Badham Preschool | Breakable Walls are pre-broken

GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,611

Since nobody else seems to have done so:

PC, happens on all platforms.

The two walls at the ends of the Preschool building on Badham Preschool 1-5 have vanished. They no longer exist, opening up the very strong fence loop and removing potential zoning mindgames from some of the pallet spawns inside the main building.

(You can see that these were not hand-broken, as there is no debris around the ground).

Thus far it has happened during every match I've had on this map, including testing games during customs and this public lobby too.

32 votes

Acknowledged · Last Updated


  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,851

    I am blessed to not have been on that map yet this update.

  • mischiefmanaged
    mischiefmanaged Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 372

    I don't have a screenshot or video but I can confirm I saw this yesterday too. I thought it was strange because I thought those breakable walls were guaranteed, but I just moved on because I thought there might be a rare chance the breakable wall just isn't there.

  • paladinbohne
    paladinbohne Member Posts: 12

    Here is a video for this.

    i was even so confused about the missing breakable walls, i didn't see the feng min...

  • deadbodyman62
    deadbodyman62 Member Posts: 43

    i noticed that too and wondered if they went back and decided to removed them from the ends of the building? I noticed for the longest time ond Mother's dwelling, in the main building the window under the outside stairs was ALWAYS open. now since the update the few times i got the map Neither back window is open. AGAIN wondering if thats a purpose decision or something that wasnt intented.