Why Spirit is fun

I consider Spirit to be a super fun killer at this current state and I wanna explain why I think so. First off, I know this is opinion based as everyone is entitled to their preference on who they find fun but I wanted to have this discussion.
I want to address the fact that she is a uniquely designed killer. I see a lot of arguments against that as people claim that the past nerf took away her uniqueness. It’s simply not true. What other killer in the game promotes using ears to counterplay the killer? I mean you can make a case for Demo as he’s loud but that is not how Demo’s counterplay is intended to work. It’s an audio back-and-forth interaction with Spirit which is unique to the whole roster.
Next I’d like to talk about viability. Spirit is most definitely a viable killer at high levels whether you want to think that or not. She’s a killer that doesn’t rely on perks and add ons to do well if you know how to play her at her well. Now I’m no means the best player in the world. I’m decent with Spirit because I play her a lot but calling me a god with her is a false statement. I can still perform well because she’s simply a strong killer and I have experience with her. A stronger killer can be more fun because you feel like an actual powerhouse being the 1 against the 4, but obviously I can’t speak for everyone as others like weaker killers better which is understandable.
Her add on variety has improved drastically since her nerf in 5.3.0. You got add ons like Uchiwa and Kintsugi Teacup that let you boulder through pallets. You got Senko Hanabi which is a decent counter to windows. Furin can make for fun perk combos and can maybe help bamboozle survivors on gens. Wakizashi Saya has its own skill cap to it and is actually pretty decent if you know how to use it. You get the picture? All these add ons do completely different things that isn’t just a boost in numbers which is what BHVR should really focus on when designing killer add ons (obviously while still making them worth using).
I want to talk about her speed. I think most can agree speedy killers that can jet across the map are more fun than slower ones because they can close distance faster and can start new chases quicker. This is also fun for the survivors as it’s less M1 sim with a speedy killer that has map pressure. This obviously applies to the game as a whole. Spirit being 176% can take advantage of the speed and apply it to a realistic setting in DBD, making bigger maps not as big of a problem for her, which brings me to my last point.
So many killers are map dependent but I would consider Spirit to be one of the more map independent killers in the game. Are indoor maps a problem for her like Blight and Billy? It’s not. A killer being map dependent is less fun because they rely on RNG to have a fun game.
So those are a few of my points on why I think Spirit is an amazing and fun killer. Again, if you don’t like playing as or against her, your opinion is 100% valid. I just wanted to have a discussion on what makes her fun for me and see if others agree.
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I love you
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It’s what I’ve been called for!
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I love Rin, she's the one who keeps me playing DBD.
In my opinion, she is by far the best designed character in terms of gameplay, the most unique and creative power (tracking by hearing).
Actually, you can build up a real skill by playing Spirit and this is fun!
Hate the game or not, but you will have fun challenging yourself by playing Spirit. 😊
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I feel the same way. The joy she gives me is what keeps me playing as well!
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Imho she'll never compare to Pyramid Head
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She's ok I guess, I don't really have a preference for killers, I just think they're all fine, except for Freddy, I despise playing against Freddy. It's sad because I actually love the og ANOES.
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Silent Hill > Loud Japanese people
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1v1 battle, Rin wins :))))))
We all miss our old killer, even though I never got to play him.
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You see that just ain’t true
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Well, I have some news for you, my friend.
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You're, of course, entitled to your own opinion, even if it's wrong. I just think Silent Hill lore is pretty coolio, whereas the lore of the angry loud people bloodline is not as coolio.
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I know lol. Whenever I say people are wrong when they say somethings better than Spirit, it’s a joke. Everyone’s entitled to their own preferences.
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Dark Souls is better my man. Great gameplay and lore. But Silent Hill is also on my heart.
I love Spirit btw, she is super cutie. I love play against her but i don't like to play DbD so much anymore, sadly.
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No? Lol
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If you did get back into DBD, would you play her?
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Yeah, i bought some skins for her on sale. I played with her but then i gave up because of grind. I can not main different killers and this is big problem but BHVR does not care ofcourse.
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And I HATE Spirit she is stinky and bad
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I agree heartily
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Switch Spirit with Demogorgon and I'll agree
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I've always loved Spirit and I love playing against her. She's in a good place right now, but I rarely see spirits these days. I like playing her too, but I'm not good with her because I'm struggling with the sound localization.
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Demo has nothing on Spirit.
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i would main spirit if she can see blood during yamaokas haunting
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Spirit is great and a lot of fun. Here are my suggestions to make her more fun:
-Reverse the nerf and give a one time sound when she enters and leaves phase instead.
-Make brown speed addon base kit
-Make her 115%
-Give her cosmetics every fortnight.
-Make Stridor counter Iron Will again
-Give her a survivor version as well (they can re-use the model as Ultra-Rare on killer too for ez money)
-FInally, make her relationship with Yui official (wedding event and cosmetics)
With these small adjustments, I think she can become an even greater killer, and truly put the S into S tier
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You talking about Sadako?
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That wanna be Spirit?
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I wish they didn’t remove Father’s Glasses.
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I think she’s in a good enough spot now. I think I would mainly want to close the gap between Iron Will and non Iron Will and make passive phasing more interactive. Also a MDR nerf, DCB rework, Juniper Bonsai rework, Senko Hanabi buff, and Mother’s Glasses rework.
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He he he. I thought it was funny.
can't wait to try the new and improved Spirit.
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She is good practice to roleplay as Sadako early. And even after her release, she will still have value, as a budget basement Kayako. Very fun.
And also if you want to play a 3v1, she is one of the best to get survivors to DC on the first down. Tactical advantages without even needing to beat them on hook. Very strong.
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they should make it basekit
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Honestly, mostly biased survivor main here but I have to agree with all of these points.
I absolutely adore Spirit. She's one of my favorite killers to play as and against (Well, except when the Spirit is using cherry blossom + mother daughter ring and there's 0 chance of hiding from them but that's beside the point).
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I definitely think complaints for those two add ons are justified. I never use them and she’s still fun and strong without them. In fact, she’s way more unfun with those add ons.
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Spirit propaganda
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Why do you keep saying that?
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Why do you keep posting spirit propaganda?
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Because I can and I want to.
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They probably want validation.
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Spirit would be more fun for me if 3/4 survivors didn't run Iron Will every time I play as her. It feels like I only encounter IW about once every 2 or 3 matches with other killers, then I play Spirit and BAM, every survivor has IW.
Completely anecdotal and probably not even close to true, that's just what it feels like. 😂