Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions


Member Posts: 23
edited March 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

CAN'T stress this enougth sadakos height needs to be fixed form first person persepctive, she's already a weak m1 killer that's made even harder by the stupid half the time can't even see over the terrain and objects to track survivors. I'm not saying boost her physical mesh size but can at least heighten the first person camera up to at least legion/hag height

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Yeah, this can be a huge advantage at loops, if you're demanifested and the surv can't see you over the wall.

    But overall I think the positive and negative balance out here.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    No, her being short definitely helps her stealth. She'd actually be weaker if she was taller.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Blight had a similar issue on release, and they fixed it.

    Onryo isn't just small - her camera feels lower than Hag. Low camera angles also tend to make people motion sick (which was a core complaint about Blight) so we will see what the devs do.

    That said - she needs help in a lot of actually giving her an impactful power and not just a bunch of superfluous fluff bolted to the carcass of an M1 killer.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Ah. Always thought Hag was 'short' - she's tiny.

    Yeah, in this case the 'Short' camera might need to be tweaked. It just...doesn't work, especially on a 115 killer.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,107

    Blight sprints across the map tho so that lower camera felt really fucky and hard to control. Onryo doesn't suffer that.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    We will see. All I know is that grass feels like corn and corn is like being trolled.

  • Member Posts: 155

    I like her height because it makes her unique but she's literally unplayable on the corn maps and swamp. you can't see anything.

    perhaps a solution akin to the egc being less visible for killers.

    it would also be nice to get 3rd person view when projecting cause it's disorienting.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    I wouldn't say sprinting across map was the main issue for the low camera. It was more the fact that blight couldn't see survivor over many low wall objects, but survivors could still see blight. Meant that any mindgame he could try to do at those tiles would never work, because the survivor has more information about blight than blight has on the survivor.

    Then there was the fact that there was the bug when loading into match that showed the killer model used for the killer pov camera and everyone got to see that blight's model was loading halfway into the floor.

    If blight was the same size as Onyro while rushing on some maps like swamp would be annoying since you can literally be blinded by the tall grass on the map, it would more be the downside of the size of the killer rather than being a camera issue.

  • Member Posts: 209

    She is a little girl what do you want from her? plus I like the shortness.

  • Member Posts: 630

    Sadako should crawling.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Wraith is only bad now because they removed his lunge. Now if you run Bone clacker or something similar you won't get stealth hits

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Having played a ton of Sadakos over the past 48 hours, I feel like there are people who know how to use her, and people who try to use her like other killers. The former type are actually pretty challenging to go against. I faced a few that were downright oppressive. The latter really struggle.

    People who insist she is bad are clearly in the latter camp. I mean if you keep trying that and don't have success, that's a you problem, not a Sadako problem.

    She isn't bad at all.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I don't want to use this argument, but I genuinely do not see how people get any use from her unless the Survivors are just bad.

  • Member Posts: 882

    I agree. I've seen some really good Sadako killers who straight up destroy the entire team. I solo queue and some Sadako killers have destroyed the lobbies I am in and this is with other decent survivors too!

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Not sure what to say. I am pretty certain I don't play at low MMR and she's pretty effective for me, and found her more challenging to go against than many other killers I have faced recently (but also walked all over Sadako players trying to play her like a traditional killer).

    I really think people saying she is bad are just missing a lot. If someone tries chasing around loops a lot, they're going to have a bad time, but that's just operator error.

    I think she is low B tier at worst, easy A tier in the right hands. A bit perk/add-on dependent, but definitely better than average.

    But hey, everyone has an opinion.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    I agree with you there but why are you (I assume) playing her like Wraith and not like her. She has a mixture of Wraith, Spirit, and Freddy but she is not them she is her own Killer and we need to learn how to play her. I played her a little bit and made the same mistake and played her like Wraith or Spirit and lost alot, but when I played her as her own Killer I did alot better. Now she still needs some buffs but she is not weak.

  • Member Posts: 673

    I owe you an apology. I wanted her to be good. She is situational at best, but not really even decent at high MMR.

    As if she has some secret way to play. Everything she does is telegraphed, every trick she has at loops is barely more than your average killer (because she has that stupid static effect while supposedly invisible that still gives your direction away) And the best part of her Kit, TV's, are just RNG teleports for an M1 killer that survivors can shut down at anytime for almost no charge. It's great when a single survivor dedicates to turning off the important TV's, then as the game naturally progresses, the game trolls you when your chasing a fresh survivor by showing you killer instinct that is always bound to be far away from you (because why wouldn't it be, like the survivor will just be hanging out next to you or by a TV that isn't already off...)

  • Member Posts: 667

    She has elements of all of them and yet none of the actual benefits of playing those Killers.

    Her main power is that she has passive phasing from Spirit on command. That is essentially it for impactful stuff, and she basically just makes 50/50s with this on guessing which side of the loop she goes to (kind of like Wraith golly gee whillickers isn't that weird). I assure you all that within a few weeks, maybe a month or two at most, people will stop falling for this garbage.

    You could try teleporting to TVs mid-chase to catch Survivors as they hold W away, but they, a lot like if a Freddy (golly gee whillickers isn't that strange) were to teleport to a gen to try catching someone, can rub two brain cells together and realize "Wait, imma run away from the TV and she just can't get me. Damn, that was easy. I hope she doesn't try it again otherwise I'd feel really bad for her- oh wait she did it again". This does sound like you can zone pretty well with it then, since you can force people to go back into a deadzone, but the amount of time it takes to get out of a TV lets them gain a lot of distance so they probably just end up back at a zone with pallets.

    How people are saying this M1 Killer with nothing remarkable going for her is even close to B or A tier is astonishing to me. She is a mix of two low tiers and a small dash of a high tier with the low tiers being a very predominant part while still removing even what these two can sometimes do in their niche. She fails to do anything well to Survivors that know what they're doing. Even Legion probably struggles less, which is saying a LOT.

    There is also barely anything original about her. Her standout traits for gameplay are that she's small (which sounds good for stealth until you realize she's wearing a ######### white dress which sticks out like a sore thumb on any map that isn't Lery's or Ormond), she has intermittent phasing rather than completely random phasing and she can technically mori someone who hasn't even been hooked once, but only if they're actively trying to get moried.

  • Member Posts: 673

    Don't make me think about the fact Legion just has a way more effective power than her, please. At least he has to be respected, even if it's more of an annoyance than a threat at first.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    If we give her a step stool she won’t be able to walk then

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    I said she has abilities like Wraith, Spirit and Freddy so you can calm down a bit with the golly gee willickers. She is a mind game Killer mostly and that's what prevails in DbD, who ever mind games better will win most encounters she is no exception.

    Her passive phasing and invisible beyond 25m helps with that. She is definitely High B low A Tier but that depends who is playing her. Even a Spirit can be D tier if no one knows how to play her.

    Teleporting to TVs is more to add condemn on Survivors than surprise I'm here or to cut them off, even Freddy's TP was easy to fool and escape from if you just calmly hid.

    So like I said don't play her like Wraith, Spirit or Freddy. I have seen how good she can be when played like her own self and not trying to copy or play her like the others.

    That being said I understand where your coming from and not basing anything your saying infact I do agree with some of the things your saying and I'm just giving my opinion and how I see her. I can't change how you feel or how you see her but we can discuss it and see each others point of views.

  • Member Posts: 10,290

    It's not unreasonable to ask that her camera be normal height. I don't know why all these people are disagreeing.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    And you know the tiers are just a player set idea of a killers potential right. They are not actually in any set tier that is officially been made by BHVR. Just because some YT or Twit player says oh these are reason why they are bad or x tier is still just thier opinion on the matter and not how the Killer is in EVERYONE'S hands. I have seen some C or B tier play like A Tier and visa versa. I have seen a Blight who is A tier get stomped on and is C tier.

    The more accurate way to group the Killers is by how well they are against Low, Med, and High MMR because then the skill ceiling is higher and players play more sweaty.

    All that being said this is still my opinion and it's neither right or wrong.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Somehow it has gone from should her camera height be brought up to talks about her actual "tier" or how good she is or not....

  • Member Posts: 10,290

    It's a shame too. Conversations that are interesting or bring up some really bad takes are often overshadowed in that exact same way.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Right look at my responses above they are simple and thought out and my opinion but others have taken them as it it's is sad because these are discussion forums but more break down to us v them or whataboutism....

  • Member Posts: 673

    No, you are wrong because tier lists aren't based on opinions, they are based on results and tools. That's what tier lists have always been since the very first tier list. You can have opinions, but if tiers were just based on a random opinion, they'd have no meaning.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    But then who's results and tools though? Is it a official employee of BHVR using tools and data at their disposal or a separate individual using their own data to make the tier listings? Because if it is done with BHVR data and tools I'll gladly take back what I said, but if it's a separate individual then those results would be biased off of them unless data was taken from multiple individuals to make a average to properly place the Killers into Tiers.

  • Member Posts: 673

    Of course it's not based on the developers information, if that were the case Nurse would be bottom tier.

    It's never based off individual or an individuals results. Do you even know where tier lists as a concept came from?

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Oh I know the concept and where they came from but what I'm asking is where does the data to make these tier lists come from. This is actually intriguing we all hear of X Killer is X tier but where did that come from what gathering of data was used to put X Killer into that tier. Was 200 players used....was 2000 because to officially put Killers into Tiers like this a proper amount of data but be gathered or it could be mistaken as... Public Opinion and not based on hard data....😁...please tell me you get what I'm doing or should I keep going....either way I am truly intrigued.

  • Member Posts: 673

    I'm pretty sure there's already a website denoting top killer and survivor players in the game. It's as simple as looking at that data, seeing what killers/perks were used to achieve those results more often, etc.

    That said, all I said was how you interpreted tier lists in general is wrong, I never confirmed or denied if that made sense in DBD in the first place. But the devs do occasionally post kill rates, it's just not really feasible unless you are only looking at top play, which because this game actually has a comp scene, you can actually get that data if every tourney didn't have 1000 different rules. In a straight Kills tier list, for instance, we know whose more than likely at the top of we're talking TOP MMR level players - Nurse is the unshakeable queen, followed by Blight, and going down from their.

    And as far as the sample size, the games easily been out long enough to have a good amount of data at this point to develope tier lists. It is actually a fair question as to whose holding and gathering this info, but I also think it's confirmed to an extent by top MMR players on both sides.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Ok then it has some merit to it but thank you for explaining because I was interested in how they figured the data because I have seen "tier" lists before that was solely based on what the top players said and not by any data so I always take Tier Lists with a grain of salt.

    But even with that that's only part of the Data tbh because like you said tournaments have various different rules that would change the results probably by alot.

    Even with the data out there I bet there are outliers of the "low tier" Killers doing extremely well but that would not change the total results of the data but just show there are outliers that need to be noted.

    And thank you for a good discussion that didn't break down to a state of "your wrong blah". It's nice actually having a discussion than a argument in the forums.

  • Member Posts: 23

    I love sadako not the strongest or weakest killer, but be great if can raise her first person POV camera which wouldn't effect her from survivors perspective.

    Reason being sometimes you just can't see anything, especally in grass or in loops over obsticals where survivors can still see and you can't as they got a slight top down perspective and red stane, even hag isn't as bad, she should be same pov height as pig or hag

    I get its a design choice and logical to her height, but in this case its just frustrating and illogical seen many top streamers like D3ad and Otz comment on it and how it's difficult to see and silly at times and I agree.

  • Member Posts: 219

    Her camera is low for a reason, its because shes a licensed kilelr and in the movies she crawls on the floor. Pretty sure that once of the design aspects that the license holder decides / decided. If you want licensed killers they go by what they are in the movies.

    So no, i think the camera height should stay as is.

  • Member Posts: 7,059
  • Member Posts: 8,077

    I'd say the negatives slightly outweigh the positives. At some loops, it feels like I have better vision of her as a survivor than she does of me, simply because she can't see over a lot of walls.

    No, she's astonishingly weak. Initially I put her at 'C' tier (below average), somewhere in the middle, just below Wraith.

    After playing her a lot more and playing against her a bit, I've actually moved her down somewhat - she's like new Freddy or Pig in that your power is exactly as useful as survivors want it to be. The counterplay to her is amazingly simple and she lacks any real depth or pivot point. She's an M1 killer with janky stealth and a gimmicky teleport that can be negated by survivors or simple map RNG. Now I'd probably put her at D tier, about on par with Pig.

    The only times she feels better than terrible is small indoor maps where she can condemn a lot of people at the same time, coincidently.

  • Member Posts: 994

    Im telling ya. She isnt weak at all. If people stop focusing on the condem and focus on more gen defense, and hit and run. She is strong af.

    Personally i feel like everyone who plays her just doesnt know how to play her. Ive been getting upwards of 2k every match with her. Maybe survivors dont know how to counter her. Maybe i just am really good with her playstyle. But she isnt weak at all. Easily a tier.

    I also feel everyone who says c tier just listens to otz over and over again like its some sort of dbd gospel. I really wish he would stop judging killers so soon before he can fully learn it.

    Seriously idk how all of you struggle with her so much.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Do you stream or have any VODs? I'd be curious to see the 'right' way to play Sadako that is so different to how everyone else seems to be playing her.

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