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Rescuing Survivor's hitbox is unreachable behind Hooked Survivor's hitbox

As the killer (devs have stopped listening at this point since it only affects the killer), I wanted to interrupt a hook save, injure the rescuer, and try to get a hook trade by hooking the rescuer right after they save. The game made me hit the survivor on the hook instead.
Just remove the hooked survivor's hitbox until they are on the ground and mobile (the same point at which they can receive damage). This kills two birds, since it would also remove "hitting survivors on hook BM."
"This kills two birds, since it would also remove "hitting survivors on hook BM.""
Hitting survivors on hook bm, is hitting them on hook while face camping them usually. If you accidentally hit them on hook when someone is trying to unhook them, no one would see that as BM, so it makes no difference there at all.
As for the main point behind your post, first off this is more suitable in the suggestions forum, since it's not a bug in any way.
Secondly, why should you be able to hit straight through a person? It would just make camping even more stupidly strong towards lower mmr/newer players and solo-queue players, and the game is already really rough for new players as it is, do we need more reasons to scare new players away from the game? And how does it make logical sense for killers to be able to hit through people on hooks? Just look up a guide of how to deal with situations like that, there's loads.
Just save yourself the time, find a guide, learn how to deal with hook trades, spend less time in total, and then you don't have to report basic mechanics as bugs, just because of your own lack of knowledge and skill as a killer...
Edit Just noticed you've got almost 2.2k posts, and you still haven't learned mechanics of how to deal with hook trades as a killer, something that can be explained in a 10 second video?