Bring back past Lunar Skins
Not much else to add. This jacket goes great with the new pants, but it isn't available. Please bring it back!
For some reason, I see tons of new Davids wearing this jacket, but I don't have it.
It's the Huntress's hound mask that I most wish I had, though.
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Because, there was a time everyone just got it. Same with the hound mask.
You both should have it I think?
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Yeah, BHVR put them in the Store for people.
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I thought that was the case - the wiki said so when I first looked into it - but I don't. Do you?
I do see lots of Davids with the jacket, but I never, ever see Huntresses with the mask - and that doesn't track, because when new players have extra cosmetic options other than the default, they tend to use them.
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Yea, when I linked my account I got a bunch of free cosmetics, but it seems to have been kind of random. I don't have the huntress' hound mask nor the David shirt pictured.
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Yeah I do.
Maybe you both should contact the support? Idk, that sounds like your best bet.
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You should have that jacket and the Huntress's hound mask and Kate's free song bird slip dress and Hillbilly's Pro-Pain Hammer. If you don't have those, open up a support ticket:
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I thought BHVR gave these to everyone? Because a ton of people lost them at first so they just gave them out to everyone.
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Huh. Nope on all counts. I guess I should check into this - thanks for the link.
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I only have the Phoenix shirt for Feng Min and missing the four other items, which i should have
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Yea, all I have is the Pro-Pain Hammer, so I opened a ticket.
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