What is the first thing that comes to you mind when you see Bubba (as Survivor)

You load to new game and... you see the killer is Bubba. What are you first thoughts?
Where's the basement?!
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I sigh and just want the game to end.
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"I wonder if he's going to play the game normally"
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"This is about to be the most boring match on the planet"
99 out of 100 times I'm right
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I should have camp rock in the background. Had a game yesterday with a bubba face camping with rancor. Miserable
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If he doesn't run this tile against me correctly in our first chase then I already know this game is over, easy money for us
Oh no another Bubba with BBQ or Franklins, I'm so shocked... almost as shocked as seeing a Plague with Corrupt Intervention
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"This man is gonna tunnel and/or face camp the 1st survivor he gets."
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"I sure hope he doesn't facecamp at 5 gens."
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I figure out where the basement is and hope they won’t facecamp.
I love going against bubbas if they play normally.
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"Finally, a person of culture."
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If he sees me I’m dead.
Not all of them camp though and the ones that do are usually easy to loop. I managed to shake one off earlier today. Poor guy ended up having to camp his first and only down during the end game collapse.
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Ill enjoy the fun chase theyre about to give me and embrace the facecamp like a champ
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"If I get caught I'm gonna get camped" or "Please don't camp me".
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´´just hope he doesnt have insidious iron grasp and agitation´´
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This is definitely not a trap!
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"Please someone loop him long enough for his camps to not be worth it!"
*Meg dies 5 seconds into chase*
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this guy is leaving with a penalty
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"Where is the basement?" Then proceed to head in the opposite direction and work through the gens from there. Also, you can bet your DH that I'm throwing every single god pallet I can reach, first one to go down doesn't leave this match alive.
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What I think is usually, "don't come for me, I didn't wait 10 minutes for a match to die on first hook"
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genrush asap so when they decide to facecamp, we'll have a headstart
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First person downed is gonna get camped.
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Check for basement placement, stay the frick away from that area, play as normal till the first down, hide in a locker before he hooks, and gen rush if he face camps.
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Did I bring Decisive Strike?
Any gen near the basement is completely off limits
I hope someone else is found first
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Oh boy time to try and loop as much as I can and get face camped
Legit I love bubbas even the face camping as I know my friend can escape and I have fun with bubba
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Nice to know I'm not the only one with this mindset when it comes to bubba
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Well... I'm D-E-D dead
(Bad Word) if i caught first it's been fun... If not then I might as well try for a save... but at least let me get this Gen done as much as I can
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Same as my first thought when Billy is the killer:
"I wish it was still your old self, chainsaw wielder".
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Don't get pallet greedy, abuse windows and find the jungle gyms
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Camper. Yeah basically.
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”Oh it’s bubba”
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I actually look for the basement and try to do the gen closest to it asap so people would have no reason to be near it later on in the match. I just hide until he patrols near it and start work the second he passes.
I also pray that he doesn’t find me first.
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Please don’t be a basement bubba
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I cheer, because it isn't another #$%ing Blight.
There are two kinds of killers. Blights and not-Blights. We respect the choices of the not-Blights.
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That's my reaction to hag players. Bubba is just pre drop and avoid the basement.
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Here goes the palette dropping simulator!
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"This is going to be a boring match"
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It's going to be a very boring game. First person that goes down is gonna get camped. Oh, he's gonna have noed as well.
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"Oh, hello mister Sawyer."
I like giving killers the benefit of the doubt--If he camps, than that's okay; I'll just work on generators. If I'm hooked first, I'll just admire his model's design.
He's got a very handsome-looking
chainsawhairdo.1 -
"I hope he got the pretty lady skin"
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Gotta find a window
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Ah, bubba.
Don´t have special feelings - in fact i like him more that Billys these days. I always wait for the first interactions with killers to judge.
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I get a little sad, because not every Bubba is wearing Mother's finest dinner dress. As long as Bubba wears that skin and face, I do not care about my fate, because even getting face-camped by the handsome son of a gun is a romantic experience.
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(gonna be honest, i spent longer than i wanted to on this)
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Just got out of a match with @tippy2k2 against a speed limiter bubba who didnt camp nor tunnel and let tippy wiggle off an escape. Such a rare unicorn he was.
But usually i expect a face camper.
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He was a very good Bubba too! I would have been more than happy to die at his hand as getting a Bubba who actually plays the game doesn't seem to happen very often. But he still let me go, once again demonstrating that Bubba Boy is Best Boy
EDIT: Also I need to pay more attention to who I'm playing against because I never realize that the people I'm against might be here :D
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Yes. I was pleasantly surprised. I was the Elodie....I dont have same name as forum.
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I really enjoy playing against Bubba and always look forward to a chase cause he always brings an intense moment if he'll catch ya with his chainsaw and if I get face camped well it's no difference than any other killer so I just except it and move on.
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It's a shame too because I play as Bubba a lot and many people just assume that means I'm going to facecamp them and they start to kill themselves on the hook before I get the chance to attempt to leave. Bubba himself is a strong killer (At least a B Tier against a really good group of survivors, if not higher depending on how lucky you get with the map) but he has such a poor reputation because new players and facecamping players gravitate towards him because he's damn near unstoppable for the 1K minimum if they decide to just facecamp their opponent.
He's one of the few killers that I feel like you should be afraid of when running from as a killer while ALSO feeling completely (or at least mostly) fair in his powers. I do kind of wish BHVR could figure out how to deal with straight facecamping Bubba's but I've yet to hear a way to do this without either making him a crappier Billy or hamstringing his abilities so badly that he's rendered a M1 killer.
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"Aww yea it's a Bubba! As long as I don't get downed near the basement"
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Rush the gens because the first person caught is likely to be camped.