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New chapter trophies bugged on PS4

I have done both adept Onryo and Yoichi. The trophy for each popped up at the end of the match as normal. But when I went to look at my actual trophies neither had been unlocked.
In fact it says none of the trophies have been done by anyone on PS4 yet and the chapter has been out for three and a half hours now.
Same here
6 -
I'm experiencing the same thing. Kind of afraid to unlock more trophies in case the bug gets fixed and you'll have to re-unlock them which may not be possible since it's already been unlocked..
Post edited by JusBlue on6 -
Me too and I hope I don’t have to unlock them again cause that would really suck.
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I got both adept trophies and it didn’t show it when I went to look to see what other trophies there was for the new chapter 😞 I hope it get fix and that we don’t have to do them again.
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Same here on ps4. I escaped with Yoichi, even had pop up for getting Adept survivor earlier today. Just checked now and it not only says I haven't earned the trophy but also that 0% of ps4 players have completed it.
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Yep. Me too. I got the adept for Sadako on my first match. It popped in the top right of my screen but I look at my trophy list and it wasn’t there so it is clearly a bug.
Don’t worry, all of us PS4 players have this bug. It says 0.0% of players have earned all of the trophies for this chapter.
I just hope we don’t have to re-earn them 😭
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Same here, appears to be PS4 only, PS5 has values between 0.1 to 0.3% depending on Trophy, already send in a Support Ticket that got answered so they are aware of the Problem, let's just cross fingers they find the underlying Problem quickly <3
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Ideal scenario is they fix it and the trophies will unlock rather than having to repeat them again. Adept killer is never easy.
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I have the same issue on ps4. Hopefully this gets fixed soon. Unlocked dlc trophies are not listed, all completion percentages are 0.0% and I cannot sync my trophies at all since the udpdate.
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this is also happening to me, i have adept yoichi and viral video but both arent unlocking.
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Has this been adressed by anyone yet? DbD or PS?
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Reported it with this Thread as reference, so at least BHVR is aware of it.
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Unlocked Adept Onryo myself on ps4. Saw the trophy pop up but whenever I go to check my trophy list its not there. I know someone who also got adept yoichi and are having the same issues.
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Same thing on ps4 version for me. Please, fix it as soon as possible!!!
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I'm having the same problem, I've submitted a support ticket before seeing this thread. I Did both adepts, have screenshots of the achievement unlocks, but nothing shows up in the trophy section. I wander if its only Sadako Rising chapter or all of PS4's trophies right now? I've been doing some achievement hunting with the tome done, and I feel like i shouldnt continue if this is issue is across the whole game.
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I submitted a ticket as well and I can share a link of a community of trophy hunters that are just as frustrated with this issue as me. I’m primarily frustrated because if anything happens to our consoles and data is lost we will have redo work on our end to earn the trophies again. Since we did pay for this dlc, I would appreciate a response and a timeframe for a fix. Thanks so much!
Here is a link to PS4 users complaining about this issue: https://forum.psnprofiles.com/topic/123373-new-chapter-trophies-dont-unlock/?page=2#comment-2518893
Post edited by VoidVictorious on2 -
It's now been fixed!! The trophy syncing is live!!
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I can confirm it is indeed fixed. I just checked mine. Any trophies you've earned will be there. No need to repeat them.
Happy days.
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My Adept trophy is also there and all trophies are now showing % completed by others on ps4 instead of 0.
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Thanks to both the DBD community and QA team. Things are fixed!
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Glad to hear this is resolved now, I will close the bug report.
Enjoy your games!