'oh sh@% don't see me...' / Killer mechanic idea "Menacing focus"

This mechanic is mostly meant to maker hiding survivor doubt their wills and choose to either run or trust their hiding spot.
The mechanic works as follows:
after the killer presses the 'action button' he transitions to the 'Menacing focus' state.
while in Menacing focus:

its terror radius is reduced to 13 meters and heart beat reduced to 3 meters.
instead of the normal terror radius a violin themed track plays
after the killer is in Menacing focus for more than 5 seconds he can get out of menacing focus with a 5% speed boost with duration equivalent to the time passed up to 7 seconds (EX: 6 seconds of Menacing focus = 6 seconds of boost, but 4 seconds = no boost)
while in Menacing focus the killer's speed is reduced to 2.40 m/s or 60% speed

This makes so the killer can Randomly Slow walk to bait the survivor into thinking he's been spotted.
This adds a Whole new deal for perks to work on
For example Spine chill Could make so the killers terror radius while in Menacing focus is 20 on T3 instead of 13.
Or insidious does the oposite.
either way, what do you guys think? any touches you would give? is it too much this or that? :)


  • JJRULEZ159
    JJRULEZ159 Member Posts: 27

    This is an interesting concept for a killers power, but I don't think it would be very good for any killer. cool for a new killer(assuming it had more to it) but what would it do in terms of chase/finding a survivor? especially at higher ranks.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    This just sounds like a mixture of Wraith, Shape, and Pig. While I enjoy the idea, making a Killer slower than the Survivors is a big no-no, with the exception of the Nurse for obvious reasons. This power would not be rewarding to use in any way.

  • Chicken
    Chicken Member Posts: 123

    @Orion @JJRULEZ159 acctually i tough of this as another version of Insidious