Solo Q is in the worst state ever

I don't know if i'm stuck in ELO hell but the amount of times i escape is something around 2 out of 10 matches.
- Teammates meme around (failing Boil Over and Sabo attempts) or throw chases because of event envelopes
- Killers bring best possible add-ons and perks nearly 80% of the time
- Killers play "optimally" (tunneling and camping) on my current level while survivors don't know basic stuff about killer powers and do stupid mistakes all the time
Thanks to latest new perks and buffs (Scourge Hook Pain Resonance, Deadlock, No Way Out) and survivor perk nerfs (boon totems have become much rarer) i feel like the game has become killer sided again, with the exception of an optimally playing swf of course. I hope the changes for solo queue will come soon enough...
Yeah, pretty much and if you're like me, you got dragged back into ELO Hell kicking and screaming once you finally crawl your way out
Like...I had a game where the Feng just kept jumping through windows. Only the babiest of baby survivors don't realize that doing that is sending up a big ol HEY KILLER I'M OVER HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! signal and every time she would go anywhere, she'd do it.
It's not like she was trying to grief or whatever (I don't think at least) because like I'd be in the killer shack working on the gen, she would jump through the window, and then start working on the gen while I sit there silently cursing her out and hoping that when the killer does come over that he murders her first.
But of course in DBD, survivors can't do everything alone so I'm stuck with the dullest of dull tools to try to get myself back out of this Hell...
But hey, I only ran the killer for 5 gens so was it REALLY a skilled play?
EDIT: Super, there's a suicide on the hook so down down down down we go!
This is the kind of ######### that everyone SAID would be the problem with the stupid-ass SBMMR system and shockingly, it IS a problem with the stupid-ass SBMMR system! I am shocked. This is my shocked face. Can you see how shocked I am?
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This is about the time in which you should just "go play civ." Games never gonna get better if people don't stop playing and buying cosmetics.
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SoloQ isn't that bad imo, I've had a few games where my teammates have been less than stellar but I'm mostly escaping. Boons becoming rare is not true, I've had multiple games at this point with 3 active Boons
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They don't want to buff Solo-q because if they do, kill rates probably will down.
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On the bright side, I went from playing 20-30 matches a day to playing like 3, so I guess not everything's so bad about that hell lol
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If imma be real. IMO, They both feel like a chore.
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Sounds like bad luck to me. I am exclusively a solo survivor and my escape rate is much higher then yours. It takes a dc, gen phobic survivors, or a great killer and even then sometimes we still win. All it takes is one bad chase for the killer to lose.
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I mean, I would say play a door opening build if you want to escape MMR hell.
I think hatch escapes don't work but door camping with Wake up + Resilience/Spine chill is a borderline optimal strategy for raising MMR in solo Q.
And it just got buffed even further so you should be able to get out through the door almost every single time if you survive to lategame. Vault build is meta but then it only takes wake up added onto it to turn into a door camping machine. It is cheesy af? Sure. But who cares?
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I don’t see a huge issue with buffing solo to make it less of a nightmare though.
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Bro, there's something wrong with your narrative. You cannot be stuck in an ELO while losing 8/10 games, you'd be actively losing your ranking as reaching a stable rank means a 50/50 escape/death ratio. I would advise you to look at your matches more objectively and review what is really happening.
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that's right, i'm playing swf sometimes and then i escape more often but our team plays together since a long time (and our escape rate is maybe something like 5 or 6 out of 10 matches, depends on how sweaty we want to play). I was actually playing swf the night before. But whenever i play solo the fun drops significantly.
The only time i remember i escaped today was when a bubba killed 3 survivors in basement (he wasn't facecamping but kinda proxy camping, who wouldn't when survivors play this dumb) and i just camped the exit gates until he found hatch for me. I feel like specific killer strategies just work flawlessly against unexperienced solos and then i feel really helpless because i need my teammates to survive (going for hatch and let them die all the time is boring).
I play a lot killer lately and had much fun because i was playing mostly killers i rarely play with lower MMR rating. With some exceptions the survivors are pretty chill and i can learn the power and just have a good time. I don't even care if some escape and when i want to win and play very sweaty and "unfun" i mostly 3k-4k.
i was at high mmr after i played exclusively swf for some time (i could see from the hours of the killers and survivors) and games were much better because i had teammates who could loop longer than 10 seconds and actually had some game sense and good decision making. No survivor can win a game alone.
hmm sounds like a plan actually, but i feel like an Exhaustion, BT and maybe even DS is kinda necessary. But i will try out Wake Up for sure.
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Shocked face sure, something like howie from benchwarmers screaming? 😄
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I have pretty much never played with DS. Especially not since the nerf. Exhaustion perk yeah, that's something I usually always have. Though it's hard to fit sometimes since I have not taken off iron will since I bought the game.
And it's a build for you to escape, not necessarily your team. You can swap back to a regular build once you think your MMR is high enough to get good teammates. I don't usually run BT in solo Q either. With Wake up, if the team dies horribly you still have a very solid plan B.
There are only a few rules in solo Q. Never be the first one chased, and never be the last one chased. If it's a Hag or Bubba literally throw every pallet on the map before going down cause your first hook is death hook against those two usually.
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i'm not a god survivor but i have nearly 3k hours in this game (60/40 i think) and i think i'm solid, i actually played comp once and know the strategies you need to win there, i'm not a god looper and i do mistakes from time to time but that's basically intended in the game, that's why we are 4 and not 1 survivors.
"ELO hell" is when you basically play a game were you rely on your teammates and if they're doing too many mistakes you die too. If somebody gets downed in front of basement by Bubba at 5 gens, then that's just bad gamesense (or very bad luck). When someone gets hit while exposed by Ghostface and while working on a gen (not even realizing they got exposed), than that's just huge inexperience or whatever. When somebody let's me go into second stage while the killer has downed someone on the other side of the map, that's just lack of game sense again... just a short list of things that happened tonight...
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Yeah they balanced things out for the killer against swf when they nerfed DS, keys and hatch, and gave killers more strong perks like scourge hooks, deadlock, qol changes for multiple killers, map balances, and strong new killers with gen/map pressure abd anti-loop built into their basekit (artist, pinhead, nemesis) and buffing weak killers like trickster but at high mmr swf are still very strong but slightly more balanced and solo survivors are getting stomped hard.
Add to all of that the mmr that encourages scummy playstyles on both sides and u get a miserable solo q experience.
Ive stopped playing this game unless im with friends and even then it can leave the whole group of us feeling icky sometimes.
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You need to party up and learn to work in a team. It also helps if your super altrustic to your other team mates as they will usually return the favor aside from a face camping bubba. Dont just play gen jockey and killers have lost their threat in recent patches so its good to see them winning again
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SQ and SWF are totally different games. The first thing I'd advise you is to change your build. If you're dying after reaching tiles only to find that pallets were used before, equip Windows of Opportunity. If you're dying on your first hook, put on kindred. You need to make up for that level of communication that comes naturally in SFW.
Also, play more SQ instead of SWF. To play SQ well you need to perform the role that your team needs the most, not the one you're more suited for. Learn with your losses, ask yourself where did the match go wrong, what you could've done differently, and be genuine with yourself if that different decision-making would've resulted in a win or a loss. As long as you bettered yourself by the end of a match or at least had fun, that counts as a victory for me.
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While I think that solo survivor does finally need some love and is for me still the least fun role to play with the most inconsistent experience, I don't think it's in its worst state. The worst time for me was in the last days of the emblem system - I was forced to play at red ranks because of how stupidly easy emblems were to get and how little ranks did reset. I'm not the best player, slightly above average maybe but that's it, but I was constantly matched with other red rank survivors who were even less stellar than me and had to play with them against sweaty rank 1 meta killers who were playing as if they wanted to break the 4k world record time.
I can safely say I'm playing on low MMR - when SBMM was switched on, all was well with good teammates against good killers and I had a decent escape rate, but after some time I got plenty of weirdly unbalanced matches. I lost almost every match for three days and all the time I noticed how killers I faced got worse and worse (sadly, my teammates got worse as well).
When I play at prime time when queues are fast, I now usually get very new and low skill killers. Many of them haven't figured out yet you can lunge by holding the attack button or break certain walls. No Ruin, no Pop, maybe a tier 1 Overwhelming Presence. It's literally always a four man escape with the killer maybe getting one hook if he's lucky. One Artist these last days didn't even manage to get a single hit all match. If I had the time to play more than 1 or 2 matches at prime time every day I could probably get out of low MMR range eventually.
However, I play so many more games late at night with long queues and when I get a lobby 4-8 killers dodge before a game starts, and then I get the really crappy matches like the ones you described and there goes the MMR I gained earlier ... so, for me it feels like a "time of day" problem.
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That's not a really good line of thinking for solo Q imo. At the end of the day, to win the game if you are the best player on the team you need to handle looping the killer. And that usually results in your personal death, which is not a win for solo Q.
Or, alternatively, if the killer realizes you are looping them too hard they can just focus your teammates and leave you to hold M1. That's what I usually found happens. And tons of the time, you cannot hold M1 hard enough to win the games. Especially if you get some spuds on your team and it's a really strong killer.
The only way you are surviving tons of solo Q games is by the hatch/door. So for it to be less miserable I usually have a plan B in place.
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the "wait for other people to escape" challenge is agonizing in solo. people refuse to leave or just throw at 5 gens, it ######### sucks
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Yes, Solo is pretty much impossible now due to killers being overpowered and have been for awhile now. There is no way BHVR can buff solo without heavily nerfing the overpowered killer meta.
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I digress on a few points. There are several variables to the outcome of a trial, yes, but the performance across matches remains tied to the player. And no matter the number of games you play, the final trend should be a 50/50 ratio as you reach a stable rating.
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Not really, solo is impossible because mmr doesnt work like it should so you always get at least one meghead in your team.
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I'm saying you literally get tossed into tons of unwinnable games in solo Q. Skill has absolutely nothing to do with it.
The MMR system is not that good. It's not like League where you get into Platinum and it's like "Wow! My teammates are all noticeably really good!" and you get these consistent matches.
Even after winning games all night; you can literally still get people in default outfits who go down if the killer even glances in their direction. You get the AFKers and DCs. You get the memeing idiots who throw the game and get you killed. Of course you also hit the ridiculously OP killer builds every now and then; with a killer with a brain behind them, which demands a level of skill to survive that most solo Q teams will just not have.
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Just unlucky, fact is theres not actually anything wrong with solo Q but you will get randoms that's DC, give up/rage against certain killers or just dont know how to play.
I played 15 games and escaped 12, the 3 I lost is because of people giving up on first hook etc. But the games where people actually played we steam rolled the killers
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I think solo q would benefit from all survivors being able to see each others perks in the lobby so people could figure out how to plan. this game tho is better off in swf if you ever want players to comp with let us know
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Was in solo queue yesterday where the killer called us a [redacted]made SWF. Would not believe us being solo.
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I think solo is a good place now and the reason it feels otherwise is that killers are going into matches prepared to face swf. What feels almost oppressive as solo is most effective against SWFs.
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I don't feel like MMR is doing what it's supposed to be doing. I'm much like OP. I care very little about escaping. Chases and sick plays are what's fun to me. I'll have a game where I complete 3 generators all by myself, get 5-8 flashlight saves, do 2-3 totems, run the killer for a total of 4 and a half minutes without getting downed, 3 safe hook saves, heal a total of 6 health states on other survivors, have 5 protection hits either to help a survivor wiggle off or prolong their chase....I'm the one who ends up dying while the urban nea did half a gen and hid in 10 lockers all game gets the escape. I'll check after the match and see I'm paired with three survivors with less than 20 hours in the game(meanwhile I have 2.6k) and we were matched with a killer with 5k hours. If you're escaping consistently, I hate to break it to you, but you're probably the one being carried or you are just EXTREMELY lucky. Bad survivors consistently get boosted to higher MMR because they get carried, so even at higher MMR you still have several paint eating teammates. Occasionally I'll get some savvy teammates and we'll rock ######### out, but almost every game I'm matched with survivors who are scared of the terror radius, will DC on first down, will crouch walk while the killer is across the map, throw pallets as soon as they hear the terror radius, will leave you to die on hook for their own preservation, can't run the killer more than 15 seconds and fail skill checks constantly.
I honestly think that the matchmaking does this on purpose. I remember when I first started playing years ago, it was impossible to escape as a survivor, especially when trying to learn the game. DBD is a hard game to get into as survivor because your first 50 hours will feel impossible and like the game is extremely killer sided. I think I'm consistently matched with new players to bolster their escapes. Sure I get mad at new player stupidity, but I can't blame them. I sucked ass until around 1k hours. Sure I COULD play selfish, not engage in chases, not take protection hits and not take self-risky plays to save others, but not only would that make me a bad survivor, it would be incredibly boring.
The problem is, tunneling and camping are too effective against baby survivors. I honestly think killers are very aware of this and use it to their advantage but would NEVER admit it. Many games I play, If I get found first, the killer will give up on chase after about a minute when they realize they won't catch me easily and may have to exert a lot of effort and/or time to hook me. After running the killer for a minute, they leave and about 20 seconds later I hear a meg scream and see she's down. Then that killer will just tunnel them out. I'll see the killer occasionally throughout the match, but they'll never commit more than a few seconds chasing me. They repeat the tunnelling process on the other survivors until they're all dead and they'll either slug the last one so I can't get hatch, or hopefully hook them. Much like OP I escape probably 2/10 games, but those two times are through hatch, which has no effect on your MMR. I'm sick of getting 20-30k bp every match while the rest of my team got less than 10k and I either die or escape through hatch. It's super annoying. I don't care much about escaping, but I'm sick of having to sweat every single game, carry 3 other survivors on my back to a sweaty killer running ruin/undying/scourge/noed EVERY SINGLE GAME, against people who installed like a week ago.
Of my 2.6k hours, roughly about 800 of that is killer, and while yes I think SWF can definitely be frustrating, but this idea that EVERY game is an optimal SWF is complete bull. I main legion and have overcome flashlight squads, boil over/breakdown squds, etc and it's some of the most fun I've ever had playing this game. Maybe it's because I'm a survivor main, but even as Legion I can end chases super quickly because I know how the survivor will play. I know when/where to keep gen pressure, know when to look out/handle flashlight saves/ boil over etc. I don't think survivor is hard, but I don't think killer is either in any way shape or form and that's just my honest opinion. But matchmaking has ruined the solo survivor experience. Just some competent teammates is all I ask for. Hell, I could escape 1/50 games, but as long as the game is fun, I wouldn't care. I would love to see states of individual survivors now. I can almost guarantee most survivors have an escape rate of 15% or less in a game where killers think that getting a 3k means the game is survivor sided. The current perk meta for killers combined with the matchmaking makes this a golden time for killers. Even huge streamers like OTZ thinks that killers have it super easy these days. He also pointed out that even if you get a 4k 50 times in a row, the one time you got a 3k will leave a bigger imprint and frustrate you. That's insane seeing as how being a solo survivor nets you a loss 90% of your games.
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Did you look at the other survivors profiles?
I have said nice swf before and the solo always pipes up going "nuh uh, we are solo you just suck" meanwhile the 3 man proven by friends list stay silent...
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I happened to be the main focus that match.
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Why would they buff solo queue if the problems with it stem from matchmaking (I.E. you get paired with a new survivor as a veteran survivor) and as a result they aren’t efficient enough, meaning that they are not doing gens when they should be. They don’t take hits, when they should. They don’t unhook because they don’t have BT, or do the opposite, they farm without BT.
Like, at this point there is no buff needed other than very minor things that should have been there in the first place. One of them being the ability to see other teammates perks in the lobby etc.
No buff needed when people are mainly asking for better teammates. Buffs aren’t going to give you that.
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Don't know what's going on with your matches - games are still pretty okay from what I can see.
Matches are also very killer dependent.
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They are aware of the issues actually and are looking into, check feedback section in the forum
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Complaining about Solo Q is boring.
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the game SUPPOSED to be killer sided! It's a 1v4 game in which the 4 have do what they can to waste time of the killer effectively so that as many of them possible can survive. If you or one or more teammates are going to be incompetent while they in turn are not, then they SHOULD obliterate the survivors. 1+1 does not equal fish.
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this thread is old but i answer you anyway. Killer-side and survivors side both equals 1. You can't compare one killer to one survivor. The 4 survivors should have the same chance of winning as 1 killer. Balancing this isn't easy. But comms aren't actually that much of a thing, the individual looping skill/ making no mistakes is first, then comes game sense and team coordination. I scrimmed against tournament teams in the last 2 months who have better comms than usual and i beat them. Now compare that to your usual pub swf who are not communicating optimally, doing small talk and jokes most of the time and making a lot of mistakes. Killer mains tend to think they're strong because they "obliterate" solo casuals at 4 gens and when they lose hard against an actually good team they cry "SWF OP, DELETE SWF!" (now that stretched res can't be the scapegoat anymore). The truth is, a good killer can beat most swf's (i've beaten so many teams who were obv swf, if you play optimally and don't care about anyones fun its not that hard) and solo should get some QoL changes.
could say the same about dead hard or boons
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Solo Q is peanuts compared to Boons and DH.
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Same here, eventually gave up with solo q snd started playing alot more killer
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“Solo Q is in the worst state ever”
omg solo q is in ohio😩
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It's hell when your book mission says "Finish repairing 5 gens coop" and you can't get a damn surv to come help you repair gens even if you place a neon arrow above it...