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New Player - Killers feel underpowered without teachables

Is there a killer that just has perks set up so they can keep up at the higher levels? As soon as I hit gold or iridescent it just seems near impossible. The Survivors are always highly coordinated, and there doesn't seem to be one starter killer that really does the job. I can hardly get 1 kill most games unless I face camp (which I really don't like to do).

Just my thoughts, but I think there should be a killer with all good starting perks instead of trying to get all the teachable perks. It's no wonder que times are so long. I am new, but it just seems like unless you have gotten a buttload of perks for the killers that you're basically never going to get to iridescent 1.

Also the toxicity in this game... my god. I thought I was playing a riot game for a minute!

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  • Member Posts: 762

    "GrADES DoNT MaTTeR!!!111!!!"

  • Member Posts: 6

    I guess you're right... Those bloodpoint rewards though! lol

  • Member Posts: 6

    Yeah, survivors have way better base perks imo. I appreciate the input! At least I have an idea of what direction to go

  • Member Posts: 6

    Yeah this is an excellent point. You feel kind of ripped off. Iridescent shards take way too long to build up.

    Don't get me wrong, I do like this game but holy f, once you hit that point it's GG! ugh ;_; lol I just want to play a fair feeling match.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    Welcome to this game there buddy

    You should be more focused on getting perks rather then how well your matches are going... Plus you should save some BP for when you need it

    Do you play all Killers?

    Also don't prestige as of right now...

  • Member Posts: 6

    Oh I learned from my survivors not to prestige them right away LOL. I eff'd that up already once... xD

    Ugh... ah well guess I'll just grind em out! Anyway folks, sorry for the little rant there

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Jolt is honestly not a bad slowdown perk and you can get it without having to unlock teachables. Plague would then be my recommondation to unlock next. All 3 of her perks are fun and good and she's just a great killer overall.

  • Applicant Posts: 384

    If you plan on ever buying a killer, the first you should get is leatherface, mainly for one perk, Barbeque and Chili. It will help you get tons of Bloodpoints fast.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Don't worry, most killers end-up being under-powered in the higher skills games.

    What are the ones standing a chance nowadays? Blight? Nurse?

  • Member Posts: 2,065
    edited February 2022

    Something you might find useful if this video, and there are probably others, that offers a serviceable build using non-teachables. I think this vid came before Stranger Things was pulled and its perks became non-teachable. If so, you can also consider Jolt, Claustrophobia, and Fearmonger.

    I think otzdarva has a video of such builds for each killer at the time.

    Post edited by Zeidoktor on
  • Member Posts: 33

    There are a few killers that don’t even need perks ( nurse, hag, blight)

    but you still need experience and map knowledge. So while you are learning you are also getting the perks you want.

    I do wish the grind for killer perks was not so awful. Or a way to target perks for the builds you want on your killers

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    I think artist is decent with her own perks.

    Don't think your experience will magically change when you get more teachables in general tho. Killer can be rough regardless, especially m1.

  • Member Posts: 6

    Holy f, thanks guys :D Tons of good stuff to look at here!

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Yeah, survivors can have BT/DH as baseline, nowhere near with killer.

  • Member Posts: 527
    edited February 2022

    The killer you are looking for is called Bubba. from the Leatherface DLC.

    His 3 perks are great, 1 of them is practically meta (BBQ & Chili) and you can insta down and facecamp to 3 kills without any skill.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    No offense intended, but you do not really need perks. The only one I refuse to play without is Lightborn and that is just for my own personal sanity. I lost a hook to someone who was shining the side of my head when I faced a wall and I told myself, "never again." And I keep my word.

    You either play the game properly (tunnel and face camp) or enjoy farming with survivors so bad that you can eight hook them before you go for kills. Either/or. You can't have both.

  • Member Posts: 1,619

    At least you now have the demogorgon perks for free with one slowdown (Jolt) and an anti-exhaustion (Fearmonger) it used to be worse. But yes, most of the free killer perks aged way worse than survivor ones, with survivors you have Self-care, two good exhaustion perks (Dead Hard and Sprint Burst), Borrowed Time, Proof Thyself, and Spine Chill. In the case of killers the Wraith and Huntress ones are trash, Trapper and Hillbilly ones are only good when combined with locked perks mainly and Nurse ones are worse than used to be (CoH Meta).

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    According to MMR yes, you're only good if you escape remember so....

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    killers do feel underpowered even with teachables


  • Member Posts: 735
    edited February 2022

    Lets use our beloved sports analogy.

    Just because you play 6 years in a NHL league, it does not mean that you are a god compared to a rookie who has just recently joined to a team and he has a walmarts hokey starter pack with a hello kitty theme for $9.99

    He can still easily juke your defense and score 4 goals

    But now, is he supposed to be forced to grind Shards to unlock killers for teachables, or spend over 50euros to skip half of the grind, to acquire all meta perks or perks for competitive builds?

    Or what?

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Also MMR will throw you under the bus if experienced survivors with 100's+ of hours have been waiting in queue too long.

    It only further lessens the game experience of new players.

    When you add grind, paywalls, poor mmr, and social pressure to be as toxic as possible with no option to opt out of these things given its PVP only, then its a recipe for a really bad new player experience.

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