Why is there no option to get back into a game?

So I was just playing a game and out of nowhere the game froze. I could hear generators and my breathing but the screen wouldn't come up. I stayed like this for a couple minutes hoping it would fix itself but it never did. So I closed the client and immediately started the game again to finish the round. That's when I fund out you can't rejoin as it just took me to the home screen and then I noticed I had a wait time to start a game again. Like what the #########? Granted it was only like 1 or 2 minutes but why am I being punished for your game messing up? Why isn't there an option to rejoin the game if it's still going on? Luckily after probaby 3k+ hours this is 1st time this has happened so the timer wasn't to long but what happens if say 4 months from now I get disconnected again? Just keep getting longer and longer timers and probably eventually get banned for something out of my control?
Oh no, the killer is going to catch me!
Time to repair this last gen.
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Either you disappear upon leaving the game and can exploit it to dodge unwanted situations
You character stays and just stands still and if you don't reconnect in 2 minutes is dead either way.
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They could allow for this if they brought in bots.
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Your game froze because Microsoft is pushing another update onto your system, restart your computer and install all the update viruses from Microsoft to get things smooth again.
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If their character would stand still during the DC and could actually be downed and hooked, then it would be fine (given that it would still show the DC icon next to the portrait). I wouldn't mind if the game would wait 30 seconds or so for them to come back.
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Just in time to see the Entity impaling them.
I would like a husk being left behind in case of a DC but I view that separate from allowing someone to rejoin.
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The only way to make this work is too make it so when you dc your character model stays so the killer can still down you and hook you but when you join back you're then replace the character model.
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what happens if say 4 months from now I get disconnected again? Just keep getting longer and longer timers and probably eventually get banned for something out of my control
that won’t happen as the penalty only goes up if you disconnect multiple times within a specific timeframe. The timeframe isn’t actually known as to not tell people when it’s okay for them to dc again but it’s definitely shorter than months/weeks. It won’t lead to a ban if it’s not excessive, and in your case it definitely isn’t.
as for rejoining, as others already stated, it could be exploited in some way or another. Matches are pretty short anyways and they are definitely not designed in a way to handle rejoining.
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I always play killer so that isn't even an issue in the first place. I can't see an advantage of a killer dqing and coming back into a game minutes later. I've played a lot of fps games and most of them have a punishment system for dqing. And most of them can tell if you actually crash and doesn't punish you or if you rage quit and does punish you so why can't it be the same here. I would say I was back within 2 minutes but I forgot I waited hoping it would work somehow. So if I dq and come back within 2 minutes I can rejoin game?
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As others above said rejoining a game you DC from can't work. Game isn't built for that and this is a 4v1 game not some large team vs team FPS game.
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How exactly are other games determining if someone ragequits or loses connection unintentionally? I think there will always be a way that people can trick such a system to make it look like an unintentional disconnect after all.. so which games are these?
and no, after 2 min, the match went on without you. Maybe last survivor is just on hook or about to jump into hatch but then suddenly you join and can unhook/hatch disappears. And there are plenty of other scenarios where it would just be bad to have a rejoin system and you would need to redesign the whole game for this. Not only gameplay-wise but also technologically.
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Everything that was stated above was through a survivors perspective. I always play killer. i get no advantage of dqing and coming back, in fact it would make it harder or impossible for me to win.
Because when the game crashes there is a crash report with everything that happened right before the crash. When someone rage quits they press leave game. I don't think it's hard to implement. And if I reconnect and just happen to be by the hatch as it's open and get to close it I would just be lucky. It's better than giving players free wins and me a penalty for something I had no control over. I don't see how they would need to redesign the whole game. If you're a killer and game crashes, let the killer come back.
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I mean, people can just force quit the game, turn the system off, or turn the Internet off...
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That’s two possible dcs. And I have experienced the game crashing without giving me a penalty iirc.
And you didn’t even acknowledge the situations i described and there are plenty of other situations that would need some kind of redesign.
also what @rugby_hook said.
there are way too many issues that you don’t even try to acknowledge…
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Well DQ and coming back as killer, it'll take say 1 or 2min however long it takes. By the time you do reconnect as killer the match is pretty much over since they'll notice you D/C and there's nothing stopping them from popping multiple gens by the time you reconnect.
Matches are already quite short either role you play by the time you reconnect its already a lost game for you.