Nurse: Fun of unfun to go against?

jokere98 Member Posts: 653

Nurse: Fun of unfun to go against? 53 votes

GibberishOnryosTapeRentalsVolantConch1719KaanaReikoMorimusstang62Lx_maliceRobotfangirl67Warcrafter4SuzuKRBrokenbonesBasementDwellerHex_SaltViktor1853N8dogGuiltiiGazgemauchGarlicRice[Deleted User]sizzlingmario4 30 votes
TapeKnotF60_31SkeletalEliteMrPenguinTaigaMrsGhostfaceRoboMojoEnderloganYTPukenplagValik[Deleted User]FilthyLegionMainKieran_GriffinChurchofPigGannTMThatOneDemoPlayerAurelleFauldsBothSidesEnjoyerItsJesseFFS 23 votes


  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    She’s the most fun killer to versus.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    I know how to counter her, but that still doesn't make her fun to go against.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071

    Fun. Prefer to play against rather than any "run in circle for 5 minutes to win" Killer.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294

    There are only 3 scenarios that exist.

    1.) The Nurse is good.

    You cannot win the game. Using strong perks and a legacy of experience, the Nurse pinpoint blinks mid-chase and has incredible map awareness. She is quick to punish the slightest mistake and there is NO way to counter her. Due to her power and oppressively presence - many perks become COMPLETELY invalid. Not fun at all. No way to come back after she gets a hook or two.

    2.) The Nurse is bad.

    They can't blink right, fall for easy mind games, miss when spun. It's sad. They never get hooks - maybe one or two, but they struggle. It's not fun, just sad. Dead hard and they get fatigued - hearing that pathetic 'fatigue' sound as their inevitable frustration mounts. No pressure, no stakes. Just a snooze fest. Feel bad for them - they're trying to have fun and get better, but it's not their day... it's not their game.

    3.) The Nurse is OK.

    Good chase, doesn't fall for every trick and lands a lot of their hits. Should this be fun? No pallets, outrun them half the time, they bring the same 3 'good' addons because the others are handicaps. It's a snooze fest. Each 'equal' game plays the same. The Nurse either misses their ability and you walk away from them, or they hit and there's basically nothing you can do. You can't win in chase, you can't evade them well across the map. All you do is try the stealthy route and hope you can out-walk them and bait out a miss. Sure, you may or may not escape - it's fair, right? But no, it's not. It's as exciting as watching someone else's kids play checkers. Maybe it's 50/50, but it's not like you have a hole lot to do with it. The Nurse will either doom themselves, or be unstoppable. The power is no longer in your hands.

    No matter what, when I see the killer is a nurse, I roll my eyes.

    The entire match is a waste at that point. 9/10 times it's going to be a bore.

    Either we're going to escape no problem, or we're going to have to actually TRY - and just take a gambling shot that the Nurse isn't GOOD.

    The fun part of the game is chasing and interacting with the killer in certain ways. The Nurse's power is about circumventing that and punishing interaction.


  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
  • ImBigBoned
    ImBigBoned Member Posts: 6

    It really depends on how experienced the killer is with the Nurse, if the player is good with her I usually have fun against her, but that's personal preference because I like the thrill of a challenge. If the player is bad with her however, she's not nearly as fun to play against. I've had Nurses who either haven't mastered the teleportation, or they simply ignore the ability, sometimes a bit of both, either way though she's still one of those characters that I can't really be upset to play against.

  • eaebree
    eaebree Member Posts: 288

    I would say fun if survivors dont start to suicide moment they see it is a nurse

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    Oh well I didn’t try to change your opinion lol.

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    Nurse is NOT the unstoppable SS+ tier powerhouse some people say she is. The best Nurse players in the world can still rue the day they were born if smart and skilled players can use the environment correctly. Nurse MUST play reactionary so as a survivor you need to force them to play prediction wise. Nothing is more fun for me than outsmarting a Nurse and using the environment in ways I can't against other killers. Is Nurse strong when played well? Yes. Can you outplay a master Nurse player and utterly destroy them? Yes. She's the most unique killer and whether it's a great player or somebody who is still learning I almost always have a fantastic time.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294

    Having a completely different experience than one another is not 'Objectively wrong'

    This is my experience boiled down. You don't have to like it or agree with it to exist.

  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903

    She's mostly unfun because on top of being the powerhouse... her users camp and tunnel even harder; even when they don't need to. If we only talk from her gameplay mechanics, she's mostly fun to go against... the only small thing that annoys me is how her post-blink lunge looks to have a bit too much reach (but apparently that is just an illusion since she has the same reach as any other killer).

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Unfun just because teammates kill themselves immediately