Screenshots of the Huntress Hitbox

No matter how wide the hitbox is, it is hidden by the wall, and if the verdict is correct, there is definitely a problem.
Do developers only play Huntress characters? To be honest, if you raise your hand and follow it, the hitbox is too wide.
So it cannot be avoided.
While Huntress is chasing survivors, you cannot use Pallet Looping on low structures.
Skill issue, honestly
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She has Wanted Pro as one of her perks.
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She has the better gaming chair.
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is this a grenade? You take damage even if you are away
Doesn't this honestly make sense?
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When will people understand it's not the hatchet hitboxes causing this hits, it's the server synchronization and delay (ping) to the player. And the screenshot probably looks worse because the bloodsplatter will always stay at the position where you got hit while your character is moving.
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sphere collider + high ping difference between killer and survivor
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That's a valid hit.
It's a new add on called homing hatchets
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Hits are largely validated on the killer side because otherwise every single hit would be removed by validation as the survivor will always appear further away from the killer on their own screen.
Huntresses hatchets have a decent size hitbox so you don't have to be pinpoint accurate, and they are a very fast projectile, so even a tiny amount of latency on either side means that the hits can look worse than they were.
They cannot change this for Huntress, as it would mean every hatchet would have to be thrown not at the survivor, but at a point that would be ahead of them and look like a whiff on the killer side in order to land a hit.
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Huntress just had a well balanced breakfast
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Beat me to it
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The hitbox can be an issue occasionally, but more often it's probably just latency. That happens.
The hitbox was already reduced once, and people hated it. It just made people stop playing Huntress.
And if there is something this game doesn't need, than it is less strong killers. At the highest mmr it seems that Blight and Nurse are the only two killers that get played often.
Perhaps they could reduce the hitbox slightly, and buff Huntress in different ways. Slightly faster Hatchet travel speed, and maybe even optional cross hairs for less experienced players. But just decreasing her hitbox would probably just make people stop playing her.
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Welcome to dedicated servers above 50ms ping
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Do you know what your ping was this match? I see 3 Korean names and 1 English name. Were you a 3 man SWF playing on an EU or US server? That would explain this hit.
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The other thing about the hitboxes is that they need to be spherical and janky, because survivors lean over etc. when they're injured but the hitbox doesn't change (so they don't start going through or colliding with bits of scenery they shouldn't). If the hitbox was ovoid like the hatchets look, then a square hit on an injured Survivor's head would miss, which isn't good. Consequently, hatchets have round hitboxes--so even if they're a bit behind a Survivor, they'll hit.
This is compounded by latency (i.e., the "I'm further ahead on my screen than on the Killer's" part), so that what looks like a clear miss on the Survivor screen is actually a hit on the Killer end.
Official dev explanation has pictures to illustrate all this, IIRC.
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If you didn't know, Baba Jaga skin gives a shadow buff to the huntress.
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How many more times do I have to post this explanation from Peanits of BHVR until people understand the hitboxes are perfectly fine?
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It is known that huntress is throwing a pick up truck at you not hatchets. Just go with it.. Same as Freddy this issue has been in the game since they got released and with the hit validation turned off again, you get hit through pallets as well. Nothing you can do about it.
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She was also looking the other way when she threw it. No look hatchets 🙃
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It should be shown more to appreciate @Peanits drawing skills. :)
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Do you have a link to the page?
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Quick note, parts of this explanation are now slightly dated. This was from before the animations changed, when the survivors visually leaned forward while running a little more than they do now.
That said, the rest is still relevant. The hitbox isn't the culprit, it's latency.
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So, correct me if I am wrong. Doesn't every survivor need to have the same sized hitbox? So, small Feng has the same hitbox as large David? Because if so, that would explain why the majority of times I see people post evidence of Huntress hatchets being unfair, they're playing Feng, Claudette, Mikaela, etc etc. I would assume the hitbox extends out past the model or something then, as Feng and David are not similar sizes visually. And that would mean you should probably go play a larger male character if you don't want to see "unfair" hatchet hits.
But I'm just theorizing on that.
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Yes all survivors have the same hitbox regardless of the character they play
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That explains why I couldn't hit that Quentin over poor Nancy's head. That's... Awkward
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People still dont seem to understand that there's a noticable de-sync in the servers.
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This is pretty cool! Can you please post this explanation again?