Add 1 addon slot to killer

Tampered Timer + Double Gears Baybee
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No, this would make killers way too strong. Two is good because it allowes you to combo add-ons together that work well or shar the same effect while the effect not being too oppressive.
Examples: infitate T3 tombstone and after stalking adding.
Blight with alchemist ring and double speed add-ons
Pyramid head with triple range add-ons
There's a lot more but my main point is that three would be far too opresove.
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I just imagined Doctor with all 3 Calm (Terror Radius expanding/Reducing) add-ons... lets see, with Distressing setting his base TR at 40m, that gives him a TR of 58m when his static blast is ready, and 22 when he uses it. With Monitor and Abuse it gives him a TR of 58 while chasing, and 42m while not as long as static blast is fully charged, and then it gives him a TR of 24m when not chasing, and 6m when he uses his static blast while not chasing anyone. Without those perks it gives him a 50m TR while static blast is charged, and a 14m TR after using Static blast.
Yeah, that sounds like it wouldn't be game breaking at all. 😃
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Nope. Way too strong.
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🤯🤯🤯🤯😵😵😵 sorry but that's kinda op. Mirror miers plus tombstone and infinite t3, OMEGA BURGER MAN
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That combo wouldn't work at all since both of the mirror add-ons keep him from ever reaching EW3, so the Tombstone and Fragrant Tuft of Hair add-ons would just waste add-on space. However, They would pair nicely with a Stalk Rate increasing add-on.
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Definitely not. I do not wanna face a:
- Nurse with Torn Bookmark, Fragile Wheeze and Dark Cincture.
- Shape with Memorial Flower, J. Myers Memorial and Tombstone Piece.
- Clown with 5 Insta-down bottles.
- Spirit with Mother-Daughter Ring, Muddy Sports Day Cap and Yakuyoke Amulet/Dried Cherry Blossom.
- Blight with Blighted Crow, Rat and Alchemist's Ring.
There are probably more nasty combinations, but these are just what I could think of.
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Legion with 3 Fatigue add-ons makes me yes.
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There's plently of killers that need help but this change really only helps a handful killers while leaving many killers still in the same state before.
Like Ghostface can now being all 3 of his cooldown addons which is like only another second.
Or killers like Pyramid Head and Freddy who just have overall really useless addons so an extra slot doesn't do anything for them.
People already listed combos that are too strong so I don't feel the need to repeat them.
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Your example literally showed how good and balanced this change would be.
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Ik they wouldn't work it's a joke
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Ah, well Played!
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I’ve thought about this too. A third add on would be way too strong most of the time. Potential limitations:
- To bring a third add on, the character must be max prestiged. Consider increasing Prestige Levels to four or five.
- The third add on can only be a common (Brown Add On)
- The killer cannot bring an iridescent.
- The third add on has half its statistical effect. Hillbilly’s bumper add on only reduces the stun by 15%. His increased heat capacity is only 10% compared to the usual 20%.
Thing is, this would be broken on many killers. It would also be incredibly costly for many killers.
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Thank you all for the feedback. I was curious about this lol.