New killer idea

LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154
edited February 2019 in Creations

Link to the new and updated version:

Chapter: A Lost Love

Killer name: The Nobleman.

Killer power: Darling’s Memory: The Nobleman has a ring on his left hand with a glass sphere in the middle which fills up with a purple-ish liquid after every hit. It takes 2 hits to fill the ring at first, then 4 and then 8, when the ring is full it gives you a choice between two options, “Upgrade weapon” or “Strengthen body”. As a base The Nobleman can upgrade up to 3 times.

“Upgrade weapon”:
Level 1: Faster wiping animation.
Level 2: Longer lunge.
Level 3: Instadown for a set amount of time, still need to think about how much

“Strengthen body”:
Level 1: Faster movement speed. (115%)
Level 2: Faster action speed. (Vaulting, damaging generators, destroying pallets)
Level 3: Faster movement speed. (120%) for a set amount of time like level 3 weapon upgrade.

After upgrading one of the two the other stays the same as before, so if you are at level 2 "Strengthen body" and you "Upgrade weapon" it will be level 1.

“Upgrade weapon” animation: The Nobleman hits the ring with the weapon breaking the glass, the liquid wraps around the weapon as if it was alive, then the glass repairs itself.

“Strengthen body” animation: The Nobleman shakes the ring, the liquid becomes gaseous, The Nobleman then inhales the gas through his nostrils.

Both animation take about 7 seconds to complete.

Weapon: An elegant sword cane, the handle is made out of ivory carved to look like a wolf’s head.

Wiping animation: The Nobleman grabs a cloth napkin and uses it to clean the weapon.

Appearance: A tall man, dressed in Victorian Era clothes. His face is slashed, some of his fingers are broken and he walks with a limp. In some of his alternative outfits he has a hole where his heart should be.

Backstory: At the time Tobias Cromwell was one of the richest men in England, he had a perfect life, a big house, priceless possessions, and a beautiful wife. He loved his wife more than anything, he would have done everything she asked him to do, he would have died for her, killed for her.
Tobias was envied by many, not only for his money, but also for his wife, she was known to be the most beautiful woman in England, so of course she had many men around her, but she was loyal to her husband. It was only about time before someone made the wrong decision.
His wife was found dead in an alley, strangled to death. Tobias knew it was one of them, and he knew who they were. He killed every single one of them, one by one, in a single night. The authorities looked for him for weeks without finding anything, not even a hint.


Base speed: 110%


Undying Hatred: Sometimes you still see faces that remember you of bad times in your past, you will stop at nothing until you take them. You become obsessed with one survivor. Every time you down a survivor which is not your obsession you gain a token, with every token you gain a 3% bonus action speed (Vaulting, breaking), you can gain up to 4/6/8 tokens, when you hit your obsession you lose 2 tokens.
“Found you” ~ Tobias Cromwell.

Hex: In Your Memory: You’ll stop at nothing to get your revenge. Once you hit a survivor you will see their aura every 90/75/60 seconds for 3 seconds. This effect applies to the last 1/2/3 survivors you hit. The perk lasts until the hex totem related to it is destroyed. Survivors are notified of the Hex once their aura i revealed for the first time.
“I’ll never forget you, my dear” ~ Tobias Cromwell.

Business First: You know your priorities. When a survivor is unhooked 42/36/28 meters away from you will see the other survivor’s aura for 5/7/10 seconds, when you hit the other survivor within 30/40/50 seconds you gain 20% bloodpoints in the Hunting category at the end of the trial, to a maximum of 160% (so it goes 20%, 40%, etc).
“The more the better” ~ Tobias Cromwell.

Mori animation: The survivor tries to crawl away, the Nobleman steps on the survivor blocking them from escaping, raises his weapon and drives the tip of the blade into the back of the survivor’s head, through the mouth and gets stuck into the ground. The Nobleman then puts his foot on the survivor’s head and retrieves his weapon.

Edit: I changed Hex: In Your Memory and Business First a bit for a couple of problem that have been pointed out. I also changed the power a bit to make it more fair.

Post edited by LCGaster on


  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I don't understand your totem, how can you see Auras every 60 sec for 20 sec? Shouldn't it be every 20 sec for 60 sec? Then you would see their Aura 3 times.

    Your last perk is a camping perk because it is Within, 25 meters. Most perks say outside of 24 or 32. Maybe switch that and then you can use it with Make Your Choice which I personally would enjoy.

    Eveerything else looks great though, at first his power could seem OP but then I just reminded myself how long it took the Killer to upgrade his power. You have to constantly be hitting people and therefore hooking people so by the time you get rank 3 for the weapon upgrade everyone is already on their last hook. But I still think the Instadown should be on a timer, Myers has a timer and Devour Hope is a totem so if every Gen is complete and you have the 3rd weapon upgrade you basically have the original NOED which every Survivor sacrificed their entire family to make that a totem.

    Other than that I lo9ve this idea :)

  • Mockingbird_X
    Mockingbird_X Member Posts: 44

    Hello, you should not worry about people being hard on you - I don't think it's anyone's goal to be a jerk.

    Killer power

    That said, I really struggle with understanding the game mechanics concept of this killer's power. It's a buildup killer made for endgame, obviously, but I have a few issues:
    1. The power is very similar to the Shape's in terms of it building up, but it's building up slower: while the Shape gets both the increased speed, the lunge etc. - your Nobleman has to choose. I think you wanted more versatility, but it's a limitation.
    2. The way of building the power is not very effective. By the time you get enough "upgrades" - most of the survivors are pretty much dead. 14 hits till maximum upgrade is three survivors hit four times, which means they are most likely dead. So your full power in most cases will be used to hunt the single last survivor. Which is also a limitation (this time in useability).
    3. Even with the limitations I mentioned - the tier 3 upgrades are simply overkill: one is an indefinite Exposed status for the Survivors with no way for them to counter it; the other is a similarly indefinite haste with no ways for the Survivors to counter it.

    But I must admit that selecting upgrades is a uniqe and interesting idea. I like it.


    Undying Hatred
    This looks like a cross between Myers' Save the Best for Freddy's Last and Fire Up. It's solid.

    Hex: In Your Memory
    Wa-ay too overpowered, I'm afraid. 20 seconds reveal is godlike high. I would argue that even a 2 second reveal every 60 seconds would have been too overpowered. It's borderline clairvoyance, and it has zero drawbacks for such a powerful perk. I think it needs to be reworked pretty heavily, or even replaced.

    Business First
    This is very like the BBQ&Chili, but I guess the purpose is to prevent saves. Basically, it promotes camping at a larger distance, or I'm reading it wrong. Again, the aura reveals are too long. Also I don't think you need a time limit on the bonus bloodpoints - or is the limit there to discourage camping and encourage looking for non-hooked guys? In that case this perk is rewarding both camping and not camping and I'm really struggling to understand what it really is for, I'm sorry. If possible, could you please explain in more detail?

    Mori animation

    Actually awesome. Kudos.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    @HatCreature said:
    I don't understand your totem, how can you see Auras every 60 sec for 20 sec? Shouldn't it be every 20 sec for 60 sec? Then you would see their Aura 3 times.

    Your last perk is a camping perk because it is Within, 25 meters. Most perks say outside of 24 or 32. Maybe switch that and then you can use it with Make Your Choice which I personally would enjoy.

    Eveerything else looks great though, at first his power could seem OP but then I just reminded myself how long it took the Killer to upgrade his power. You have to constantly be hitting people and therefore hooking people so by the time you get rank 3 for the weapon upgrade everyone is already on their last hook. But I still think the Instadown should be on a timer, Myers has a timer and Devour Hope is a totem so if every Gen is complete and you have the 3rd weapon upgrade you basically have the original NOED which every Survivor sacrificed their entire family to make that a totem.

    Other than that I lo9ve this idea :)

    Thank you for the feedback.

    I will tweak the Hex a bit so maybe you can tell me what you think of it then.

    Tank you for pointing out the "within" thing on the last perk, I wanted to take it out but I forgot.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    @Mockingbird_X said:
    Hello, you should not worry about people being hard on you - I don't think it's anyone's goal to be a jerk.

    Killer power

    That said, I really struggle with understanding the game mechanics concept of this killer's power. It's a buildup killer made for endgame, obviously, but I have a few issues:
    1. The power is very similar to the Shape's in terms of it building up, but it's building up slower: while the Shape gets both the increased speed, the lunge etc. - your Nobleman has to choose. I think you wanted more versatility, but it's a limitation.
    2. The way of building the power is not very effective. By the time you get enough "upgrades" - most of the survivors are pretty much dead. 14 hits till maximum upgrade is three survivors hit four times, which means they are most likely dead. So your full power in most cases will be used to hunt the single last survivor. Which is also a limitation (this time in useability).
    3. Even with the limitations I mentioned - the tier 3 upgrades are simply overkill: one is an indefinite Exposed status for the Survivors with no way for them to counter it; the other is a similarly indefinite haste with no ways for the Survivors to counter it.

    But I must admit that selecting upgrades is a uniqe and interesting idea. I like it.


    Undying Hatred
    This looks like a cross between Myers' Save the Best for Freddy's Last and Fire Up. It's solid.

    Hex: In Your Memory
    Wa-ay too overpowered, I'm afraid. 20 seconds reveal is godlike high. I would argue that even a 2 second reveal every 60 seconds would have been too overpowered. It's borderline clairvoyance, and it has zero drawbacks for such a powerful perk. I think it needs to be reworked pretty heavily, or even replaced.

    Business First
    This is very like the BBQ&Chili, but I guess the purpose is to prevent saves. Basically, it promotes camping at a larger distance, or I'm reading it wrong. Again, the aura reveals are too long. Also I don't think you need a time limit on the bonus bloodpoints - or is the limit there to discourage camping and encourage looking for non-hooked guys? In that case this perk is rewarding both camping and not camping and I'm really struggling to understand what it really is for, I'm sorry. If possible, could you please explain in more detail?

    Mori animation

    Actually awesome. Kudos.

    Thank you very much.

    Just finished changing the perks, I'm still thinking about the power. With Business First I wanted to promote a no tunneling play style, going for the one who saves instead of the one being saved

    I hope you find this changes a little more fair

  • anomymosbingbong
    anomymosbingbong Member Posts: 12
    My only major problem with the killer is the fact that he would make a lot of perks already in the game useless e.g most of the exposed perk, things like brutal strength and bamboozle etc. 
    And how would the upgrade system work? And how long will the upgrade animation take. Just seems very time consuming to play 
  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    @anomymosbingbong said:
    My only major problem with the killer is the fact that he would make a lot of perks already in the game useless e.g most of the exposed perk, things like brutal strength and bamboozle etc. 
    And how would the upgrade system work? And how long will the upgrade animation take. Just seems very time consuming to play 

    I'll think about it a bit, I'll see what I come up with

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    @anomymosbingbong said:
    My only major problem with the killer is the fact that he would make a lot of perks already in the game useless e.g most of the exposed perk, things like brutal strength and bamboozle etc. 
    And how would the upgrade system work? And how long will the upgrade animation take. Just seems very time consuming to play 


    So, I thought about this for a while and I came to the conclusion that the power would just make those perks more powerful or encourage different kinds of builds since you won't need those perks (About the exposed perks I have already changed the power to give some kind of timer on the Level 3 weapon, I just didn't decide how long yet). I know it's time consuming, but that's the price to pay if you want to get a strong killer in the end.

    I am going to re-release this killer concept in the near future with some updates, since only a few people have seen this concept and only the three of you have actually commented, I'm looking for more feedback

  • StopRepostFakeAcc
    StopRepostFakeAcc Member Posts: 10
    I think your killer seems very cool. Your ability takes a bit of time to understand but I like how you can choose what you do with your ability.

    Undying Hatred I originally was going to say was really strong till I saw you had to down survivors and lost tokens with a hit to obsession. Not too bad. Hex totem perk is good and only having it be 3 seconds is fair to survivors. Last perk is very strong because of make your choice. 10 seconds with a potential spirit or hillbilly is extremely strong. Needs dropped to max 5 seconds.
  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154
    I think your killer seems very cool. Your ability takes a bit of time to understand but I like how you can choose what you do with your ability.

    Undying Hatred I originally was going to say was really strong till I saw you had to down survivors and lost tokens with a hit to obsession. Not too bad. Hex totem perk is good and only having it be 3 seconds is fair to survivors. Last perk is very strong because of make your choice. 10 seconds with a potential spirit or hillbilly is extremely strong. Needs dropped to max 5 seconds.
    Thank you for your comment.

    As I said to someone else I'm probably going to repost this concept again with a more appealing title, since only a few people, including you, actually gave some feedback. I want this killer to be as good and balanced as I can get him.

    I'll change the perk when I repost this
  • StopRepostFakeAcc
    StopRepostFakeAcc Member Posts: 10
    LCGaster said:
    I think your killer seems very cool. Your ability takes a bit of time to understand but I like how you can choose what you do with your ability.

    Undying Hatred I originally was going to say was really strong till I saw you had to down survivors and lost tokens with a hit to obsession. Not too bad. Hex totem perk is good and only having it be 3 seconds is fair to survivors. Last perk is very strong because of make your choice. 10 seconds with a potential spirit or hillbilly is extremely strong. Needs dropped to max 5 seconds.
    Thank you for your comment.

    As I said to someone else I'm probably going to repost this concept again with a more appealing title, since only a few people, including you, actually gave some feedback. I want this killer to be as good and balanced as I can get him.

    I'll change the perk when I repost this
    I'd rather reply to a good chapter idea than someone else's who creates fake accounts to repost their forgotten chapters. 
  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154
    I'd rather reply to a good chapter idea than someone else's who creates fake accounts to repost their forgotten chapters. 

    I'm not going to make a new account...
    And I would put in the title that it will be  repost

  • StopRepostFakeAcc
    StopRepostFakeAcc Member Posts: 10
    LCGaster said:
    I'd rather reply to a good chapter idea than someone else's who creates fake accounts to repost their forgotten chapters. 

    I'm not going to make a new account...
    And I would put in the title that it will be  repost

    I can tell you wouldn't. That's why I commented under yours, you have my respect. Don't comment under anyone who does that either, it will encourage them to do it more often.
  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154
    I can tell you wouldn't. That's why I commented under yours, you have my respect. Don't comment under anyone who does that either, it will encourage them to do it more often.
    Thank you very much, have a nice day