How can Killers enjoy tunneling?

Wouldn’t you get bored of chasing the same survivor and hardly interacting with the other players and/or defending your gens?
I don't think people really enjoy it.
I mean, there might be one or two players who somehow do like it, but in general tunneling is either done for toxicity or necessity.
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I feel like most killers do it for necessity, I know it’s common even in tournaments but to do it for toxicity and spite is something else. I agree with you though.
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I feel you on that.
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The times I've tunneled out survivors were times when I needed to get someone out to slow down gens so I could actually play.
It's simply easier dealing with the person already injured.
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I avoid tunneling whenever possible but I'm not sure why it would be more boring to chase after the wounded guy than it would be to spend time finding a completely new person and then spend even more time chasing them down because I have to hit them (at least) two more times now to down them.
A chase is a chase is a chase. Just when you're injured, that chase ends in one hit rather than having to do two hits
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Yeah, people who do it for spite and toxicity can hardly be called "players". But thankfully, it doesn't happen that often.
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So killers can FINALLY chase other survivors with peace, instead of scaring of generators popping up every 30 seconds.
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Fair enough but in that video for example, everyone was injured but still went after him. I guess if your on death hook it makes sense to ignore other injured survivors and go for the kill but being chased from the early game despite others being injured can be frustrating and annoying.
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Fair enough.
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I don’t enjoy it, I always prefer a fun fair game, but with each patch that becomes harder and harder
Right now with lightning fast gen speeds, insanely fast infinite heals with Boons, huge maps and a plethora of survivor second chance perks, tunnelling is becoming more and more necessary to win games
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I mean, hooks does not matter till you finally kill a survivor with third hook.
Injured survivors/slugged survivors can give somewhat same pressure as hooked survivors, without dropping a chase and getting a chance for "reset" of the progression.
As long as he has more than 1 hooks, it's only logical to chase for him, because that's the only way to progress through objective.
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Honestly chasing survivors is pretty much all the same no matter what character they are. If I'm chasing a Meg and she's looping drops a pallet i break chase,loop,pallet,break,chase,.....
Really the only difference is skill and when everyone is pretty close they are still the same loop.
Unless your a mobile killer with ruin defending gens is kind of pointless gens go so fast. Non mobile killers survivors will just work through ruin because most the time you can't get around the map fast enough.
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And even then, if ruin is dead only option remaining is tunneling.
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It's kinda a necessity in todays meta. Unless the other team messes up bug time, are noobs or are pursuing other directives (like tormenting/bullying the killer in case of bully squads) you hardly have time for a traditional game, but need to transform the 4v1 into a 3v1 asap!
Normally during the first chase one or two gens will already pop, so you need to keeo the pressure up yourself. Also sometimes, when you tunnel someone hard, the other team mates will try to defend them, giving you even more value and less people on gens.
Normally, when you don't tunnel the game ends pretty decisive in the survivors favor, laughing and "gg ez" ing you out of the gate. After you turn it into a 3v1 early it becomes much more relaxed and manageable.
And circling back to your original question: you might not enjoy tunneling, as you know fully well that the tunneled player won't be having a good time, but getting rediculed and humiliated isn't fun either. And you could ask survivors a similar question, ie if they enjoy a perfect sub 5min game were only one player interacted with the killer.
Todays meta has changed from the original games ideal: not only got both sides new and more effective tools, but also the players attitude and tactics have evolved. Back then people might not have realized that splitting up and doing four different gens is much more effective then hugging one gen at a time, but today that's often the case and sometimes your first chase can, indeed, end with 3 popped gens. Fun right?
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I don't really ever run ruin because I tend to lose it before I get value.
A mix of Gen speeds and map size has turned the current meta into blocking gens instead of regression. If you have a bad start and 3 gens pop in your first chase your now in a spot where there is one survivor for every Gen left and one hook. Tunneling is kind of mandatory at this point.
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Its basically about pressure.
I get more pressure from chasing you, and hopefully drawing survs to block for you, than i do to running and kicking a gen.
4v1 hard on Killer
3v1 balanced
2v1 hard on survs.
Until gen regression becomes meaningful there is more value in removing someone from the game than kicking.
Then add CoH into the mix, even though nerfed CoH means you can free heal where as before survs would potentially have to do it for you.
So again more value from you on hook than running to a gen or letting you heal.
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I don't think they enjoy it.
It's more of a "I feel miserable, because so and so (other survivors, bad game experience) and I'm going to at least make someone else feel the same way by tunneling.
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Usually when I tunnel, it's about convenience. Unhookers hide, don't take aggro, or are way better in chase compared to the unhooked for it to be worth it.
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Definitely not, in fact, people feeling unhappy for tunneling is definitely not normal because that's just how game is meant to be played.
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I mostly enjoy tunneling because I only want 2 hooks on everyone and usually there is 1 guy that I have to hook last back to back.
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I mean survivors are just clones of themselves. Same old loop drop loop drop. Rarely have I gone against survivors that mind gamed me.
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Other than Claudette’s, I don’t really like tunneling but sometimes it just your only option
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3v1 is not really balanced. If the killer is downing the survivor relatively quickly then the survivors don't have time to heal up if they want to do gens.
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The game is not explicitly meant to be played like that. It is nowhere written that you have to tunnel. It just turned out that with the current game mechanics and rules this is often the easiest way to get lot of kills.
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If it was even skill it should be balanced. 1 Running 2 on gens.
Granted that depends on many variables, health states, gen numbers even tokens for hexes.
Say if the game started with 3 v 1 and only 4 gens to do would you think that was balanced?
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I certainly don't like to tunnel... But if a Survivor wants to be chased then I will... until I see where they are going and then probably give up
But to each there own
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I defend my gens just fine. But if I find there's some strong loopers on the team, you bet your ass I'm going to leverage my advantage on the weaker loopers first.
Here's the problem you "please don't tunnel" folks don't seem to get: Doing gens is a task that even the weakest loopers can do. Every moment a hand is on a gen is a moment I'm losing. So I want to spend as little time in a chase as possible to pull hands of the gens. Best people to do that against are the weak links. Why waste time on a strong looper when you can down somebody fast and get them out of the game?
I'll get my interaction with the stronger loopers or that person hiding... just as soon as I make sure they're out of teammates.
If people don't like that - then get better at looping. Take the opportunities you are given by being focused to get better at it.
Most of the time, you dont' have to be a superstar looper - just better than the rest of the meat on your team.
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That kind of tunneling like in the video is just hella cringe. She literally went out of her way to look for him again after getting saved for the second time from the basement when she could've probably really easily got a down there as well. Obviously it's not surprising she had NOED.
Why even play Pig if you're just gonna spend the entire game chasing the guy with the trap?
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I mean, the same way survivors enjoy running things like Dead Hard.
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That part yeah
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How can survivors enjoy tunneling gens?
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nobody enjoys tunneling, unless done out of spite for some reason
people like to win, competetive people like to win
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Why do you gen rush lol
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I had a rare night and actually fired up the game and this argument came to the forefront in my mind again after a superior team utterly crushed me as a killer.
I didn't begrudge their victory - I played badly they earned it. But I find it odd how we as killers are expected to not focus hard on our objective, but I don't exactly see survivors offering themselves to be hooked on a regular basis when the killer is doing badly. Why is it you all are expect us killers to "give you a full game" even when you are playing badly. But if we're clearly playing badly, the most we get is a pity hit out the gate?
Don't get me wrong - I don't want pity. You try to throw yourself on a hook in front of me and I'll likely carry you to the exit gate because it will feel unearned. But I still find it really odd how one side is expected to show mercy but that ######### isn't given back in return.
As I've said before - expecting the other side to not play in a way you disagree with is just opening yourself for disappointment. I've seen this argument played out again and again over my past 20 years of multiplayer gaming. Nothing changes - players are always going to leverage every advantage they have. It's on you to decide wither or not it's worth dealing with it or not. If you find yourself getting mad, go play something else; it's okay to know your limits and move on.
But sitting here and complaining about people playing their objective and asking loaded and hypothetical questions about "how can you have fun playing this way?" is a waste of time. You're just pissing in the wind and it will change nothing; stop frustrating yourself and accept it.
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with extreme prejudice
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How and why would anyone complain about killers...killing them, its what they do. Accept it and just move on.
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>Says that chase is the best part of the game
>Doesn't like to get chased
>Refuses to elaborate further
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Did you just seriously ask why I would rather kill the Survivor I have already put time and effort into instead of just abandoning them for no reason except to start ALL OVER AGAIN with another one?
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Tunneling happens based on the gamestate and confidence of the killer. If the killer is unconfident they can win playing by the 'rulebook' without tunneling it will start. For instance if there is 1 gen or EGC left then I'm grabbing a survivor and camping them opposite the exit gates. Simply said it can be the optimal play. Sometimes the survivors actually encourage tunneling, if you have one survivor you've never seen all game that's because they've avoided you thus funneling the pressure onto the other three. Sometimes 2survivors will hide and you end up alternating hooks on 2 guys till they die then you have 6 hooks and 2 survivors left to go. Like, if the survivors are just hiding do they expect me go, "okay time to LET THIS PERSON WORK ON GENS and go check lockers for 20 minutes" ??
Personally if I'm in a chase with someone injured that I tracked I'm going after them even if they were unhooked recently unless I'm at 4-5 gens left then I normally abandon chase to give them a little wiggle room to play the game some more.
Everyone has a different definition of tunneling too, if I hook everyone who has not been hiding in a corner once kills are completely fair game in my book. I've killed a mildly popular streamer on hooks 1, 3, & 6 while his team had been hooked once each and was called a tunneler so IDK what people actually think tunneling is.
I've intentionally straight tunneled someone out once because they were being a BM lord and they were not better than me.
tl;dr Tunneling is the product of when the killer's confidence in winning the game dips below their comfort level in the current gamestate or by the survivors own design.
edit: So like in the video this killer is so unconfident in their ability to win the game they spend all of their effort trying to get 1 kill.
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every side of game mechanics encourage you to do tunnel, especially hook system.
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With one gen left hmm?
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What does the number of gens left have to do with anything?
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Worth mentioning that this was also a Flashlight SWF, so they were setting themselves up for toxicity when the pig loaded up the lobby seeing that.
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No one enjoys tunneling unless it's done out of spite, but winning is fun so Killers that want to win have to tunnel and after a certain point you don't feel bad anymore
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Plenty of people enjoy tunneling for the simple reason that it gets results most of the time. A lot of these people don't care to get any better and are happy with their skill as long as they can score decently. It's no different than all the FFA arena games where players camp armors and health and spam grenades at spawn points. It works without a whole lot of thinking.
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Current gen speed doesn't allow for a slow paced game where everyone has fun.
Years ago, survivors complained for dying with 20k bloodpoints. Now survivors escape with 11k bloodpoints and feel good about it.
Gen rushing benefits no one. The only way to slow down gens is to turn it into a 3vs1. Even Otz said that tunneling someone out early is his bread and butter.
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It's more fun than you tbagging and clicky clicking at the exit gates.
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Blame the game not the player. If it wouldn't be a good strategy to get rid of one survivor as fast as possible, people would not play like that.
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A guilty pleasure of mine is tunneling survivors who are good. I would rather have an intense chase with that one person for 5 gens than 9 separate chases with the other 3.
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Its a "GAME".
The person playing killer can play however they want, they dont have to abide by your rules and the same can be said the other way around. Why do killers go into a match not expecting people to be focused on gens???
Why do survivours go into a match not expecting to be tunneled/camped/moried
Whatever side you are playing expect anything and everything and stop taking things that happen in-game personally for godsakes.
The most crybaby community ever istg