Question for the Dev's about SBMM

So Dev's you guys have probably heard and seen many content creators, people on the forums, and other social media have said that this MMR system isn't working, many players are leaving the game because of MMR. We've seen the steam player base drop quiet a bit since the Hellraiser chapter came out since SBMM came the day after the chapter came out and I'm sure there was some effect of it on the console player base too.
So Dev's if the majority of your player base doesn't enjoy this system why do you keep it in? The bloodpoint award for achieving a high grade would've been way better on the old matchmaking system as it wasn't competitive at all and you guys have said in the past we don't want a competitive game but, you made it competitive by adding in the main component SBMM.
Ask yourself this Dev's if anyone of them sees this post is this healthy for the your player base and turn your horror game into a competitive game or should you reconsider removing SBMM to make your game more healthy like it used to be back than?
How do we know that the people leaving aren't because mmr is broken and new players trying the game are like, "hell nah, bro, I do not want to play against red ranks just so the forums can tell me they have nothing to do with matchmaking as though that is not the exact problem."
I am not saying nobody left because of actual mmr. In fact, that is why matchmaking is so loose and now people might hypothetically be leaving because mmr doesn't work. I am telling you, mmr was added to help retention. The reason it is not working is because this is not true mmr.
I hate the old system, but I have to admit, it took awhile before you started playing against red ranks. Nowadays people be playing against them after their second or third game. It is really cringe, bruh.
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Hmm, there is an issue with correlation and causation here. I think you're coming with from the argument established by Coconut, and while there is possibly a correlation there, the latest downwards trend started in August after possibly the biggest spike the game ever had, not in September as he says. That spike coincided with the RE chapter, exposing DBD to a much larger already existing player base of the Franchise.
While such periods of exposure are nice in the short/mid term, we have to acknowledge that RE usual players tend to enjoy those titles as they are released, alternating with other games. That is different from the constant stream of content produced by DBD and other games with an extended life cycle. While DBD can retain some of those players, it's expected to lose most as the content consumption pattern is very different. That might explain better why the drop started in August when for that demographic the game was no longer a novelty: we had a great influx of players coming from a different franchise with different gameplay and consumption patterns.
Also, expect an even steeper drop when Elden Ring releases next week as lots of content creators and players from DBD migrated originally from Souls games.
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Here's the thing with red ranks now is that someone could be an iri grade 1 right but, iri grade 1 in the old system could just be a rank 10 or 6 at best right. So there's some iri players that aren't that good yet and I've seen a decently hand fold as well of them as well.
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I didn't even think of coconut's video actually when making this but, I see what you're saying. I was actually more thinking of choy's new video he published a few days ago.
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Coconut's argument has some merit, but he tries to establish a narrative by tracing a line in the sand based on the day MMR became active and completely overlooks the fact that the biggest drop happened 1 month before that or that even content creators and high-level players were initially pleased by the matchmaking. See Scott Jund for reference.
While I believe DBD has lost players due to MMR, the reason might be more related to the burnout of climbing the ladder. Playing, building, and coordinating at higher and higher levels will surely drain any willpower to play.
"Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game." -Soren Johnson
But when you look and the averages of longer periods, DBD is still growing. Can't say much after Feb 24th.
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Don't mind SBMM for the most part. The only thing I request is a way to see where we sit in the tiers.
I love seeing everyone post about how their "high MMR matches" but it would be wonderful to see players from both sides get their ego deflated when it's shown that they're not as good as they like to think they are
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For them it is working as intended, so let them believe that and let the game die slowly, i can't wait for them to realize how stupid their attitude is when it comes to listening the community
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It's like "Hockey" ;)