Nerf Silent Bell please. It's trash.

Wraith players play like **** and there's no counterplay to this add on. It does not feel fun or good to go against. There, that's my whining for the day. BHVR do your job. Just kidding. Or am I? ..... no but i like hate this add on. Thoughts?
Bing bong22 -
I think his add-on where you can’t tell where it is coming from should be base.
10 -
Wraith needs basekit Windstorm, again.
9 -
I'll provide an actual opinion now.
Silent Bell is mostly fine, and yes, there are counters to it. Wraith still sounds like a congested, decrepit old man trying to clear his throat so you can still audibly identify where he is, and the 'whoosh' noise that plays when he uncloaks is still there. Then again, sound is inconsistent in this game. On most maps, you can still see Wraith coming from across the map. On Coldwind and Azarov's, this add-on can feel wasted. I'm guessing the same goes for Eyrie of Crows.
I can see an argument for it being too strong on Lery's and RPD, but those are two maps.
The add-on forces you to be more careful and keep your eyes open, but that's about it. I don't find it terribly strong, and I think nerfing it or giving it a downside would push it into trash tier. The real strong one was All Seeing imo, and not even the iri one. I think they nerfed it, but I'm not sure.
This is just my opinion, though. I've never had any sorts of issues with Wraith, even when he was in his "slightly OP" state.
3 -
Is paying attention to your surroundings while holding m1 to much to ask for?
I love some good jump scares. Those are the few moments the game feel like a horror game.
Please don't take this away.
10 -
No, buff it.
Instead of bell sound being silenced, you should hear the sounds ALL THE TIME, no matter where you are, no matter what killers doing, literally entire match.
6 -
Currently silent bell is one of the few killer addons that allows hit & run to be viable.
The counter is the same for any other stealth killer, staying visually alert. Unlike pig and Ghostface, Wraith can't attack from stealth mode.
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If you said the add-ons trash then I say we should give it a buff.
Imo a nice buff would be to double your speed boost while coming out of cloak 👍
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It's only really effective on indoor maps and when paired with ghost soot to surpress the terror radius and red stain when he uncloaks.
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The addon does literally nothing for an exprience Wraith...
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And also 15% longer lunge out of cloak basekit.
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Because some people play while hearing loud music or while chatting.
That's why they don't notice the killer coming from an open area.
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You can still hear his breathing. It's a dead giveaway. The only way it helps the Wraith is you not knowing which direction he's coming from, which is kind of what his yellow distorted bell can do to.
Also, it's a freaking pink and the effect isn't even OP. How many pinks and purples am I gonna have to defend by saying this same simple concept over and over?
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I honestly think it should be base-kit along with the addon that removes his terror radius + stain for 6 seconds.
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No more silent bing bong ding ding.
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Lol people would dc imagine always hearing ding dong ding ding lol
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Its curious cuz pig have less warning time and more lunge with the dash but wraith doesnt have long lunge anymore.
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Spine chill
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Maybe just listen to the fact he stomps,breaths, and sounds like an elephant and is just as loud?
If you listen for his foot steps/breathing you'd quickly realize he's the 2nd loudest killer in the game(Only beaten by Demogorgon) even while invisible with the silent bell.
1 -
Silent bell is fine the way it is.
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It works as pseudo oblivious as survivors are forced to remove their headphone or disable speakers.
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Use your eyes?
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The counter is to keep your eyes open, good God come on man!
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This community really has to understand that you never nerf something because you don't like to go against it, but because something is too strong, that same thought is what led deathslinger to his current state
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I think wraith is a pug
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"Nerf Silent Bell please. It's trash."
It's clearly not or it wouldn't need a nerf in the first place.
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Who asked for the 20% uncloak lunge nerf though?
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Coxcombed Clapper is fine. You can still tell where he's coming from from his loud breathing and the "whoosh" sound that plays after he uncloaks. You can also hear him uncloaking by listening for a crackling noise. There's so many counters to this addon, it doesn't need changed.
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Pig most certainly has more warning time. Wraith is fast, invisible, and has no terror radius before he long lunges. Pig has to crouch slowly, play a loud roar, and then go at a laughably medicore speed in her dash attack.
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I play Wraith a lot and I feel this add-on shouldn't be Iri, it's terrible, and only effective against noobs, and even then, only half of the time. If people are aware of their surroundings, you'll see Wraith's blur coming from a mile away, or you'll hear his sore throat or the really heavy stomping on the ground.
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My only problem really is at loops it feels like it's cheese, especially tall wall short loops on eyrie of crows. that's where my complaint started was there.