 normal hook in between? Have them focus on corners of the map? Increase the number to 6? Maybe a combination of some of the potential fixes?
The hamfisted argument would be to make them all scourge hooks. While this would certainly make the perks using them more consistent, its not what is necessary to fix the issue: It essentially pushes the needle too far in the opposite direction, and defeats the point of scourge hooks in the first place. While one could argue that the system of Scourge Hooks is too limiting vs a perk's strength in general, that becomes a different topic altogether.
That same type of feedback issue gets applied to many things in the game, and a lot of times it does more harm than good. Unfortunately this tends to be fostered by how ignored many constructive feedback posts can feel, especially when they get banished to the graveyard containment board for them. Topics with constant complaining about X or Y will get dozens of pages of responses with maybe a handful of well thought out posts, but the sea of responses will be
while the suggestions given are extremes that suit people's personal tastes rather than actual balance.So I guess TL;DR is high skill favors survivor, low skill favors killer, everything in between is a mixed bag, 99% of complaints are non-constructive.
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As long as survivors play save and dont give away too much openings for the Killer then they will control the entire flow of the match, the Killer can very rarely create pressure on him own, he always has to wait and hope for the survivors to do a mistake and THEN he can make use out of that mistake and start building pressure.
If you are not able to build that pressure or in other words of the survivors didnt gave the Killer an opening to create pressure the gens will steam roll and pop one by one and there is little to nothing the killer can do about it. The only chance is then to get somehow kills in the endgame and imo the endgame is not really that fun in dbd since the survivors just need to run out of the gate once they are save. The section of the gen (early and midgame) is the most fun part of dbd imo, having gens you want to finish or the killer may come back to protect the gen or area and having a back and forth with a fight about a specific area or gen is really fun and easily the best part of dbd.
You can argue that the endgame can be a nice concept or not, I would say it is not, the Killer should definatly be able to create his own pressure by his own and therefore keep the game longer in the early game.
Survivors have a similar issue but still different. Once too many mistakes have been made and there is a huge snowball going on, it is mostly very hard to recover out of it and reset, you will most likely be stuck in that loop of snowballing and will eventually die OR the killer does a big enough mistake.
Same thing, it does feel like you have very little control over that and that can be very frustrating.
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It is really hard because I feel like this is a casual game where most people are not playing to win. So arguing about balance is so silly when the vast majority of players hard throw their games and do not even understand the meta. It is fine for some goofy fun for both sides.
Competitively? Oh lawd have mercy aint nobody got time for the novel about how survivor sided the game is and most of them aren't really at a level to vaguely understand why that is to begin with making the entire discussion so utterly pointless. They genuinely believe the game is killer sided because Otz tunneled and camped some casuals at semi high mmr.
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Killer state... 'Alone' by Fabvl (YT)
Survivor state.... AMV dancin (YT)
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A personal perspective only
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It seems like what perks are being used... which does seem stale
Also what map is played... Which can be offered by a Killer or a Survivor
At base it's not good at all... Base Gen Regression Vs. base Gen Progression... Looping Vs. Bloodlust... Pallets (either too many or to little)
Base Killer Powers on some Killers are (Bad Word) up... Well Survivors don't have base Exhaustion actions which is a moot point
And there are no Base Gen Blocking Actions so all gens are free to be repaired at the start (but that's not going to change)
and even then it does seem balanced... Maybe
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Both side has some extremity and game is practically broken beside them.
Facecamp bubba can secure up to 3 kill no matter what, and then there is a killer like pig who can kill 4k max for just afking depends on luck, nurse and blight is certainly strong enough to actually deal with decent survs thanks to mobility.
Survivors in general is too strong too, gen is fast, walkspeed is fast enough to just shift+w most killers, there is no real counter for palettes as usual M1 killer, and they even have a voice comm which has a value of two digit amount of perks.
And then, non-good killers and "usual" survivors suffering all the time due to those.
Oh and distribution of killers/survivors are definitely a problem, usually survivors I play against is potato even though I'm killing them most of time, and then I get a SWF with sweaty loadout who even DCs and give teammate a hatch, I don't think SBMM is working at all thanks to lack of killers.
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Both are currently bad.
The whole game is in a bad, pathetic state.
It is borderline impossible to think that this...thing, is what became of that masterpiece of a game I fell in love with back in 2018.
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Generally speaking I think most of my matches are in the 1-3 kill range? Which indicates the game is working as intended for me as a killer main. The 3ks are basically 4 kills but the last person found hatch before I did, and the 1-2 kills are the rest of the games. No kills isn’t that common because usually I’ll get enough hooks to at least have a decent chance of downing the same person three times, but if the survivors are all solid runners and I’m a little unlucky it happens. 🤷♂️
I think there are some killers who incorrectly think the gens should only be finished in half the games but don’t realize that would mean 3-4 kills would be the majority result versus 1-3 kills. So they get frustrated when they play well but the gens are still finished. Once you understand that the devs intentionally have things set up so that someone escaping out the doors happens most of the time if the survivors play as well as you do then you can go into a game knowing the doors opening isn’t a “loss” or a sign the game is “easy survivor mode” or whatever. If most of your matches are in that 1-3 kill range then that’s where it’s supposed to be.
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Are you sure old DbD was better.
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It wasn'perfect, obviously, and one or two things still needed adjustments.
But still a thousand times better than the ugly mess we currently have.
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Killers are in an ok spot. Definitely not all doom and gloom. The top end of the roster is totally fine. I'd imagine there is a pretty sharp decline in kill rate at higher MMR tiers for the more basic M1 killers. I'd say the S and A tier killers are in a spot where you'll win the vast majority of your games if you have a good grasp of their mechanics and have some game sense.
Solo survivor is in an awful spot. I don't understand the point of SBMM if it's designed to throw out the skill-based aspect at the slightest inconvenience. Too often I'm being matched with absolute baby teammates or a 200 hr killer. It's arguably worse than ranked matchmaking for solo survivor at the moment.
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In my opinion many complains today can be boiled down to "I cry because I refuse to adapt". Survivors cry about "anti-loop" Killers and refuse to try different approaches of counterplay. They try the same stuff against Artists that they try against a Ghostface and then complain when they go down. Killers cry about boons being unfair while mostly only complaining about 1 specific boon and refusing to adapt to that as well or they complain about things like Dead Hard and Deceisive Strike while refusing to play around those perks...
Overall the stats are pretty good. Killers overall are not in a bad spot and BHVR is slowly addressing the "bad" Killers to make them feel better. However they are bad at communication and make some questionable decisions by nerfing things like Twins and Clown.
Survivors suffer from camping and tunneling without a way around some of that. SoloQ is especially in a rough spot because the lack of communication makes them suffer even more from certain perks (Hex: Ruin) or certain Killers. However at the same time those Killers (Myers, Cenobite and Ghostface as example) are no problem for people with a little bit of coordination (and I am not talking about sweaty 4-person SWFs, Ghostface can get hell from three people just calling out his position).
Both sides suffer from a stale meta. Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, Hex: Ruin, Corrupt Intervention...you see the same perks over and over again without much difference in the builds. This gets boring for both sides and leads to complains. Sure, Dead Hard can be frustrating, but I despise that perk more because I rarely see any other Exhaustion perk.
So overall...
People cry about changes all the time, few complains are valid here. SoloQ survivors are at a bad spot and need some love, as do Killers without mobility. SWF survivors (3 people or 4) are a bit too strong, 2-2 lobbies are mostly fine but a bit on the weaker side. Killers like Blight, Nurse, Spirit and Pyramide Head are in a good spot thou. All of them suffer from a stale meta, survivors have a cookie cutter build and Killer rely too much on regression.
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Faster queue as killer and long queue as survivor for me. I'm glad solo queue are getting a notification on what everyone is doing. As killer it more slugging due to boil over.
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The fact that, within the past few months, I can nearly consistently get an insta-queue as killer, no matter what killer I'm playing, relatively any time of the day when this never happened before...
Whereas my 3 friends and I who queue as survivor have to wait sometimes 10-15 minutes to get matched with a killer during peak hours at night...
It just demonstrates that people just don't want to play killer anymore. They're sick of Boil Over, Boon perks, nerfing of powers like Hillbilly's chainsaw for no apparent reason, etc.
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So lately I've been comparing my killer and soloQ experiences (I don't play SWF)
SoloQ is frustrating and miserable many times. People every 3rd or 4th game give up on the hook or just dc for random reasons. So if you want to win, its a bad idea. Killer many time bring nasty addons/perks and dominate throughout the entire match. It takes 1 survivor who doesn't do gens in the early game to get destroyed. I am usually very chill and go for some specific tasks tho, like archives, or booning. So I am not playing super-efficiently, especially if I can afford it (killer is losing, or map is insanely strong). To be honest, as a survivor, even if I tryhard, it does not take a lot of effort. but
Killer.. oh gosh! Basically, the problem with killer is that your attention span and dedication have to be beyond TOP! It is extremely stressful to play. You have to monitor survivor positioning, survivor movement, survivor level, survivor perks, multiply this all by 4. Pallets and loops, tiles. Map, gen positions, totem positions, survivor items.... It is overwhelming, to say the least. And the thing about this is that even if you do everything right, you may still lose. And your opponents usually don't give a f about you. They don't understand that what seemed a chill match for them is sometimes a nightmare for killers. Losing on killer feels infinitely worse than on survivor, because it feels like I have to put that much time into killer.
Also an interesting note. When I know basic looping as survivor, I can pretty much feel completely safe most of the time, if I want to. I can bring DS + Dead Hard, even super strong medkits, or other exhaustion perks and do gens in extremely safe areas greeding most pallets. It's insane. Basically 80% of the games I load into as survivor, I'm happy about the map. Most maps are insanely strong. I can take high amount of second chance perks, positions, plays, ensuring that even if the killer comes after me, the chase is gonna take so long it's not worth coming for me in the first place. Some maps are even worse, because if I do 1 or 2 central gens in the early game there is no positional play for the killer. Storehouse, for example.
This being said, I'm not surprised killers are facecamping a lot, even when it's not a good (winning) play in that position. You know why? Because its 60-120 seconds of relatively chill gameplay. And if you are actually putting effort into the games and not just go chase to chase (in which case expecting to win is not worth it) the stress of the games piles up rapidly!
That's my general thought about killers. To be fair, there are some exceptions, but still.
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The game is easier for good swf teams i feel but worse for solo q generally speaking. While survivor meta perks added COH to the list but no changes to general playstyle, killer meta perks and playstyle have changed. For the worse i would say in general.
There are definitely less killers playing since boons. I play in the US and usually in the late evening. Survivor wait time was always a few minutes. But in the past several months my que time doubled. it's 5-10 minutes for a game. So i would say killer population has dropped. At least in US servers. Sadly this means most killers that remain are above average to top MMR. So we get sweaty killers most of the time. It makes solo q a nightmare and swf games harder(which is fine b/c swf is a ton stronger). Most games i see killers camping and tunneling. Which to my first point, is worse for solo q (b/c for some reason most solo q players don't run kindred. ######### run kindred you morons), but swf can handle it.
Survivor games in my experience can spiral pretty quick in solo q. what i mean is, if i die b/c of a teammate, my MMR lowers. if this happens several games in a row, my lower MMR continues to give me trash teammates. So yeah, at that low MMR i can loop a killer better and escape chases. However if i get hit by NOED at the end and 1 hooked then the cycle continues. I only start to crawl out of this cycle when i play swf.
When i play killer, even though i'm probably average to below average, i do end up facing high MMR survivors both solo and swf. This is b/c the game just says "team A has been waiting X minutes. Match them with whomever". idk how to best deal with this besides changing the MMR points.
This isn't to say i hate the MMR system. I think it's working. However BHVR needs to add more categories to the MMR. so kills/escapes plus chase time, hooks/unhooks, hits/heals, etc. These are already tracked in game. They just need to decide how to assign point values. Then we might actually have a more skill based MMR.
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I completely agree. They need to go back to what it was before
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A most respectable opinion :)
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Ngl boil over was not needed and should never be in the game for what I read.