suggestions on how to make the killer experience better without removing survivors resources

Forget the perks, this is default stats and numbers I am talking about, perks are another story, changing perks will be actual band-aids fixes, there's too many band-aids fixes already so here's changes to make a actual difference in the killer experience to make chases faster and better for the killer without removing what survivors have and go like haa killer/survivor sided bullshit.
Survivors are untouched here, only killer and flat killer buffs to make the experience better, that's all.
- Increase default pallet breaking speed with how it is with brutal strength and leave the perk untouched
- Increase default vaulting speed with how it is with bamboozle and leave the perk untouched
- Reduce stun duration by 10%
- Remove bloodlust tier 2 and 3 and make tier 1 trigger after 12 seconds instead of 15
- Make the red stain 100% totally invisible on other sides of walls even when there's a tiny opening crack (this ######### can ruin mind games)
- Make killers undedectable the first 10 seconds of the match
- Increase default regression speed by 0.35 instead of 0.25, leave ruin and call of brine untouched
Here are my suggestions to make the overall killer experience better without nerfing the survivors, this will make it so they still have their defenses against the killer but will have less distance overall at everything they do, making actions and decision they make be slightly more risky.
Also, reducing the time it takes for killers to perform these actions will allow them to catch up faster and take ressources faster making chases take less time and more even overall.
I personally think these changes would make the killer experience better without ruining the survivor experience, since the killer will do actions a little faster than usual it will be a bit more scary as well compared to before and give a early game push to catch survivors off guard and apply pressure more early.
Thanks for reading
I like it
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finally someone paid attention to my post.
Thank you :)
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I mean it a great idea. Nothing on the Survivors side is being nerfed or them losing anything just killer being buffed. No perks are being touched on both sides. So I think it would be great.
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Glad you agree :)
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I would say that being able to break pallets faster is removing survivor resources.
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no it's not, it makes dealing with them faster, nothing else
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I'm going to have to agree
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Brutal strength, I think can work, the increased vault speed could also help decrease the distance gained on loops, however I think the stun time should not be touched. The reason being is because of the unsafe pallets where the survivor can only gain distance if they get the stun and I would be concerned decreasing the stun time would make those pallets useless. With bloodlust this would result in chases bloodlust shorter as killers wold get the speed boost faster. Would you be willing to increase the average amount of pallets to compensate this? As for the undetectable and gen regression, They should be fine.
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there's enough pallets already, too many with very good survivors RNG, so no, never increase pallets number.
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Increase the amount of pallets? Have you actually lost your mind. There's already way to many which causes lots of imbalance.
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It would help on map the game
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Could help a bit.
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Killer FOV increases would also be appreciated.
The 360 Tech, FOV Tech, and Window Tech all take advantage of small Killer FOV, and it's incredibly stupid, not to mention very immersion-breaking.