You have the power to change 1 perk in any way you want. What are you changing and why?

prion11 Member Posts: 361
edited March 2022 in General Discussions

I'd merge dead hard and no mither, but reduce the exhaustion timer and give it a bonus bloodpoints multiplier on boldness and/or escapes



  • prion11
    prion11 Member Posts: 361

    very interesting choice, I don't think I've ever used whispers so I am surprised learning it does that

  • JonahsTablet
    JonahsTablet Member Posts: 762

    Yes, yes, yes, yes, and YES! I see all my teammates running Dead Hard without No Mither and all I feel is shame, this change will help me figure out the real David mains from the fakes who only run DH.

  • microppman
    microppman Member Posts: 69

    yea i thought whispers would be my dream perk until i realized it would only be usable once per game, before i hook anybody

  • Via
    Via Member Posts: 66

    I would make boon CoH only be lighted 3 times a match

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,487

    Take COH and delete it. Replace it with a new boon that does something else that isn’t fundamentally broken

  • Via
    Via Member Posts: 66

    The main problem with it is the fact that you can light it as many times as you desire

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,208

    Reverting Ruin back to its old version because I miss it very much.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    Old Balanced Landing? Pwetty pwease :3

  • MoraFlex
    MoraFlex Member Posts: 67

    Idk what i would change but i know that No Mither def. needs a change

  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 864

    I'd make Shadowborn linked to FOV slider so I can play killer without motion sickness.

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882

    Empathic connection

    Your presence psychically projects itself to those in danger.

    • Whenever another Survivor is injured, they can see your Aura when within 32/64/96 metres of your location.
    • You heal other Survivors 25 % faster.

    Gonna be honest I always wanted a perk like this, combines both aura reading and heal speed and I think it'll do well with my other mainstay perks (For The People, Vigil, and Dead Hard) and my altruistic playstyle, allowing me to be the beacon of help and take aggro when needed. I just think the 10% healing base was way too weak so I buffed it by 15% leading to 25%. Admittedly not that great a change for DBD overall, but it's just a quality of life to make the perk slightly better that I wanted.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,055

    Inner Strength (I know it's not called that anymore, I don't care): It now allows you to cleanse up to three totems, giving you up to 3 locker heals in queue that can be used for yourself or given to someone else.

  • Sparxlost
    Sparxlost Member Posts: 100

    I would change decisive strike to a wiggle proggress skill (this would make it less of a stand on its own overpowered chase perk as it would need to be paired with something like Boil over to be used extremely effectively)

  • HexDaddyissues
    HexDaddyissues Member Posts: 328

    bubba can't run across the map and constantly mow down survivors. after he downs one survivor, chainsaw jams for 12 seconds/cool down takes twice as long if successfully downing a survivor

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 965

    Dead Hard for sure

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 323

    Pick dead hard and hit that big ol delete button.

    Or get rid of the dash portion and make it only avoid hits. Then it's more about skill and timing it. Other than oh I got outplayed hit the E button.

  • Sparxlost
    Sparxlost Member Posts: 100

    bubba is basically better legion yeah i agree with that nerf

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,314

    And if you're a ranged killer it doesn't help, i'd rather the dash but lose the avoiding hits.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    I didn't play back then but I can assume it would make a lot of modern maps absolutely miserable and especially ones that are already annoying, midwich W fest could be extended, the game and eerie of crows also sound like absolute nightmares. I would like to see balanced buffed but imo the way to do that is to change maps not the perk itself.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    Make Hex totems rebuildable like Boon totems, or make boon totems breakable.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    DS - Make the Killer hook themself.

    Why? It'd be funny

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667

    Aftercare - No longer resets upon being hooked. In fact, it'll never reset once it's set up. It also will additionally track a teammate if you take a hit for them or save them via a flashlight, flashbang or pallet or if you are nearby when a killer loses their grasp on a Survivor (let's say about 16 meters).

    This perk is meant to be a way to build up to basically getting SWF-level information while starting off as nothing. Restarting that slow process when you get hooked is miserable and denies you of this perk getting use. It's also just generally kind of tough to set up, so more applications would be nice.

    I just want a Jeff perk to be good.

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510
    edited March 2022

    I would make NOED lighting up 2 remaining dull totems (or only 1, if survivors have broken 4 of them, unlucky!).

    Only 1 totem must be cleansed to disable the perk (obviously).

    This small change would just prevent cheesy scenarii where the hooked guy is quite close to the lit totem, destroying any fun late-game stage.

    Post edited by gnehehe on
  • prion11
    prion11 Member Posts: 361

    that's a great idea honestly, would really incentivize hunting dull totems

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    Beast of prey now grants BP as an after game bonus, like BBQ does.

  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 984

    I would change tenacity so that it would let you pick yourself up once per trial, similar to unbreakable. One of my favorite perks conceptually, but just so eclipsed by unbreakable because it can't actually get you off of the ground.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    Tough to pick one, there's a few I wouldn't mind changing. To be a little different, though, how about:

    • Being stealthy between chases is great, but being stealthy only during a chase is pretty worthless. So revamp Beast of Prey to, instead of making you stealthy, somehow actually buff your Bloodlust. It could make Bloodlust increments happen more quickly, or it could increase the movement speed bonus per increment you get from Bloodlust, or it could do something unusual like when you enter Bloodlust you see killer instincts of all survivors in your terror radius for 10 seconds. Basically something useful, not being stealthy in a chase.
  • AnchorTea
    AnchorTea Member Posts: 1,015

    Perk: Hangman's Trick

    "When killer picks up a survivor, all hook bases are blocked by the Entity until the survivor is either dropped or hooked. Blocked hooks prevent sabotaging."

    If theres a perk that invalidates flashlight plays, then why not sabo plays?

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    I'd make it so that Iron Will ONLY works on grunts of pain and no other forms of sound, and reduce it to be 90% of instead of a perfect 100%.

  • BothSidesEnjoyer
    BothSidesEnjoyer Member Posts: 16

    Oppression: Any gen kicking perks apply to all gens oppression hits not just the one you kick. To put it simply perks like dragon's grip, trail of torment, call of brine, or overcharge are applied to several gens at once.

    Also remove basic attack requirement for jolt.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    This is easy while I have several ideas here's 1. Borrowed time instead of it helping who you unhook it works on the person who brings it so if I bring it it doesn't matter who unhooks ill get it were if you don't bring it hey that's on you. It would help with unsafe unhooks to a degree.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Remove DS from the game, now this will be extremely killer sided.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 5,994

    Honestly I would make it exactly like a reverse empathy, with the added heal speed to make it different.

    MAKE it so it's map wide aura no (32,70,90 meters B's)

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    Noed removed

  • DatFastBoi
    DatFastBoi Member Posts: 455

    We made it. Shadowborn is now base kit.

  • spinodemdem
    spinodemdem Member Posts: 56

    i would merge Thrilling Tremors and Barbecue and chili,you get to see which gens are being worked on,so you can either kick them/push them off,and then automatically know where all other survivors are,if they decided to run away,you still know where they are

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited March 2022

    Spies From the Shadows:

    Overhaul the perk to - The Crows no longer respond to your presence or hooked survivors, you see the auras of all disturbed crows within 36 meters of you, and disturbed crows are 100% louder to you within that range.

    Explanation - This proposal gets rid of the confusing/annoying explosion sound notifications and replaces it by making the crows noisier so you can differentiate between them and a gen popping, loud locker, loud vaulting, and you get no false signals since crows no longer respond to you. Basically they become little signal flares to tell you where survivors are/have been. If this change were to happen, Spies would become an overall better tracking tool, and really fit the description of the perk which says: "The Crows found in the world can communicate directly with you." Besides, survivors still have 2 perks that defeat this: Calm Spirit & Urban Evasion, as well as the crouching mechanic, so it's not like this would be an un-counterable or broken change for the perk. If they also put some more crows in dead zones, that would be nice for helping this perk gain a better level of consistency and usefulness (Seriously, Rotten Fields features no Scarecrows, but the crows avoid the corn field? This was updated recently when the map was reworked, to apply at least a few in the corn, but honestly, no more than 4 small groups in a highly predictable cross pattern extending only about 20 meters from each side of the killer shack... REALLY? That Field, or any Map that has corn sections in them, should be littered with crows unless BHVR adds some creepy scarecrows to them. This is not even mentioning the big ass dead zones with no crows in the Autohaven or Macmillan maps).

    Post edited by TWiXT on
  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I'd change Flashbangs. Here's the changes:

    • 25% gen progression to get a flashbang instead of 50%
    • Flashbangs stack like Stake Out. This is so you don't need to let go of a gen to get the flashbang

    Simple quality of life changes.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,879

    Dead Hard:

    I'd change it to the following.

    The I-Frames stay but the distance is removed and if you manage to react to a swing and dodge it, you get a small speed boost for 2 seconds and get exhausted.

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416

    Predator. Have it make footsteps louder, please.

    I love a lot of ideas here, but I'd personally like this near-worthless perk made somewhat better.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited March 2022


    After kicking a Generator, all damaged or currently regressing Generators Aura's are highlighted in Yellow.

    • When you put a Survivor into the Dying State, every affected Generator explodes and starts regressing, removing the highlighted Aura.
    • Applies an immediate 6 % Progression penalty.
    • Any Survivor repairing a Generator when it explodes will scream and suffer from the Incapacitated Status Effect for 24/28/32 seconds.

    Eruption has a cool-down of 30 seconds. <-Removed

    The Text in Bold is where I made the change. Basically instead of having to go around and kick every generator 1 by 1 before downing someone and triggering Eruption, this applies Eruption's effect to any generator that is already regressing, or damaged by other perks like Oppression or Jolt, when you make the kick. Since it still requires a kick action to activate it on the gens, it won't pair well with Ruin. This would easily elevate Eruption from a low tier and situational perk to something that can synergize better with others for slowing gens. For that reason, I also removed the cooldown time of Eruption, it only seems fair since while this buff can prime multiple gens (up to 4 with Oppression) for a massive burst of... 6% damage... to all of the affected gens on your next down... which at best can take 20 seconds... and still only applies the base regression speed, sigh, why did this have a cooldown in the first place?

  • Voriis
    Voriis Member Posts: 131

    Any Legion add on and have it revert them back to old Legion, stabby stab Legion.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited March 2022

    ahhhh, the hell with it, here:


    Remove the cooldown and the Basic Attack requirement.

    Explanation - Honestly this has been hotly debated in the forums since Surge came out because the fact remains that in order to activate it at all, you have to successfully down a survivor while within range of a gen. Chasing and downing a survivor with Basic attacks takes enough time as it is, especially if they were healthy when the chase started, and the minor 8% damage Surge does if it activates is hardly consequential since it would take 12 survivor downs in order to achieve a stacked 96% damage to 1 or more gens. PGTW does 300% damage to gens in the same amount of hooks, and Ruin Does more damage per second without needing to down or hook a survivor. On average it takes a decent m1 killer 20 seconds to down a survivor, and that's not counting the time to find the survivor to chase and down in the first place, but say you snowballed survivors 1 after the other within 20 seconds per chase, that's a maximum of 4 downs in 80 seconds, and a total of 32% damage between multiple gens since survivors won't stay around a downed survivor, much less a gen if getting chased, so overall... you spread the damage out over a possible 4 gens at most over 80 seconds, and that's the best case scenario if this change was implemented. While this won't improve the overall damage Surge can do, removing the basic attack requirement will at least allow killers with damaging powers to get some use out of it making it more universal to the killer roster, and removing the cooldown will allow it to become a slightly more consistent annoyance to survivors. It won't make it any more powerful than any other existing gen defense perks, but at least it would be more useful.


    Remove or significantly lower the cooldown.

    Explanation - This perk doesn't even add extra damage to the gens it affects (unless survivors fail the "Difficult" skill check), only applies the base regression rate, and can randomly target gens that have 0 progress on them, but for some awful reason the devs decided that it was so powerful that it deserved DOUBLE the cooldown time (80 seconds) of Surge? At least Surge won't activate on gens that have 0 progress... Why does Oppression deserve such an excessive cooldown time? If it's because of the skill check, that's a laughable annoyance more than anything that could be considered a threat to any decent-good survivors, and only becomes a problem against noobs, who honestly rank up and gain skill fast enough that it's pretty much a moot point to keep it so laughably underpowered.

    Fire Up:

    Buff the perk- Increase it from 4% to 5%.

    Explanation - This is a ridiculously underpowered perk because in order to gain any benefit from it, the killer has to sacrifice the objectives they are supposed to protect, in other words "lose the game". It's designed to give killers a slight edge in chases in order to try and protect the last gens from completing. The overall problem however is that 4% amounts to 12% when 3 gens are completed, and 20% when all 5 are done, meaning that they gain Brutal Strengths chase advantage on pallet breaking only after the survivors have completed all of the gens when there's not many unused pallets left in the map, and Bamboozles vault speed advantage when there is only 1 gen remaining. This doesn't help the killers in their desperate attempts to stop the final gens from completion at all, and by the time it's reached its maximum potential, the survivors are already rushing out the gate.

    However, if you bump it up just 1%... now we have a perk that gains Bamboozles advantage at 2 gens remaining, and Brutal Strengths at 1 gen remaining, with an added bonus to both if 0 gens remain. This would actually help the killers defend the final gens, and give them enough of a chase advantage if all gens are completed to try and stop the survivors from escaping. Suddenly this goes from an "underpowered" perk to a "Decent" one, and all it takes is a simple 1% boost in strength.


    Overhaul the perk to - Reduces your Terror Radius and Red Stains Brightness by 5% for every 4/3/2 seconds you refrain from chasing or injuring survivors, upon reaching 100% reduction, you gain the Undetectable Status. Initiating a chase or injuring a survivor regains your TR and Red stain in 5 seconds, once this has returned Insidious has a 40 second cooldown.

    Explanation - This perk has been a bane on the game since it came out because it seems to have been specifically designed for the sole purpose of camping hooks. With this change however, a killer loses half their TR for spending 10 seconds away from a chase or injuring a survivor, and becomes Undetectable at 20 seconds. This is mostly meant for anti-stealth play, or for gaining a slight advantage in the early game wherein the killer is initially searching the map for survivors. Ultimately, it changes the perk from one encouraging camping, to one that rewards the killer with an advantage if the survivors are being too sneaky/evasive, and allows them to get the drop on survivors more often. The cooldown is necessary for this one because otherwise it would be heavily abuseable.

    As for the survivors going up against this updated version, Premonition or Spine Chill still proc on stealth killers, so relying solely on the TR reduction is still no guarantee against those kinds of perks, and gives the survivors an advantage. Up until then, unless the killer has spent 20 seconds avoiding survivors, Aura reading perks like OoO, Alert, and Kindred still have an advantage for tracking the killer.\

    Whew... Ok I've said it, so good to get all of that out of my system, pick 1 and say that's the perk I chose to change and why... anyone agree/disagree, lemme know!

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,620

    I’d make NOED proc the moment all gens are done.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Change Diversion's condition to a straight cooldown. NO reason at all to add multiple layers of conditions to the perk.

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 593

    Dead Hard

    - Distance removed so Survivors no longer gets Palets ans Windows they shouldnt get in the Chase

  • TurboTOne
    TurboTOne Member Posts: 347


    You can never reboon the same Totem.

    This also applies to other Survivors. If the Boon is snuffed, no ther Survivor can reboon the Totem with the same Perk.

    You CAN however reboon it with another Perk.

    Also, Kindred should work for all Survivors. One Person has it, all can see it. Maybe reduce the Aura reading Range for Killer