Please, give a power to Sadako

She does not work even against average survivors and the stats will confirm how poor performing she is. The weakest killer by far and I'm sure she will reach Twins level of extintion after the hype is over.
She's cute , that's a pretty good power on it's own.
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Sadako below than legion.
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While I don't think she is that bad, I believe she's around B tier, I wouldn't be opposed to see her get some buffs, something akin to this
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Not true, Sadako has unrestricted map mobility, stealth, and game slowdown. Legion... stabs people... and then chases them like an M1 killer, unless the Legion has Franks Mixtape + Stab Wound Study, then downing people is gonna be a pain.
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As bad as Legion is, they at least have some....consistency(???) with their True Sight.
They barely have a killer power a lot of the time, but at least Legions power will point you towards the enemy.
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She has power. Teleport and stealth.
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I didn't know unrestricted teleport meant a 100 second cooldown teleport that can be disabled by survivor for 60 seconds.
I enjoy her but without her iri add on every small power she has also carries a easy and harsh way to counter her.
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Coming from someone who primarily plays M1 killers (Clown, Mike, Pig, Ghostface, Trapper) no just no. She is lightyears past those characters....I don't run into much issues not being able to teleport when I want. There are quite a bit of Tv's on the map and even if they were 3 minute CD's she would still be better than those killers.
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Most survivors haven't learned how to play against her yet. Wait until Otz or OhTofu puts out a video on exactly how to counter her. I went verses a group yesterday that took away my ability to teleport for the whole game. And the craziest part of it is you would think that holding a tape is dangerous, but it's the opposite. Holding a tape guarantees that you can remove condemned stacks. As survivor you should be turning off TVs at every opportunity and reducing your condemned at every opportunity. If you do this, the extra time that you spend is made up in the difficulty in chasing survivors because she can no longer teleport to survivors.
When survivors play correctly, she has nothing, no condemned, no teleport, nothing.
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Close, but not quite that bad.
I haven't worked out quite where she is, but she is definitely above Legion, not that that's much of an accomplishment
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Her power is more having insane map pressure. She can be in 3 different places in a matter of seconds. Learning to utilize this is where you will get a lot of ur pressure. She isn't designed to commit to chases for too long. Her kit incentivizes hit and run.
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She’s fun though. That’s what matters most right?
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Her kit incentivizes Hit and them running to the Circle of Healing boon.
Signed, a person who just played a match in which if i did not commit they would run to the circle of healing boon.
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You can't do that if she's actively using them though. Survivors being able to get the tapes frequently enough to stop her teleporting is more of a naturally occurring punishment for trying to "save" uses.
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Hit and run has been dead since circle of healing came out.
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She's a garbage killer, literally E tier.
Put her on swamp vs a SWF you can't do anything, safe loops around every corner, gens everywhere.
Survivors just need to stand at a pallet when injured and there's nothing you can do in loops, good luck with dead hard too.
Nothing will ever be as strong as huntress.
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I don't think she's that bad, it's more that the maps are really strong unless your playing a killer that can shred pallets or is anti-loop.
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And that is a problem with COH, not her power design. COH is a huge design flaw but shouldn't be looked at to gauge a killers effectiveness. Not every match is going to have a COH and even the ones with COH aren't super unwinnable.
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"the stats will confirm how poor performing she is."
wouldn't count on it as the stats have Pinhead and Pig having high kill rates despite being mediocre at best due to more survivors being genuinely bad at the game than good ones.
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People who say Myers is the weakest have no idea what they are talking about. Having insta downs basically when he wants it is extremely underrated. You can even camp people into second hook state if you want with tier 3, no one can come close to save. By the way I don't do that but yeah if it comes to it at endgame you can have that tier 3 strategically ready.
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Oh Mickey absolutely needs more love imo
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And hit and run is ruined by COH in today's meta
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Do you really want more super strong killers in chases like Blight?
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She has the power of watching how gens are done while she eats every pallets stun on the map.
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that or we can just keep seeing Blight, Nurse every match...
what the point having all these killers?
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read the top one
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She .... has a power? And it's pretty good once you learn to utilize it correctly. Imho she's pretty balanced. By far the most balanced we've gotten in over a whole year and a half.
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get good
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lol magic word..
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100 seconds downtime is quite restrictive.