DS still needs some changes to make it a true anti-tunnel perk

Decisive Strike has went through many changes and its most recent change is a step in the right direction. But there's a couple things that prevent it from being a true anti-tunnel perk. So what needs changed?
DS deactivates if:
- A survivor fully healed by another survivor.
- A survivor fully heals themselves (Whether it be with Inner Strength/Inner Healing, Second Wind/Renewal, etc.)
- A survivor searches a chest
Agreed, if they make pgtw deactivated if you move your vision from a gen. You would have 2 secs from the hook to look at a gen, and if you look in other direction the perk deactivated
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If we are making it a true anti tunnel perk then it should probably activate twice since you know you can get tunneled twice?
and maybe increase the timer because what?? if you have been chased for 60 seconds after being unhooked you are not being tunneled anymore?
honestly if you still have a problem with ds now maybe it’s your playstyle that you need to change because even if they are healed they still haven’t done anything productive for 60 seconds.
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It kind of does activate twice. If you get unhooked and the timer runs out, the next time your unhooked it still activates. It only deactivates if you fail to hit or hit the skillcheck
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I do agree that in compensation for these changes that DS should activate twice and have a longer timer. But fully healed survivors should not be able to DS you.
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If you're going to nerf it ever more, then it should be buffed to be a better anti tunnel perk.
it hides scratch marks, blood pools, injuried noises for x amount of seconds (maybe 10-12 seconds), and give it a mini sprint burst.
That way tunneling is 100% bad idea no matter what the game state is. Mega anti tunnel.
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I wish that the obsession could use it whenever they wanted to. IDK I just want being the obsession to alter gameplay a bit more.
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Sure, give it those nerfs, but let it remove collision, scratch marks, blood and sound from the survivor for 15 seconds.
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You sound sarcastic about it activating twice but it really should be that way
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I wouldn't say there's any true "anti tunnel perks". I see more the point of bt and ds to waste more time. If it was true anti tunnel the killer wouldnt be able to get anywhere near you.
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I had a game the other day where a survivor deliberately didn't do anything for 60 seconds so they could let me down them and hit their Decisive Strike, after I came from the other side of the map, finishing a chase and hooking another survivor before coming back to them.
''But they didn't do anything for 60 seconds!'' - Okay, and? The perk is designed to be an anti-tunnel perk, and I did the very opposite of tunnelling by chasing a different survivor, hooking them, and then coming back to them.
It does need to be changed. Hooking another survivor should immediately deactivate all active DS on the other survivors, because that means YOU aren't tunnelling a specific survivor. But if you try to suggest this, the survivor mains froth at the mouth.
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Nah DS is fine the way it is, it’s non existent if you don’t tunnel.
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If they legitimately made killers be able to win without having to tunnel in certain situations, then I would be down for this. But otherwise, you'd be basically removing tunnelling from the killers arsenal and force them to hardcore camp to get anything done against efficient survivors.
Could see Leatherface becoming meta tbh
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Bro, if it was 60 seconds, they wouldn't have had Ds.
It also begs the question: what were you doing in those 60s when it was a 1 v 3?
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Well OP wants it to be a true anti tunnel perk. Therefore, by OPs suggestion, we should make it so it absolutely 100% negates all tunneling in all circumstances. Then, it'll be a true anti-tunnel perk.
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Doesn't it already deactivate if someone heals themselves?
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Sure, if we give it some much needed buffs in return.
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Yes, it disables when you start healing yourself.
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I hooked a Claudette, went to chase another survivor and downed them relatively quickly. Hooked them, went to the other side of the map, downed Claudette (who was actually baiting me) and then went to pick her up.
So it was probably a 59 second Decisive Strike, but regardless, I got hit by an anti-tunnel perk when I did the very opposite of tunnelling.
There's no argument you can make that doesn't agree with this being unfair. You can tell me the Claudette was practically AFK for the minute, or that I should've gotten 6 hooks within those 60 seconds (because apparently a 1v3 for less than a minute is an insta win) but whatever, the case is, DS isn't a true anti-tunnel perk, it can be exploited.
And funny enough, the Claudette's friend did the exact same thing, deliberately didn't do anything so they could hit me with DS, out of spite of tunnelling Claudette after she didn't have DS anymore.
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do it, the perk is trash anyway
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Oh yeah, nerf DS more. People are still not happy.
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lol those changes don't make it anymore anti-tunnel than it already is which is nothing. To truly make it anti-tunnel, some pain points should be considered. I'll list two:
- + Survivors can be tunneled two times.
- + Tunneling can exceed 60 seconds.
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Getting caught in a locker should disable it as well.
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DS is fine the way it is.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
As I said before, making the timer longer and allowing it to be activated twice can compensate for the changes.
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That sounds like a fair enough buff to compensate. And it would actually make DS useful in the long run.
That would work. Fair enough and it would make DS more useful.
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if we are gonna give these changes then it needs two more things. 1. Skill check must be bigger and 2. It actives even if you miss it the second time
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I think it’s dumb it disables if you miss the skill check, like guess I wasn’t being tunneled than.
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This logic doesn’t really apply because what if you down at an unhook and chase after the unhooked survivor?
just bc you down’d someone after, doesn’t mean that it’s a case of not tunnelling
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That is too far, in my opinion. And I am the guy who believes Decisive Strike is the best survivor perk in the game.
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If you were able to get fully healed or fully he yourself are you really getting tunneled? If you have time to stop and heal or open a chest that's alot of time that the killer isn't chasing you.
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I agree I think it’s stupid. I remember I missed it once because it was against a doctor and I forgot about the reverse skill checks lmao
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For real, how about giving it no deactivation, just a timer? How many DS can you bait in one minute? ;D
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Thats what makes it the only second chance perk were you can miss your second chance. Kinda awesome, no? Adds a sort of thrill to an otherwise purely mechanical affaire.
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I think ds is good as it is and doesn't need a change.
It works as intended,an anti tunneling perk.
If you apply those changes to it,killers will start tunneling again even if you have ds.
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DS is fine. If I have time to work on a gen or go unhook a teammate or heal someone, then I clearly am not being tunneled because I'm progressing the game. If I ds the killer, then they clearly tunneled me and deserved to eat the 5 second stun. If I run them longer than my DS timer then I've just made more time for my team and shouldn't be mad anyways because I'll more than likely get a decent amount of chase points and my teammates will usually come get the killer off me anyways (I never solo q).
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Exactly that's why those deactivate it because if your doing anything that's not being chased by the Killer your not being tunneled. But that's why they need to add if you do a protection hit ie body blocking it deactivates as well because your not being tunneled, your body blockimg and purposely putting yourself in the Killers path.
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Ah yes, I am tunnelling if I choose to down more than a single survivor, the logic is flawless.
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There's no argument you can make that doesn't agree with this being unfair. You can tell me the Claudette was practically AFK for the minute, or that I should've gotten 6 hooks within those 60 seconds (because apparently a 1v3 for less than a minute is an insta win) but whatever, the case is, DS isn't a true anti-tunnel perk, it can be exploited.
What was the outcome of that match?
Because if two survivors both spent a minute not contributing anything to their team, I imagine you wound up with more than enough time to 4K.
The perk is not exploitable because it requires you to not contribute at all in order to maintain it. If you circle back to a survivor and they DS you, they've put themselves at a disadvantage.
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Ok I got you. So if someone bt blocks they shouldn't be able to use ds. It's a good idea but what if the killer is tunneling how do you determine which is which.