How come people have a problem with Dead Hard and not with Unbreakable?

I don't understand how a tiny dash forward that is easy to bait can cause so much suffering when there is this other perk that not only let's you pick yourself up at the speed of light but also makes it so you don't need anyone else to get back into the game.
It doesn't even have any other requirement like Deilverance and even after using it you still keep the speed. And to add up to all of that it's not like you get the broken status effect or can't pick other survivors up, nop, one single survivor can pick up the entire team without any requirement other than holding M1.
But wahh Dead Hard can ruin a good play the killer just made!
So can saving Sprint Burst untilthe last second so you don't get hit, and I don't see how downing one survivor is a good play, specially compared to ACTUAL good plays in which one killer downs the entire team and as you're picking someone up, one single survivor with Unbreakable picks not just himself up but the other 2 survivors.
Why even make good plays that ends with all 4 survivors in the ground at once, be it with Bubba or Trapper or Hag or perks like Starstruck if one single perk can pick up the ENTIRE team, and if more than one survivor has it, that means they have a chance to pick the entire team up 4 times.
B-but don't slug!
I know "ApPlY PrEsSuRe" is just a patronizing phrase survivor players use so killers don't point out how survivors are always in control of the match, but surely even survivors know to stop gens from being worked on you need people downed, and since they can instaheal because of perks like COH leaving survivors wounded instead of downed or hooked is stupid.
So why should a killer be punished 4 times if a SWF feels like body blocking when you're about to hook someone and you end up downing all of them because of perks like Starstruck or Noed or you're Tier 3 Myers? It's not like you can be fast and hook all of them because they recover at the speed of light. It's not like you don't have to worry about 1 single survivor having Unbreakable because they can not only pick the entire team up immediately after recovering themselves but if they run away and you chase them some other survivor can pick themselves up too.
Anyway, Unbreakable needs the nerf, not Dead Hard.
how do you bait dead hard for distance quickly!
also unbreakable is once per game, very frustrating but easy to deal with. dh for distance is the problem child and bc it's multi-use it's even more annoying
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unbreakable is easy to counter if someone is playing alutristic next to the dying person and when they use unbreakable just hit him once
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You can always tell who doesn't know how to use DH effectively because they are of the mind that you should use DH to dodge a swing.
DH isn't overpowered because of the users that have no idea what they're doing with it so they DH themselves into a wall. DH is overpowered because in the hands of a really good survivor, it can literally extend the chase by 20+ seconds as they DH their way to a window/pallet that they shouldn't have been able to get to previously.
You put it in the hands of four very good survivors who know how to use DH effectively and there is very little a killer can do about it.
Meanwhile Unbreakable can be a possible issue but so often (at least in my games), the survivors never even get a chance to use it as I don't really slug. Unbreakable can also only be used once so if the situation comes up where someone DOES get slugged and lifts themselves back up, that's it, no more Unbreakable. DH they get to keep using over and over again.
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Unbreakable is actually balanced is why. It has one purpose, and that's against slugging. It also has requirements and a 1 time use only. The requirements being left on the ground for a certain amount of time. A majority of my matches people who bring it never even get to use it. And even if you are in a scenario where you're slugging all 4 of them, that's still 1-2 hooked in a short time period while the others have to run away and go heal or hide. That's 0 people doing generators. Then you can find them and interrupt their healing, downing and hooking at least once, while another has to run away to go get the unhook. It's tons of pressure and slowdown.
Dead hard on the other hand has distance and I-frames. That's why it's the most used perk outside of self care. It erases all mistakes made by a survivor, and causes chases to be extended far behind what they should.
Sprint burst is fast yeah, but requires you to worry about 99ing it or walking the entire time. Even then if they hit you before you can get it off it's a wasted perk. Same thing with little minus the whole walking everywhere thing. It requires a window or a dropped pallet, and if you get hit through the window or pallet the perk is kinda useless.
Dead hard however doesn't have that issue because you have to be injured to use it. Which means you get hit, get a speed boost, and then still have a perk available that will not only be able to negate hits completely, but also can be used to gain even more distance. And since you're going to get injured anyways throughout the match, there's 0 downside to it and no real activation requirement other pressing a single button.
It's the strongest survivor perk right now hands down because it's so far above all other exhaustion perks.
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The way I see it, anyone who says to bait Dead Hard does not understand how Dead Hard is best used.
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I'd be happy if Dead hard was 1 time use
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Unbreakable is very situational and can only be activated once per game. You can't do anything against Dead Hard.
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in short, you can just pick up the slugs and that hardcounters UB.
are there scenarios where this isnt the optimal play? sure. but most of the time those conditions wont be met.
Dead Hard simply has no conditions that had to be met or anything the Killer could do to play around it. all a Killer can really do is to acknowledge they cant down this person because of the E, there is no way to counter it.
thats why everyone hates this perk. its a free 3rd healthstate with no counterplay to it.
and since you mentioned them:
Balanced Landing requires a fall from a great height, there is a clear activation requirement there.
Lithe requires a fast vault, there is a clear activation requirement there.
Sprint Burst requires the Survivor not to have run prior to this, as well as only being usable at the very beginning of a chase, there is a clear downside and activation requirement there.
this goes for all exhaustion Perks but one - Dead Hard. Dead Hard is the only exhaustion Perk in this game that doesnt come with an actual activation requirement (or a downside, as in SBs case), which is one of the main reasons why its so busted.
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UB is very very situational.
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"It matters how it's actually used"
How it's best used is how it's actually used by many players who know how to properly use it.
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Because UB is fair perk. It is here for slugging strategy. How would survivors play against slugging without UB? Fair perk! Also if killer won't slug, survivor will not get any value from this perk.
But DH? Greedy pallet and when killer outplay you, press E to safe place. This is most broken in perk right now.
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Dead Hard for distance to a good tile spawn can easily buy 30+ seconds against standard M1s.
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UB you get hit with once, and it's done.
Dead Hard can be used infinitely as long as you're not exhausted. On most killers, that's at least 3 times (1 per chase).
UB is the result of the killer making the decision to slug, taking a risk despite knowing this perk exists. Likewise, survivors run this perk knowing it could do nothing.
Dead Hard is the result of getting injured and having what's essentially a 3rd health state. It's a perk that has no counter besides "hope the survivors screw up." Bait it out? Doesn't work when they DH to a pallet or window, to say nothing about how DH validation has made it much more favorable to survivors to wait for the killer to commit to an M1 (or maybe it's the auto DH cheat; who knows anymore?)
Dead Hard is also universally useful. There's not a single killer where DH is useless; arguably it's less useful against Bubba, but "less useful" doesn't mean much considering how busted this perk is. Compare that to SB which while powerful, has numerous killers that make that perk a joke, such as our favorite Pin Ball, Blight, Nurse, and even Wraith can catch back up just as quickly.
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unbreakable rarely works where you can dead hard to save yourself several times in EVERY match.
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I'm guessing you are trolling, which is why you created a new account to post this, but I'll bite.
Unbreakable is useable once per game and is only useable when you get slugged. That means that if a killer doesn't slug, or doesn't slug long enough for you to recover, it is a wasted perk slot. Dead Hard can be used many times over the course of the game. Using it to gain a little extra distance while looping, and then continuing to loop, would be a poor use of the ability. If that is how you use it, no wonder you don't understand. It is useful for getting to that next pallet, or vault, or a jungle gym where they can waste a ton of the killer's time. It also has a brief iframe so, if timed right, it can prevent you from taking a hit even if you aren't in a position to gain distance.
Unbreakable's counter is not to avoid downing, just to avoid slugging them long enough to recover. If you down them and hook them, unbreakable is countered and you can go on and kill other people. Also, the idea that a player with unbreakable is going to get up and recover his entire team is a bit ridiculous. I imagine that it has happened, but if a killer is playing so badly, or so cocky, that they allow that to happen, then he/she deserves it.
I love how you point out "once per game per survivor" when talking about Unbreakable, but when you mention Dead Hard, it is only one survivor. Far more players use DH than Unbreakable, so it is far more likely to see all 4 survivors running it. So, every 40 seconds times 4. Unbreakable is has so much chance of being a wasted perk slot, you are rarely going to see all 4 players running it. While a situation with Unbreakable, that you describe, is possible, the perfect storm for that to actually happen would be exceptionally rare. Dead Hard, on the other hand, is in your face all game, every game.
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Clearly UB is worse, because when camping a hooked survivor you want to slug anyone that tries to rescue. Having them pick themselves up and unhooking ruins that plan.
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Unbreakable doesn't i-frame my power or punish me for successfully pulling off a mind game. I also wouldn't need to create additional pressure if it wasn't already all lost from a Dead Hard extending chase so I wouldn't think about slugging.
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I have complained about it. Nobody else seems to agree though.
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Both give the survivors another chance, yet one does so to extend the game while the other does so yet shortens it. The obvious difference is what the other survivors are doing, gens... yet if they are all on the floor or hook the killer gained a hook, with no gen progression.
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Dead hard undo one entire chase for free, every 40 seconds.
unbreakable only works as literal clutch perk.
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Not to mention that currently, Dead Hard also eats a killer's power for a large number of killers, granting the survivor an un-earned advantage. IE
Nemmy tentacle whips across a downed pallet.
Survivor DH's away
Tentacle misses survivor - correct and expected behaviour
Tentacle does not break the downed pallet - incorrect and not as designed.
So it's worse than the rest even disregarding the other, very cogent arguments already mentioned in this stream.
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It seems my assessment that you were trolling was correct. Your use of strawman arguments pretty much corroborates that.
The fast recovery time is nice, but not game changing. You still have to wait for someone to come and pick you up, which could well after you finished recovering. If someone is there immediately after you finish recovering, you save about 10 seconds. Hardly game changing. And, no, killers don't slug every game. It is dependent on the situation. Any killer that slugs just to slug is not a good killer. Still, it does happen quite a bit. However, the 4-survivor slug scenario with an entire team rescue is highly unlikely, which you now seem to agree with. Since you can only use it once per match, using it when you are the only one slugged and it is one of your first hooks would be a waste, especially if another survivor could pick you up. You'd want to save it for a critical moment, which may never come. Picking yourself up, in that situation, is no different to the killer than another player picking you up. It's not about picking yourself up, it's about picking yourself up in a game changing way, and that may never come.
Your next comment assumes that every player is running Unbreakable, which I already pointed out is not the case. It is a risk vs reward perk that many don't want to bother with. For those 2 downed survivors, it is highly likely that neither of them are using Unbreakable, let alone both. And again, using it just to save yourself from a hook is a waste, unless it is your death hook. Still, not going to ruin the killer's day.
I never said that someone that has unbreakable doesn't go for a rescue, I said your "saving the entire team" scenario was highly unlikely. In the quote of mine you refer to, I actually say "entire team", so you then making it about 2 downed players does not prove your point or disprove mine. You simply changed the discussion.
A killer is not playing badly or cocky if he downs 4 survivors at once, quite the opposite, dunno why in your head you think downing several players within seconds means a killer is playing badly.
Nowhere did I say that. I said that if the killer lets you save the entire team, which is the point you were making, that would be bad play. Again, you are twisting the discussion to suit your narrative rather than sticking to the points that were actually being made, which is weird because we can all see what I said.
Yeah uh, don't be dishonest. That's not how the exhaustion state works and you know it.
LOL Nice try. I took that directly from the post i quoted from you. You said it, I just used it. Let me remind you:
Meanwhile Dead Heard is every 40 seconds
Do you think that anyone believes that I meant that a player would be using DH non-stop every 40 seconds? That doesn't even make sense. I think you are the one being dishonest. The point is that you can use it a lot.
At best a survivor gets to use Dead Hard 3 times in the whole game, once per chase, and that's being generous because lots of times survivors don't get to be hooked 3 times.
I have no idea where you get that from. What do es the number of times you can use DH have to do with the number of times you get hooked? My guess is that it is related to your idea that people only use it to get an extra loop in, which is probably how you use it and why you think it is bad. It also would explain why the most you think people could use it in a match is 3, because you assume that every chase ends in a down and a hook. That's not the case. People can use it far more times than that in a match, especially those that like to get into chases. Probably even more with CoH in the game.
And I'd like to see how survivors even get to use dead hard if the killer can instadown them. The amount of times a player against camping Bubba gets to use dead hard is zero. The amount of times players that were never even touched by the killer in the whole match but die to NOED get to use dead hard is zero.
What? What does insta-down and NOED have to do with not being able to use DH? You use DH to avoid getting hit. If you get downed, you likely already used DH. Frankly, this just makes zero sense. It seems like you have no idea how to use DH.
Dunno why you would think that. It's not rare at all to have more than one survivor on the ground at once, specially with perks like NOED, Haunted Grounds, Starstruck, etc.
My perfect storm comment was in direct response to your scenario where 4 people get downed and one player with unbreakable saves the entire group. Once again you try to change the discussion. Now it's just more than one survivor on the ground at once. Not all 4. Not saving the "entire team". Just 2 people slugged at once. Were no longer even talking about someone with Unbreakable saving the team, just 2 players slugged. Again, that does invalidate my points in any way, and it doesn't make your point because your points keeps changing.
When you have to resort to strawman arguments to defend your point, your point was not strong enough to defend. Please stick to the points or don't bother.
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UB is once per game and requires you to slug. They might not even get to use it.
Dead hard is used in every chase you have and can extend chases by minutes and erases mistakes, robbing the killer of any skill.