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My cousin had a epileptic episode from macro flashlights



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  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Ok, i have to ask. do you have anny proof that this game causes more issues with epilepsy than other games? Do you have numbers to proof that, or did you just make that up? Since you says its objectively, there should be some proof, shouldn´t it?

  • Member Posts: 479

    In regards to the flashlights I think having a cooldown period of 1 second between uses is probably the easiest fix for the issue. You're gonna be using them to mostly blind the killer anyway so there's no real reason for you to be clicking them every half second.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    I'm really sorry to hear this, I hope your cousin is ok and doing well.

    I really hope that they do make a change to flashlight macros and Doctor's power. They really need to put a flash warning on the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,270

    @MandyTalk sorry for the ping but can we have any info if the respective parts of bhvr are trying to solve this type of issue or at least planning on adding warnings

  • Member Posts: 1,270

    Yeah It's reasonable for you two to not know about flashlight macros as unless you watch dbd videos you will rarely encounter them heck I only encountered two that wasn't cheaters(I expect all cheaters to have the super flashlight clicking)during my entire time in the fog

    Hopefully they will add a way to stop the macros in the future

  • Member Posts: 445

    I'm not OP but to answer you're question; probably not. However it's easy to understand how it can happen.

    What winds me up about it is that it serves no purpose in the game the macro flashlighting; it's purely for trolling. If it was an integral part of the game that caused seizures then I could see the potential dilemma but the fact is it's not. Something used for trolling that's gone on for years and easy to fix is causing this. BHVR as usual consumed by silence

  • Member Posts: 1,959

    Flashlight clicking is fun for survivors, they're never going to change it lol

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    I am very sorry for what your cousin and your family experienced and hope they recover from this.

    but I also hope you all learned from this. Because apparently your cousin didn’t choose the game well and didn’t inform themselves about the problems this game has regarding epilepsy. A simple google search shows plenty of user complaints about this very issue. And.. this is just an assumption but it seems like your cousin is also not old enough to play this game…

    also you have been called a ‚veteran player‘ just based on your forum activity, as you have many posts and I assume have been a user for a long time already. No one can prove one way or another however but it’s very unlikely you haven’t seen a thread about DbD and epilepsy issues as it’s a pretty common topic. But dubio pro reo - you can’t really be accused here as long as you haven’t posted in one of those topics.

    don’t get me wrong - BHVR is to blame here. A warning is the LEAST they should add. But let’s be real here: your stubborn cousin would have probably still played the game.

    and yeah best case would be that BHVR gets rid of flashlight Macro ability as well as fast clicking in general.

  • Member Posts: 563

    Yeah I've played 1500hrs and haven't ran into a flashlight macros once only reason I know about is through the forums.

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    So everyone knew it.You cousin was warned but he didnt knew he had a illness? "He choose his game carefully"

    Something doesnt fix.he knew it or not?

  • Member Posts: 919

    They should definitely add a warning if they don't intend to do anything about those flashlights. However in your particular situation I doubt that an in game warning would have prevented this since you had already warned your cousin about this and he still decided to play anyway.

  • Member Posts: 1,270
    edited March 2022


    Post edited by Majin151 on
  • Member Posts: 696

    I'll say from a killer perspective, the blinding feature is horrible on a person's eyes. Rather the screen go black than bright white/yellow.

    Oh, and how does one blind Pyramid Head? He has no eyes.

    Flashlights need fixed. This can be a lawsuit as there is no epilepsy warning at the beginning of the game. I know I can't click a real flashlight that fast.

  • Member Posts: 732

    Im still with @Voodoo_Thirsty on this one. Regardless they made very solid points.

  • Member Posts: 1,023

    I feel horrible for asking what I'm about to ask... There are a lot of troll posts on this forum. Did this really happen?

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    does it really matter if it happened?

    it easily could have, and BHVR didn’t add a warning while aware of this issue for a long time. And they haven’t fixed it nor have they actually replied to this issue afaik. And they have actually replied to and fixed issues with the Onryo and photosensitivity issues on PTB,..

  • Member Posts: 640

    Oh geez I’m so sorry to hear that and I hope your cousin is feeling better. I know normally don’t share this all the time but I know it sucks to see someone you care about who has epilepsy cause I have a younger sister who has it and me and family make sure to watch her in cause she has any episodes. But yeah I totally get it and I know it’s scary so I know how you feel. But if you need anything let me know cause me and my family deal with that almost all the time due to my younger’s sister’s issue.

  • Member Posts: 1,023

    Yes it could happen but its also pretty bad to lie about a serious event to warrant a change for a game.

  • Member Posts: 2,069

    You act like its too much to add a SIMPLE WARING, which is the standart for most games and movies nowdays.

  • Member Posts: 2,069

    Atleast the change could prevent real scenarios then.

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    How you blind Sadako he haves a curtain of hair on his face.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    The point was the claim made, because epileptic episodes can come from more than just flashing lights, like gaming sessions going on for too long. I know people having seizures from raiding too long in wow. By sheer player numbers, i think a game like wow would have much more cases than dbd ever could have.

    The other point is that i sincerly belive a lot of people in this thread just hop onto the waggon to get something that they find annoying patched out of the game, rather than being genuine concerned about health issues. And dont get me wrong, i find it annoying myself and dont care if its gone. but i do care about people feigning sympathy while just ridding their own agenda.

    Thanks for clarifying. I think the only one here that is at fault is the devs, not for allowing it, but for not having a warning about this at the game in any way.

    I hope your cousin will be well again soon. And if it helps, from my experience, even avoiding triggers dont always help. I had 2 friends who both where epileptics, and while one of them avoided all possible triggers (he never drank alcohol, never went out dancing, never played "hectic" video games, and wouldnt even ride a bike) he had just as many severe episodes as the other friend, who drank alcohol and did went out a lot (however, when she had her episodes, she usually was much more exposed, for example it happend to her from traffic lights in the evening while she was riding a bike, leading to her having an accident, or while she was dancing in a club. Thats why you always had to take notice of what she was doing).

  • Member Posts: 304

    No offense but why is your brother playing a game where there are constant flashing lights. It's like going to a rave on purpose.

  • Member Posts: 735

    I believe that it´s BHVRs responsibility to get rid of the unintended use of flashlights. There´s a difference between using it to blind and using it to annoy.

    Doctor and Sadako cannot spam their effects with a macro.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    Not one person in this thread defended BHVR for not having a warning or fixing or at least acknowledging the problem though?

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