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Object of obsession gives constant aura with blood pact

1. run blood pact and Object of obession
2. be injured or let the obsession be injured.
3. don't be the obsession yourself
As long as you aren't the obsession you will have constant aura reading on the killer.
please kill switch
Just had 2 fengs use both of these perks against me and I can verify after testing that this works all the time.
@MandyTalk Please kill-switch this perk.
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Considering Object also causes a crash when combined with Empathic Connection, yeah, probably time to disable it.
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@MandyTalk Is anything going to be done about this? People are sharing it all over Reddit & Steam discussions and more and more people are trying it out as a result. I've ran into 3 people using this combination this morning across about 8 games. There's little point in even trying against a group when one of them can see your aura at all times and relay that information onto their friends.
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Dowsey made a video also. Not good for killers.
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It's not a bug, you're using the key with the wedding ring, it's making the aura of obsession appear for you
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Man bhvr has to Killswitch more stuff than any other game studio I've seen it's crazy
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No, it makes the aura of the killer appear at all times.
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Im talking about seeing the killers aura, I am not supposed to see the tricksters aura.
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I thought this chapter has few bugs this time.
But they are only kinda hidden in strange perk combos...
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@MandyTalk This is rly happening, please make BHVR devs aware <3
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oops, you made a very long video and I hadn't watched it until the end, I recommend you make the video closer to the problem, some devs may not watch the video until the end too
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is that you made a very long video and I hadn't watched it until the end, I recommend you make the videos closer to the problem, some devs may not watch the video until the end either, but yes, this is a bug, and already I voted to support the bug fix
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Not trying to be rude, but, it's 29 seconds and it shows the issue. If you can't be bothered to watch 29 seconds and think that it's too long of a video then perhaps don't comment on it.
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you didn't need to comment on this, when you have a defect, the ideal is to show it right away, for us to understand, maybe I was a little guilty, but it's undeniable that he could have gone more straight to the point in the video, and it was rude yes
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It's 29 seconds long for goodness sake. How much more "straight to the point" does something need to be? Just stop.
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devs are going give this at least another week so the SWF teams can have their fun bullying killers with the exploit 😂
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I crashed twice on PS5 because of this. When I used blood pact and became the obsession, and when the cheater fully heals my game crashed. This happened in back to back games
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BHVR, BHVR where art thou BHVR??? Hiding as usual? Killswitch it this is a major issue
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Probably not. BHVR are in hibernation mode just now. Hardly replying to anything at all. The devs are like an endangered species just now
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Heres to help add to the evidence. Also watch BHVR ban me for this too
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This is literally the top post on the forums and YouTubers made popular videos on this... How is this not killswitched?
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Kill switch these perks A S.A.P. It's making killer absolutely miserable.
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I'm not playing killer until this issue is resolved. Seen too many survivors abuse this already. Don't need the extra abuse from them its bad enough without wall hacks and speed hacks.
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first game today solo queue was like....
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I haven't ran into this yet but since all discussions about this combo in general are being shut down
Survivors running this still show up for killer every 30 seconds, correct?
I'm just trying to think of how to tell if a survivor is running this wall hack combo. Presumably that's the only way to tell midgame (I suppose it's not impossible they're JUST running OOO but that seems very unlikely).
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No,because object only triggers 30s when they're the obsession and wallhacks work while you are not the obsession.
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That's all I was asking. As a killer, is that going to be my only clue that they're running this combo while the game is happening (basically do I as the killer get to see the survivor still every 30 seconds or is that broken too)? It sounds like from your answer that part still works, if a survivor is running this combo, I still get to see them every 30 seconds.
Because I hate to tunnel and camp but this is game breaking for killers. If I can figure out who is running this combo mid-game, I'll deal with it myself if BHVR is going to take their sweet time to deal with it.
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No mither, Object of obsession and blood pact together make it worse. Survivor see the killer's aura as long as the killer isn't stealthed or undetectable from the beginning of the match 100% of the time.
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How have they not commented on this??????
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Object of Obsession has now been "killswitched" and will be re-enabled as soon as the issue has been resolved.
Thank you all for your patience and reporting of this.
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I quite literally said you don't
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That was fast. Thanks!
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Well either way this is all moot since BHVR has killed the perk thankfully :)
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better late then never
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The Object of Obsession perk has been re-enabled in the 5.6.1 hot fix released today. However, the patch notes do not include a fix report for the problems identified here.
Could someone please verify this?
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Yes the issues that surrounded OoO are fixed.
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Thank you for your reply. I just updated to 5.6.1 and both the Wake Up perk and Object of Obsession perk have not released the kill switch.
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Yes, until all platforms have the update available (there's been a delay on the patch for Switch), then the perks will remain killswitched.
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Okay, I understand. Thank you!