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Servers are having hard time currently (?)

Ketrab2703 Member Posts: 162


Last three matches so ~~last hour.

I get into a match and play it somewhat normally - only some questionable hits through windows and pallets but this is nothing special, BUT after some time (1-2 gens) my teammates are DCing - one killer even said that he saw one survivor using Dead Hard ten times before being disconnected from the game.

I don't know to reproduce this

It keeps happening every game that I played today's evening. Anyone else having similar experience? One killer that I manage to chat with said he got the same for some matches aswell

3 votes

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  • Andrius
    Andrius Member Posts: 59

    yeah it happened to me today as well i got kicked out and game crashed for me 2 times today its most likey server problem

  • Ketrab2703
    Ketrab2703 Member Posts: 162
    edited March 2022

    Lmao, I've just scanned bug report section and it appears to be cause by my perks xD I was running Metle of Man with Object of Obsession (to get unlimited aura reading on killer after using MoM) and Autodidact with Empathic Connection (so I can heal me teammates and they can heal my easily) . Apparently Emphatic + OoO cause crashes for people xD

  • DeadBySunlight
    DeadBySunlight Member Posts: 30

    Loaded into a match and I saw a lot my team disconnect, thought it was a rage quit untill my game itself crashed. Think it's happening to a lot of people unfortunately.

  • Invertin
    Invertin Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2022

    Just had a Pig match where every time I hit someone they would run in a straight line continually, because they were now DC'd, and they'd actually vanish a moment later.

  • crystalkitti
    crystalkitti Member Posts: 394

    Bunch of perks have been wigging out since the update. Particularly Wake Up! and Object of Obsession. Those two apparently were causing crashes for a bit before people realized what was happening. Other perks may be bugged, too, but these two are the only two I've seen killswitched ... so far.

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 471

    Had some really bad hit detection lately and lag so yeah.