All new content | Sadako Rising | DBD 5.6.0 PTB



  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047
    edited February 2022

    A pathological lie would be saying something like “You have a love life”

  • Vyne456
    Vyne456 Member Posts: 848
    edited February 2022

    Thank you. But I like how that the killer actually has good perks. Flood Of Rage looks like a good perk since they can reveal survivors and also she's good at stopping gen rushers. Also I like how the survivor has a upgrade of Empathy but comes to worse @Pulsar is right about how the perks looking bad. Even possible perk tiers for Boon: Dark Theory won't help with the haste, they need to buff it so we can have more haste.

    I realized that Onyro has a bug in one of her moris too, and I like how the Onyro has a jumpscare in the menus and then to avoid it you must turn her around. But anyways, your information is always correct but thanks for letting us know about the chapter.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    I was enjoying this update right until I saw the new boon totem. #########

  • Rullisi
    Rullisi Member Posts: 392

    Is BHVR planning on enhancing some of the visuals further before the release because some animations, while they look nice are bit janky and broken in few areas and stuff like the hair doesn't look that impressive how they just copy pasted bits of hair in front of the face so you can still see a bit of her face on the sides at certain angles and that weird hunched over grandma pose she sometimes has.

    SN34KYSQU1D Member Posts: 19

    I played this version on the PTB as both killer and survivor and while I really enjoy The Onryo's flavor, she seems fairly underpowered. She's not fast, her stealth isn't that great and she has no reliable way of condemning survivors.

    I feel like upping the radius of condemning while coming out of a TV would be super helpful in this regard, but she still suffers a lot while trying to loop survivors. This means that even if a survivor gets their meter to full, she can't capitalize on it like Pyramid Head and his barbed wire.

    Maybe Condemn could cause broken until it is cured. This would make the meter more concerning as right now, a healthy survivor has to be hit twice by a killer with no range.

    Otherwise making Condemn more permanent could raise the stakes. Maybe inserting a tape could revert less than it does or you gain it passively while near a TV just like while you hold a tape.

    Again, her style and design is super interesting, but I can see her shortcomings really tanking the fun of playing her and I don't think the solution to her weaknesses is just to make her fast. If anyone has other suggestions, I'd love to see them.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    use her own scourge hook perk for maximum MYC value. retribution on steroids

  • Patokiller
    Patokiller Member Posts: 112

    Sadaku´s curse is useless, plus she´s very weak looping.

    Just another killer that will be fun playing for 3 or 4 matches and then MMR will crush you. New boon toten in the shack will make it impossible to loop it... Nice job BHVR!

    BHVR deserves a tremendous flop with this DLC, hope you learn, but unfortunately the devs won´t do it (that lame Q&A showed this).

  • A_Gamers_Dead_Body
    A_Gamers_Dead_Body Member Posts: 127
    edited February 2022

    Feedback on The Onryo so far;

    -Condemned status is too slow to progress and depletes too much.

    Thats it lol, the only issue im finding with the killer is that actually killing with ability takes too too too too long, the TV's can also be tweaked to increase their radius of applying condemned I feel or have it so that theres always 1 tv in the vicinity of a generator since thats the only way her projection power will get condemn stacks.

    Alternatively making it so survivors gain condemn in other ways would also work id say.

  • Soyer
    Soyer Member Posts: 2

    I played Survivors and Maniac in the new PTB 5.6.0. No one will argue that the game interpretation of the new killer is very good. But in terms of gameplay, everything is not so good. The fact is that the killer is frankly weak. The power of a maniac associated with cassettes? You can forget about it - it does not work. As a result, a maniac with 4.6 speed and M1 attack, with the transition to stealth as [Pig]. Nothing helps Sadako catch survivors. Think teleportation is a good way? Go to PTB and try it yourself. Televisions only add mobility, but do not help in the capture of the survivor.

    Now to the point. Teleportation that stacks "days" (streaks) on survivors is VERY easy to remove. VERY. Moreover, the survivor may not pick up the cassette at all for the whole game, they do not interfere with him. Even if Sadako teleports, the time to re-teleport is 100 seconds. It's okay. For if the developers think that by reducing the cooldown on the teleport, they will achieve a better return on the maniac - they are mistaken.

    The funny thing is that one survivor can collect ALL the cassettes from the map, and then insert them into one TV with a flick of the wrist. Moreover, Sadako does not receive any notification when the cassettes are confiscated. It's really sad

    Even if Sadako doesn't have a good ability to catch survivors in pursuit, it's a MUST to remake Sadako's power.

    Use my thought sketches to adjust the maniac's strength to your liking.

    So: Condemned accumulates regardless of whether there is a cassette in the hands of the survivor - or not. The match starts already with one cassette in the hands of the survivor. A Survivor can remove Condemned from himself ONLY by passing the cassette to another Survivor via an interaction. You can remove Condemned in this way only once.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    I'm Ps5 so I've got a question for anybody with some experience and understanding of the Onryō powers.

    How much Condemned progress does a survivor gain from being in range of a TV when she projects to it?

    (On the wiki it labels the amounts for all other instances but not this)

    When a survivor returns a tape to the highlighted TV, other than removing a large amount of condemned, does anything else happen? I.e. does it turn off that TV? Does it cause any TV's to turn back on that have been turned off?

    (Curious due to wording of "sharing the video with other survivors" )

    When a survivor is fully Condemned is there a time limit or natural drop of the condemned meter, or do they need to take a tape to the TV to lose it?

    Does downing or hooking a partially condemned survivor reset the meter (like ghost face)?

    Are there any other things people noticed about her abilities that wasn't described in the description?

    Thanks to any and all willing to help me with this!😊

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763
    edited February 2022

    The HUD has 7 sections before you're fully condemned. She fills up 1 of the sections for every teleport, you remove 3.5 whenever you deliver the tape. Gain 1 section when you collect a tape and 1 section for every TV you turn off.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    Thank you GBK for clearing that part up and so quickly! I appreciate the extra effort you put into this for us controller jockeys😃

  • WretchedElk
    WretchedElk Member Posts: 311

    Does anyone else think adult Yoichi is a strange choice for a survivor? Especially since he never appears in the films as an adult (not sure about the later books).

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    I actually think it's great, and @PixelBush put it best imo- Ringu is all about passing on the curse to others in a continuous cycle, so for Yoichi to take on his mother's burden is incredibly thematic.

  • Rooftopper
    Rooftopper Member Posts: 141

    it frustrates me when people are not using the new killer or new perks in PTB

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I figured it out guys. Just grant two stacks when she teleports to incentivize and reward her frequent teleporting style. This would also give some power and urgency to the condemned status without making it too overpowered where you can just Mori everyone at 3 gens.

    And remove the slowdown for her manifesting. Yes it's there, and yes it's a brief 5% slowdown. But why are we hindering a basic m1 killer anyways? She already has no anti loop or power in chases, which is fine. But does she really need to be slowed down as well? It makes no sense.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,291

    Thank you for posting.

    Admittedly the only thing I care about this patch is that stretch res has been fixed according to BHVR. It's one of the main things that's made me hesitant to play because I don't like speculating on whether people playing were legitimate or not.

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    Clump of Hair and Reiko's Watch sound like a fun combo. Match it with Tinkerer and Merciless Storm and survivors will be caught off guard and left guessing.

    Tape Editing Deck/Yoichi's Fishing Net seems interesting, but I think the time to condemned needs to be stortened slightly or the level of condemned removed when copying tape needs to be decreased.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Not played the new chapter but im sensing she is more fun to go against than she is to play imo.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    she's a little like legion in that it's kinda not fun to be an m1 killer in chase but also being hypermobile with your teleports is a lot more fun than legion ever could be which also to me outweighed the very loopable aspect of her kit.

    but i am sensing bamboozle + enduring being very very good perks on her.

  • ElleGreen
    ElleGreen Member Posts: 1,063

    To be fair the survivor perks are boring they don't offer anything new you'd think he'd have original perks considering he's the first psychic survivor I haven't seen anyone using them the killer however has really good perks her power could use a buff but she's super fun to play as and against

  • Supernaut
    Supernaut Member Posts: 1,532
    edited February 2022

    Big thanks for doing this @GoodBoyKaru .

    I've posted about this before, but I don't know why there wasn't an official release of this information, rather than one of the Community having to do it.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    bhvr took pity on me and decided to give me a way to farm meaningless forums upvotes thats all

    (i honestly have no clue but im glad i could help out people)

  • Violeccine
    Violeccine Member Posts: 6

    I think her curse could be applied when she hits a survivor! would be a great way to force them interact with the tvs!

  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731

    She has a 24 meter terror radius tho.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Prett sure that’s one of the changes they revealed for the live version compared to PTB. This thread was still a PTB info summary..

  • TheCursedTitan
    TheCursedTitan Member Posts: 177

    Lol when are they gonna shorten dc penalty times to just permanently 5 or 15 minutes they shouldn’t really be any higher than that

  • TheCursedTitan
    TheCursedTitan Member Posts: 177

    I mean not everyone has spare time some get off to go do something that just came up or anything else, personally it’s not really fair to people like that cause what are you supposed to do just stand there and let the killer basically get points off of you when you aren’t even playing?

  • TheCursedTitan
    TheCursedTitan Member Posts: 177

    I don’t even really ragequit it’s just I get off cause I have certain things I have to take care of and it’s like a higher priority but when it transfers over to everytime I play it’s a bit ridiculous if it’s not gonna at least reset everyday it should at least be limited

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    if you have to go do something then the 5 minute penalty wont affect you. if you have to do it multiple times in a single day then maybe pick a better day to play a live service game.

  • TheCursedTitan
    TheCursedTitan Member Posts: 177

    Nah what’s happening to me is it’s transferring over days constantly, like I haven’t played since Thursday and I got a longer ban today mines just not resetting at all

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    it should begin to decrease after 24 hours of not disconnecting.

  • TheCursedTitan
    TheCursedTitan Member Posts: 177

    Should being key word but eh been playing this game for years so it doesn’t surprise me it’s not that it’s not a good game people make it un fun cause that’s just the people who play it

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Oh yeah I agree, people make it unfun. Like those that often dc and let their team alone to lose and make it an overall bad match for everyone.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    I'm scared that the new boon will make it harder to tell the difference between a subtle cheater and someone just using the perk. It's something that has plagued the game recently, and it now may just become really hard to tell the difference between someone who's cheating or someone who's simply using the new perk.

    I'm expecting a big increase in cheaters when the chapter drops for that reason.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546