Being able to see each other’s Load outs would really help out solo Queue

Just had a game where a Claudette found the same totem as I and she did not let me Bless it with Boon: Exponential.

It was really frustrating because it was in a well hidden spot but she refused to let me Bless it and continued to Cleanse it. She had no Perks that were beneficial to cleansing/Blessing a totem.

Do you know how frustrating this is?

And on top of that she would farm me on hook with no BT but the other 2 survivors did have BT. I ended up dying. She was more of a killer than the actual Killer.

I think survivors being able to see each other’s load outs would really help out the lack of communication each other has in a trial. It can help each survivor make the correct decisions and figure out what role they are the game. The Gen jockey, the rescuer or the runner, based on their perks.

Is there a reason why it hasn’t been done yet? I am pretty sure DBD Mobile has something like this where you can see each survivors load out pre game.

Are there downsides to a feature like this?


  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Since game is not made with REAL coordination in mind, killers would need some fix too.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,858

    This would just lead to excessive lobby dodging.

    "What? That David isn't running ds/ub/dh/bt? No way I'll play with someone who is blatantly throwing like that, I'm out of here!"

  • Reshy
    Reshy Member Posts: 402

    I think it'd be a good change for survivors to help bring them closer to SWF levels of coordination. Killer will need some buffs to help compensate, but this is already known at the SWF level.

  • DaddyFatSacks420
    DaddyFatSacks420 Member Posts: 183

    I’ve been saying this for years... Here’s what I said over a year ago “A while back there was a bug that caused each survivors level to be shown above their head while grouped together before the match started, what I suggest is much like that unintended bug. Every survivors item, add ons, and offering should be visible to all other survivors when waiting for the match to begin. This way solo players can coordinate with each other at least somewhat when going into a match. It would also be nice if survivors perks were shown to each other, maybe those 4 icons could be under a survivors feet (or maybe everything could go under survivors feet, there’s plenty of space without a lot going on down there in a lobby). This would go a long way in leveling the playing field for survivors not in constant communication with the rest of the team. Being able to see another survivor is using a map offering so I better wait to use mine so it’s not wasted, or sometimes it’s hard to notice a survivor carrying a key into a match, if I saw someone with a purple key then I’d know that might be a good time to use my rainbow map. Stuff like that so you could be a better team even if you’re all solo players.”

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Maybe we get something like that in the near future because bhvr is trying to close the gap to swf. But and I know many people don't like to hear it killers would need some buffs because the power of the survivors is also increasing

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,616

    It's definitely a good idea, and would go a long way towards shrinking the gap between SoloQ and SWF. You obviously can't implement anything into the game that would correct for bad decisions being made (at least not without massively unbalancing everything), but giving solo players more information is absolutely the aim of the game.

    If you know a teammate doesn't have Unbreakable, for instance, you'll be more inclined to rush off and go pick them up when they're slugged. If you know Camaraderie is in play, you'll be inclined to try and make use of it. It'll make the trials more dynamic and interesting for everyone because fewer people will be playing it super safe out of uncertainty.