Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

DH op please nerf?//?/?

Member Posts: 1
edited March 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Perk rework/balance dump, feedback WANTED

DISCLAIMER: Not all ideas are my own, and some are put here because their ideas pleased me and I didnt see any reason to come up with a different one.


Blood Pact

= When you or the obsession are injured, you see eachothers auras

+ After healing the obsession, unhooking the obsession, taking a protection hit whithin 12m of

the obsession, or when the obsession completes one of these actions on you, 

you are both granted a 5%/7.5%/10% increase to healing, repairing, cleansing, blessing,

and opening the exit gates until you leave a 16m range or until you are both fully healed,

a generator is fully repaired, or a totem has been cleansed or blessed

- You no longer are granted 7% haste while near the obsession after healing them

Buckle Up

+ Can now determine recovery on dying survivors from any distance

+ When you heal a survivor from the dying to injured state, they are immediatley cleansed from all 

hemorrhage, mangled, exhausted, and blindness status effects

+ Your healing speed on dying survivors is increased by 25% for each survivor in a 16m range

- No longer reveals the killers aura to you and the recently healed survivor


+ Your footstep noises while walking are reduced by 100% (multiplicative)

+ Your footstep noises while running are reduced by 25%/50%/75% (multiplicative)

- No longer makes your scratch marks disappear faster


+ When a generator in completed, you are granted a 10% haste status effect for 6/8/10 seconds

= Does not stack with other haste effects (higher of the values will take priority)

- No longer hides your scratch marks when a generator is completed


+ When the killer enters a 16 meter range around you, their location is revealed for 2/3/4 seconds

= Cooldown of 30 seconds

= Auditory notification

Sole Survivor

+ When a survivor is killed by any means, gain a token, up to a maximum of 3

+ Each token removes one of the killers abilities to track you

= 1 token, the killer can no longer see your scratch marks or pools of blood

= 2 tokens, the killer no longer gets a notification for your failed skill checks and is not 

alerted to fast actions you perform

= 3 tokens, the killer can no longer see your aura


Beast of Prey

= When you damage a survivor for a full health state by any means, gain a token, to a max of 2

+ 2 Tokens, when initiating a chase with a survivor, you are granted the undetectable 

status effect while you maintain LOS, and for 8/10/12 seconds after breaking LOS


+ Can now see scratch marks through walls

= Keep previous effects and tiers

Territorial Imperative

= Reworked aura reading ability

+ When a survivor is within or 2m around "The Killer Shack" their aura is revealed

= This perk has a cooldown of 30 seconds after injuring a survivor by any means

Furtive Chase

- Remove the obsession effects

- Remove the token effects

+ After a hooking a survivor, you are granted the undetectable status effect for 10/12/14 seconds

Hangmans Trick

+ The first time a hook is sabotaged while you are carrying a survivor, it is immedietly 


+ While carrying a survivor and within 6m of a hook, your successful attack cooldown 

is reduced by 30%/40%/50%  


+ After not being in a chase for 20 seconds, you terror radius is reduced by 8/12/16 meters

= Once initiating a chase, this effect is removed

Monstrous Shrine

+ Survivors on their First Hook phase will still need to complete struggle skill checks for the duration of the First Hook phase

= Missing a skill check will remove some progress from the hook timer

= Missing 2 skill checks in a row will immedietly put the survivor into the Second Hook phase

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 2,069

    broken af

  • Member Posts: 1,003

    Dead hard is not OP

    If you think they have it just pretend you gonna swing or be right behind them and wait few seconds

  • Member Posts: 5,988

    Ah yes, 'cuz I can do that when they run for a pallet/window, guaranteeing an extended chase at the cost of dick-diddly.

  • Member Posts: 696

    Dead Hard isn't OP. I always time it wrong with latency issues anyways. I use other Exhaustion perks instead.

  • Member Posts: 1,003

    That part is annoying.

    Just make dead hard disable near a vault and issue done.

  • Member Posts: 799

    And if you are pressed for time and they dead hard to the God pallet then what? Guess you lose.

  • Member Posts: 1,003
  • Member Posts: 20
  • Member Posts: 2,752

    If Dead Hard was the only exhaustion perk that will get you to a god pallet, then you would be right. However, there are numerous exhaustion perks that will get you to the same god pallet.

    Dead Hard does not exist in a vacuum, there are 4 more exhaustion perks that all extend chases (And 2 additional crappy exhaustion perks, for a total of 6). In fact, I would argue those other 4 exhaustion perks extend chases more than Dead Hard because they give more speed burst than Dead Hard.

  • Member Posts: 873

    I’ll stop using DH when:

    1. Bloodlust is removed
    2. SC/Resilience is no longer a necessity to not get screwed at a pallet or window vault
    3. I stop getting outplayed and have to panic DH🤣

    I don’t see any of those things changing, especially #3 so DH is fine lol!

  • Member Posts: 2,752
    edited March 2022

    Amen to #2. All the times I'm shown safely on the other-side of a window and then all the sudden I'm hit.

    What gets me the most is there's always this "Dead Hard" has to be nerfed yet no one has yet to present any data at all suggesting why it needs nerfed. I tired of seeing the same old tired "nerf dead hard" threads.

    Here was the argument for Dead Hard being nerfed from the original poster.

    "Dead Hard OP Please Nerf".

    That's it. He didn't even take time to write something in the comment field. It's just a stupid "Dead Hard OP Please Nerf" in the title. That's it. What is this poster expecting to happen, the developers to nerf Dead Hard because he took 5 seconds to write Dead Hard OP.

    Literally no argument. This is about the laziest thing I've ever seen. They should just delete this post it's such a waste of effort.

    Oh, and the poster has only made 1 comment in his entire time here.

  • Member Posts: 100

    Yeah DH is fine as-is, especially with the number of killer-sided things (servers, bs hits, deadzones, unsafe tiles) in the game. Survivors should have a chance to survivor, not just always die 100% in 10 seconds no matter what.

  • Member Posts: 74

    Killer Cry a lot because of DH. Os a really strong perk, but not broken, bruh

  • Member Posts: 764

    Dead Hard is Op. High MmR/skill player use only it Off all exaustion perks, so it Is like old ruin a perk that is metà, cannibalizing other perks. Dh for distance is unfair, a third health state, un healthy for a future more balance game with other issues fixed, like camping. Devs said they will fix it. They admit detection it also is terrible from killer pow, and also the perk wasnt thinked like That, is probably used in unintented way.

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