Blight players are good, but they are all the same

Basically, I just encountered 4 Blights in a row, and today I faced a total of 9 Blights. Normally this Blight players were super good at it, and I was like "Oh wow! nice hit!" and it's fun and all, but after playing it for 6 times it started to feel boring.

The thing is that is not the players itself what makes it boring imo, but that they all have very similar addons. You see, ALL of those 9 Blight's had: Blighted Crow, Blighted Rat and Alchemist Ring. Im not joking, all those Blights had those three addons and like...why?? Blight is such a fun killer to play as and against, but it makes it so damn boring

Not only that, but the majority of Blights use Pain Resonance and Dead Man's Switch as a super good combo, and we all can agree that is the new meta. The thing is: Do they really need those perks? I ask these because I always try to be as fair as possible when I play both sides, like not bringing meta perks (the only exception being BT) and not genrush when Im surv, and not tunneling or camping and not bringing slowdown perks and being addonless. But for those Blight players there is no challenge, and I say it because in all our matches they ended up doing a 4k and with 4 gens left, wich brings me to another thing: Why I don't stop facing Blights? I lost almost 15 matches in a row, and I keep facing a lot of Blights, and my teammates just straight up DC, and Im all alone like: "Well, this is bad" and ended up dying of course.

So, my mmr SHOULD be low, but it seems like Im playing with the same people overall, and Im starting to get so tired of playing survivor and killer at this point

But thats about it for me, I would like to know what you guys think because I feel that this might happen to some people also and that feels this way too. Thank you so much for reading, because I did this as a way to distract me a bit. Hope you the best to all of you



  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Current Blight is about as oppressive as old school backrev Billy, and they changed Billy at some point and kneecapped him pretty hard so I don't think Blight will be like that forever.

    Just be super aggressive on survivor and run WGLF for point boosts until MMR decides you're too godly to face Blight anymore and you spend your days with Demogorgon and Shape.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    Why do people complain about seen the same addon and go on its boring? Most addons don't change the actual gameplay they just reduce cooldown or add a effect you can get from a perk. The addons that change gameplay normally come with so crazy downside or activation requirements where you have to play bad.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,270

    i mean huntress did have other decent add-ons like... iri head+infantry belt. When it comes to killer add-ons, if the killer add-on is not better than what the killer player currently has available, than why would the player consider choosing a worse add-on unless they're purposely sabotaging their chances to win.

    I think the truth is that survivors mains dislike a vast majority of the killer cast hence dev make killer super safe and weak on purpose. Now you get OP post where he is complaining on facing the same killer. Its like imagine the new perk for survivor is No mither. Do you think survivors would switch their super meta build to run new perk No mither? I don't think so.

    Survivor players sabotage their own chances of facing a variety of killers.

    Why would you expect a killer player to play No-mither level killer?

    Survivor players are like, why aren't you playing a more variety of killers?

    Killer players: Pikachu face

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Blight is so insanely oppressive I do not understand how he keeps evading nerfs. I never DC, but this killer sorely makes me want to anytime I load into a game and hear that damn rush sound. I just now he is gonna lawmower my whole team.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    I was thinking the same thing after I responded. You never see survivors running no mither yet most the killer addons are like no mither.

  • Trex_Crazy
    Trex_Crazy Member Posts: 209

    High mmr survivors are good, but they're all the same.

    Gone against high mmr survivors for awhile now and they all use the same pool of like 8 perks. As well as there almost always being the bnp or styptic.

    I would fall down dead of a heart attack if I had match without dead hard. It isn't a broken perk but its boring when everyone uses it.




    I don't see a difference between your grievances and the above ones. It is still a valid point, but is a double edges sword as well. Most, if not all, every grievance of monotony or pure meta builds can be said for survivors as well.

    (Though for the record I play blight and usually bring meme builds because the game is no longer fun if you try to win so I just have fun.)

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Meta is fine, it is when you have a stagnant meta for so long that all variety ceases to exist. I do not know how this game was before I joined, but the only real difference in the survivor meta since Resident Evil was a key nerf and adding Circle of Healing. Otherwise, it plays the same. For almost a year.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    I have to say, YES! they have to bring those perks!

    Survivors are mostly sweatfest for them too, so meta perks and meta addons are super necessity to play this game, this is exactly the reason why blight is so common, after all!

    You can't expect survivors to intentionally play worse or anything, in fact, you shouldn't expect to match with solo q and with actual MMR balance, you have to expect sweatiest SWF on highest MMR, all the time, not because they are common, but they DO appear and you have no way to see if they are sweaty or not.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    Which is why if they know what's good for them, they should always support killer buffs. If they want to change the meta they're tired of facing, the weaker killers need to be buffed or the survivor perks need to be nerfed.

    We've tried the strategy of just nerfing the top killer. Nurse, Hillbilly, Freddy, Spirit, even Blight with the Compound 32. Every time you nerf the strongest add-on, people are just gonna use the next best thing. Nerf the strongest killer, they're just gonna use the next best one. But that's been done so many times at this point, it's created a stale meta where 1 or 2 killers are viable and 1 or 2 are right beside them simply because they can tunnel/camp the easiest. Everyone below them is absolutely garbage and can't compete against all teams, just the weaker teams.

  • eaebree
    eaebree Member Posts: 288

    Bad players wanting easy games

  • Pochoclo
    Pochoclo Member Posts: 15

    For clarify some things: Yes, I know that survivors are boring the majority of times, don't get me wrong. Im a killer main, I know that is so frustrating and boring going against the same 6 perks all the matches, and that's why I try different perks and things in both sides: I don't run DH or DS or even CoH (only exception being BT, because I don't want my teammates to die in hooks), because those perks are super annoying to face against. I like Tenacity, Distorsion, those kind of things

    Im not talking bad about Blight players as an "Entitled survivor main", but I have been playing survivor to complete some rift challenges and that's why I started to noticing the Blight thing. I know that a lot of Blight players are super good at the game, but the majority of those Blight players have the same things and I just noticed it

    Im also confused because the devs nerfed twins addons because some pros were super with them, ignoring the low and medium mmr players. So...why Blight didn't? I saw some people talking about this much before I did, so it was a problem to a lot of people that they still didn't changed, wich just makes me confused lol

    But after that, I aprecciate all your responses, it helps me a lot tbh, and maybe I should try meta perks and addons maybe (nah Im kidding lol, I like to play addonless)

    Hope you all of you the best! :D

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Ah yes. Jerkoff coming at me at Mach 7, has multiple rushes (up to freaking 6), can aura read me after bounces, can smash pallets instantly with said bounce, ignores all concept of running away, and basically just has to zone you away from the window.

    Yes, clearly this is a "get good" issue and not a broken ass killer issue. I'm sure it's just dumb luck he is one of highest rated top MMR killers.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    "Just take windows" is the single worst advice since "Just face a wall to avoid a flashlight".

    Sure, I'll just spawn a window next to this generator I am working on. No problem. What is the website you can buy hacks from again?

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Just use sprint burst or something? like use your brain and try to deal with it, because if you do so you very well can.

  • tesla
    tesla Member Posts: 446

    I love playing Blight, but I don't like to use Alchemist Ring because I find it very boring. Vigo's Journal, C22, current Adrenaline Vial, the iridescent ones are all so fun. I wouldn't mind if they nerf Alchemist Ring cause it feels very cheap and boring to see it all the time too. It's also preferable to see an addon nerfed than the killer itself.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    Since when can you equip like 4 addons?

    Psa don't shift w against the blight .

  • Trex_Crazy
    Trex_Crazy Member Posts: 209

    I see, I get it. I am a killer main as well and every time I used to play survivor it was spirit before the nerf. I really feel that the meta for everyone is stagnant. It's so fun when a killer or survivors have some oddball perks and want to have fun. Survivors memeing is fairly common when playing against demo I've found. The problem arises that the way the game is made the killers have limited options if they want an assured way to win often. A good team of survivors on coms can with a little challenge still beat a killer with no perks. But a lot of killers who haven't given up on winning and are just having fun can still win without perks but it is tenfold more difficult compared to survivors on coms. solo q is a different story because your teammates usually hide in corners across the map.I think the game itself is stagnant.

  • Trex_Crazy
    Trex_Crazy Member Posts: 209
    edited February 2022
  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,270

    now a days, Its not even add-ons themselves being no mither-level. its entire base killer power at base-kit being no mither-level. Like why would you expect to see nemesis, a killer that has to hit 3 times to down a survivor over blight? Artist similar design with her ranged crows requiring two consecutive hits to inflict 1 health state. Trickster has laceration mechanic that allows survivor's self-heal on his own power. Cenobite that breaks his own chain anti-loop and survivors manipulating chains to rubberband them on environment for instant breaks.

    Now a days, killer powers just sabotage themselves. That is just looking at last 4 killer releases after blight itself. Let us exclude Twins that just keep getting negatives changes for random reasons. It doesn't look like add-on problem for new guys. it looks more like base-kit problem.

    Killers that have add-on problems are those that got changed by survivor mains. Like freddy has add-on problem because his good add-ons got nerfed including his base-kit which now sucks. The same can be said for Billy who has add-ons that are like.... Black Grease that only activates when you get blinded or that iri brick that gives billy undetectable after 2 seconds of being in chainsaw sprint. Deathslinger's add-ons were never good. but at least his base-kit wasn't a joke. now it is. Because most of these killer already went through their revision changes, they're unlikely to receive any other changes.

    So I would say that changing add-ons is not as great of priority now a days as it is making base-kit killers just better overall. The killers they're changing right now legion and ghostface. they have base-kit mechanics that sabotage themselves. Namely, legion loses a portion of his power gauge when he successfully lands an M1 attack putting his power on cooldown and ghostface loses his entire stalk meter on that survivor takes an m1.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,897

    This is just a function of people learning to use a killer optimally. If there's an effective way to accomplish something, many people will figure it out an use it. You will get some outliers, but generally a group of people using the same killer optimally are going to feel very, very similar.

    On the flipside, I would say virtually all higher MMR survivors play the same way, with negligible variation. And moreso the higher you get.

    This is a big reason I don't enjoy higher MMR that much; on both sides I know what my opponent is going to do, they know what I am going to do, within a margin of error. You have a base of players who are playing at near optimal level, and that all looks really similar.

  • Pochoclo
    Pochoclo Member Posts: 15

    I want to think that my mmr is low because I lost a ton of matches, and I kinda want to lose on purpose just to lower it and have a bettet time.

    I don't run meta perks for both sides, because I feel that Im depending of them, but I just played with Deathslinger with Dead Man's Switch and Pain resonance, and I won. I won, but I felt like there was no challenge (got 4k and 4 gens left), and I was using addons and that just made me feel that there is some people that never gets bored of that

    Idk what else to say, but maybe I should go back to non-meta perks and addonless (or maybe not, because that is stupid and it's sabotagging myself lol)

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    These points do not allow you to reality alter the map. There are many instances where your brain means absolutely nothing. You just die. Because he can just rush rush rush. It is extremely easy for Blight to create a dead zone.

    I say again, he is in the top 3 at high MMR for a reason.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Being top doesn’t mean it’s overpowered. There will literally always be a top regardless. Everything in Blight’s chase is counterplayable. Learn to mindgame better.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    K. How do I mindgame two rocks the size of a barrel, a tree, and the gen I am working on?

    I'll wait.

  • HoG_Nagato
    HoG_Nagato Member Posts: 9

    Honestly, I'm not facing that many blights. I played for like, 9 hours today? And in total I think it was about 5 blights or something like that. 2 of them were super good, the other 3 were bad/meh. 🤔

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Extremely small object like that would be likely to be unbumpable, just get away.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    115% versus 100%.

    I lose.

    Because on top of his ability to make the jump to light speed, he is ALSO a max run speed killer.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    You should lose, you are meant to lose.

    What's important is how long it takes to do so, and just running straight usually lead to somewhere with palette and takes decent amount of time.

    Without bumping to things, he can't hit you, and he is forced to eat stun, which results in more distance for you to run.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    A term I've applied to these terribly designed killers is that they have "built-in counters". Almost every killer has one, but some are more obvious or extreme than others.

    Wraith slows down a lot when uncloaking, which negates his long lunge out if cloak.

    Freddy gives survivors clocks so that they can't be affected by his snares or his undetectable.

    Legion goes into fatigue and can't see scratch marks for using his power.

    Oni going into his power makes survivors stop dropping blood orbs

    Twins let survivors kill Victor if he misses OR if he hits.

    Trickster's knives dissolve or something stupid.

    Nemesis gives survivors T-Virus cures.

    Pinhead shows the survivors the box's aura from across the map.

    Onryo is gonna give survivors tapes that can take away 4/7 of their meter.

    All of these are literally part of the killer's power that works against the player that's using them.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Don't be in a deadzone while injured if you know he's close enough to get to you before you can get to the closest tile. Have better map awareness. I don't know if you're expecting one of the worst possible scenarios to be caught in to be favorable for you in even the tiniest bit or something.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Because Blight can use his rushes to outzone you where he wants you and you just die.

    I can dodge a Hatchet.

    I can dodge a Shred.

    I can juke a Nurse.

    I can fake out a Spirit.

    I can window vault against a Bubba.

    There is nothing against a Blight. You just die. Even if you get lucky and find a resource, it is nothing that two bounces won't get around. It's absurd.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    I already addressed this. He doesn't NEED to mind game you. He can just unga bunga you with two rushes.

  • Tryharder
    Tryharder Member Posts: 173

    This is why I quit dbd, Killers are so easy to cheese it’s not even funny. Plus killers can’t even adjust their fov so have fun survivors exploiting your fov.

    I love how legion and nurse self stun effect force the killer to look at the floor so we can’t see the survivor we chasing.

    I love how stealth on killers is pointless because even if your undetectable you still make loud sounds that pinpoint your location also spinechill exist

    I also love how most killers got boring addon that literally doesn’t change anything or straight make them worst. Like why would anyone want billy or bubba to charge their chainsaw longer or play trapper and can’t pick up the traps you set

  • ThePolice
    ThePolice Member Posts: 801

    Old school back rev Billy wasn’t oppressive though compared to current blight

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,026

    Maybe the devs listen to us if we call it boring instead of OP?

    Pig is boring... no that doesnt feel right.

    PiG oP! pLZ NErF! 

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    There are plenty of loops that are almost impossible to go against, and if you do try to loop there, you will waste wayyy too much time. It goes both ways. There's literally a strategy for killer, which is to leave chase. A loop is so powerful, so strong, that we are forced to leave chase. There are things that are just sometimes uncounterable on both sides.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168

    I hate Blight's movement speed addons, they need to be changed or made to not stack.

    They continue to make the window to react smaller and smaller, which makes dodging his massive hitbox even harder. I can play against normal blight but a blight who's movement speed keeps changing is ridiculous

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    I call bullshit so hard here. I believe you when you say that the perks and add-ons were probably the same on all the Blights that you faced, but even if a Blight you versed ran a non-sweaty build, I doubt that you'd go and say anything positive afterwards. In fact I'm pretty sure you'd be even more upset at losing to a Blight with a bad build.

    And why do I say this.

    Well for roughly about 2 months now I've been running, Brutal Strength, Fire-up, Bamboozle, BBQ and Adrenaline Vial and Blighted Crow. Do I get anyone commenting about how refreshing it is to see something other than the meta build. Never, not once. Do I have anyone commenting on how it's nice to see someone using something other than alchemist ring, never.

    So, even if a Blight were to do exactly as you asked, you would just huff and puff about something else.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168

    I mean you're half right but

    Most blights use the addons you mentioned. The movement speed addons and the vial are the addons I've seen the most the past month or so

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
    edited February 2022

    Because the add-on is super fun. And in a really balanced way. A competitive player would never run Adrenaline vial because a survivor who understands Blight can evade attacks much more easily. It's also much less forgiving when rushing. But the upside is more of the match spent rushing and less time playing as an M1 killer.

    And Blighted crow is a much different add-on when used with Adrenaline vial than without.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168

    I don't really agree with you that the movement speed addons are balanced whatsoever

    But you're entitled to your opinion and I respect that.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
    edited February 2022

    The point of Blighted crow with Adrenaline vial is just to make it more likely to hit an object if I were to miss the one I'm aiming for. Adrenaline Vial changes up Blight so much that you can't compare Blighted Crow use with and without Adrenaline vial. Blighted Crow is absolutely a strong add-on on its own but with Adrenaline Vial. Blighted crow just helps to make Adrenaline Vial that much crazier and exciting. It's a very high risk / reward build. And no, I haven't seen any other Blight other than myself run the 2 together because it is straight up asking for trouble using them together.