Using Prestige Levels to Reduce the Grind of Getting Tier 3 Perks

What if Prestige Lv3-ing a character (as well as manually learning their teachables) made it so that whenever you’re leveling another character’s blood web, the teachable perks of the prestiged character will automatically show up in Tier 3?
Prestige Level 1 David King: As long as you unlocked the We’re Gonna Live Forever teachable, it will automatically show up in every other survivor’s bloodweb as Tier 3.
Prestige Level 2 David King: As long as you unlocked the Dead Hard teachable, it will automatically show up in every other survivor’s bloodweb as Tier 3.
Prestige Level 3 David King: As long as you unlocked the No Mither teachable, it will automatically show up in every other survivor’s bloodweb as Tier 3.
I feel like this would help reduce the grind of the game. Whenever there’s a new chapter, you’d have to grind through so many perks just to get the ones you want on the new characters. As it currently stands, prestiging a character is useless besides getting their default outfit with blood on it, so why not reward players who go out of their way to use Bloodpoints to prestige a certain character to make it easier to grind for a certain perk in the future?
I will never prestige because that is wasting time so that dont works for me grind should be make easier..
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I don't think this would solve anything tbh, level to prestige 3.-lvl 40 a killer is a pain
now that to every killer + there are common perks... no please
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I think the entire prestige system just needs to be reworked. Whether you get a character to 50 and prestige immediately or put way more bloodpoints into them and then prestige later and still lose everything you had on them, it's a huge bloodpoint sink in exchange for 1 cosmetic item and a negligible chance of getting better stuff in the bloodweb.