would you like to an alternative gamemode in dbd?

maybe a different objective for survivors and/or a different method of sacrificing for killers. you could even go crazier and make a game mode with like 2 killers and 8 survivors or something
2 killers and 8 survivors would be insane and awesome, but the risk of 8 toxic players teaming up, thats real horror 😆.obviously im a killer. Yeah, maybe repairing a wire connecting the generators could be good, its location could light up only for survivors after last generator pops. But only if the game is under 5 mins.
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I've always wondered how the game would flip if point of views would change. Let the Killer have Third Person View and Survivors have First Person View. Switch it up a bit maybe even for a limited time mode
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hey, if you got bullied then at least you'd have a friend to help you! :D
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Like a super killer vs 8+ survivors?
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Hopefully😀, but knowing my luck id get a killer who only cares about points etc. Not fun. But seriously, that would be epic. 8 survivors and 2 killers, if that was a seperate mode to join a lobby, id do it
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Promblen]m with that would be say you have two insta down killers like bubba or hillybilly or huntress with the iri head that gonna be way to overpowerd i dont really think there should be another game mode, though it would be fun to see what gamemode they would add if they did decidecid to add one.
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Honestly, no, I don't. It's not like, a required or necessary thing, and I'd rather see the main mode spruced up and improved.
What I would like to see is a more robust custom games system, so those who want novelty can play with some mates and change a bunch of rules without it needing to be balanced as a proper public game mode.
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I would love to have one similar to the Yeti Hunter game mode in Overwatch.
In Yeti Hunter, you have 4 people who can freeze the yeti and stop him from getting these powerups located around the map. They also have traps they can set around the map if they charge it up by freezing enough. However, if the yeti manages to get all the power ups he's able to oneshot people for a period of time. The yeti has an overall health bar and the team has a limited number of lives/respawns. Which ever side depletes the lives/health bar first wins.
I think this could translate well into DBD as a more fun, more party-like gamemode. Maybe instead of freezing the killer, it could be a light burning situation that would also slowly deplete the killers health bar? Like you could blind the killer from any angle and not just their eyes? The only thing that would have to be worked out is that the yeti can jump out from being camped or continuously frozen. Maybe they can give killers a small blink out of flashlight range but with a cool down?
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doubt it BHVR only care about to release a new skin, a new content, and they marginalized the optimisation and bug, FPS on this game.