Should Killers be able to see the Survivors ranks before a match and vice versa?

Maybe it's because I'm newer, but I've noticed it's really common to run into teams with at least 2 iris with a mix of gold and bronze. I've been having this consistently happen since I started really playing killer. There's nothing more that bothers me than getting into a possible swf, at best getting a 1k then the other three that did end up living turning out to be rank 1 or 2.
Honestly not trying to whine, just thought if anyone would find it fair to see ranks before a match.
Nah, just look out for ttv or YT players. Streamers are the ones you need to worry about. I avoid those teams like the plague
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We actually used to be able to see the ranks back when ranks were vaguely a better way of knowing who is liked to be skilled. The problem became that red rank queue times started to get insanely long because people would dodge lobbies with red rank players. Honestly, I miss being able to see that sort of stuff because quite frankly I don't enjoy playing people who are more likely to be expecting super sweaty gameplay and thus will play super sweaty themselves while I might be trying to just figure out how a new killer.
Being able to just back out and try and find a softer lobby is a nice to have, but ultimately people got real tired of having hour+ wait times between games and it needed to be adjusted somehow.
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No, people should not be able to see each others ranks even after the match
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And why is that?
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Because its not used for matchmaking
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I can see why it was changed then. But it's a bit frustrating when you can't really practice, and you're only solution is to go into a game against people with quite likely 5x the amount of time in game than you. I'm sure there's a way to fix it where the queue times aren't as high, but we'd need a bigger player base I imagine.
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1. Something is being used for mmr, and we should be able to have an idea of who we're going against.
2. It gives at least an idea, since they would have a had to grind up to that point either way, right?
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I've maybe had one or two TTV or YT in the past month. Mind you I'm playing on console so I'm salty for various reasons.
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No as it will encourage people to dodge