Can we turn off dead hard for 1 week?

I can't count how many times where it should've been a quick down because i caught them off guard and mindgamed them so hard at loops, dead hard saved their behind and extended the chase to 1 minute+.
Before you say "oH JuST wAiT iT OuT" you think i don't know that? you can't just wait it out when they're near pallets or windows, almost everyone use deadhard for distance.
I just want to see for a week how "good survivors" does without dead hard.
I'am probably gonna get flamed because survivors loved their free healthstate
I agree with u on the 1 week of no dead hard.
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No dead hard and no bloodlust please 🙏🏻
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Why bloodlust? there is no reason to disable bloodlust.
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If that were true, everyone would be using sprint burst now, instead of X4 dead hards a trial on average in high mmr.
Don't use that stupid argument as a reason to not nerf dead hard. It's wrong
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Not surprised this reply comes from someone with your comment history
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shrug there is it I guess.
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There's already a lack of killers. Turning off bloodlust, like they did last year, would make finding a survivor game even more impossible.
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I don't think it changes that much anyway, bloodlust is such an useless band-aid for infinites.
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That would ve interesting, i find it much more interesting to zone based on balanced/lithe, or getting outplayed with headon, instead of dead hard. Its just become far too standard to the point of being very boring
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Not that you are any better than them
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OK, maybe than game should be started with all survs on hook, just to make easyer game for killers??? Why not, cuz killers object is to kill survs???
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If they're gonna disable Dead Hard, they have to disable Monstrous Shrine to make it fair T^T /s
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Why not? it'd be hilarious.
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It was not bad during the weekend. And honestly, it was fun to actually outplay Survivors instead of just winning a chase because of holding W. I got outplayed so hard by a Laurie at two unsafe Pallets, I would not have deserved to get a Hit.
And it also felt good to be actually better than a Killer at unsafe Loops, where they would have just won by holding W while failing every mindgame.
(Bloodlust only really matters for unsafe Loops nowadays anyway. The strong Loops have a Pallet and that will be kicked anyway, removing Bloodlust...)
There is no reason for a week without Dead Hard. The reason for a weekend without Bloodlust was because the Devs want to get Data from it and Bloodlust is a game mechanic, which is present in every game. Dead Hard is not a game mechanic, it is a Perk and they can already see what it does when they look at games or Survivors who do not have Dead Hard equipped.
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Terrible idea.
Turn it off forever.
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If you want to counter Dead Hard use Exposed or killers who can down survivors in one hit. Use add-ons or perks that inflict exhausted. It's run so much that it should be expected on every single survivor. If you haven't adapted to it by now in some capacity then you need to start now.
Both sides are allowed to have powerful perks. Idk I just really see nothing wrong with it. Yeah it sucks when they use it to get to a pallet and extend a chase but that's what it's for.
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There is extremely limited perks/addons that grants exhausted, exposed is also extremely limited and killers who can one hit is also limited.
A perk that limits everything onto very specific thing is ridiculous I'd say.
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If you have to argue a point with "just use x killer or x perk" then there is a problem.
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You could just run mindbreaker (whatever it’s called now) to counter DH and other exhaustion perks. Whenever a killer runs it, I always forget I’m exhausted during a chase causing a easy down. It works really good
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I mean it worked because you forget it exists, countering it is easy and we really shouldn't expect survivors to make mistakes.
It only works with blight nurse spirit... those kind of ambusher killers.
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I'd rather see a whole day with no perks from both sides.
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If they disable dh for 1 week nobody will play LOL, because survivors can't play with the E
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It would be interesting if they disabled; Dead Hard, DS, BT, Unbreakable and Circle of Healing for like 3 days. See what cool combinations survs make