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Fix tunneling meta



  • Member Posts: 1,586

    This is the best response related to tunneling complaints that I have seen yet. Well done!

  • Member Posts: 446

    well, tunnel is part of the game too, just get over it

  • Member Posts: 1,599

    What's tunneling meta?

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    So it's ok for the killer to lose 3 gens within 3 minutes, but it's not ok to apply some sort of pressure so he has a fighting chance?

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    There are multiple reasons as to why killers tunnel. Sadly, it is one of the strongest strategies killers have, maybe even the strongest. And despite all the years of this being a problem, the devs have still found no way to nerf tunneling or camping.

    The other problem is that it can sometimes be the only viable strategy killers have. Sadly, bad maps, or fast gen speeds, can make the more fun strategies unviable. Especially a map like the newly released one, which is pretty big, has gens spread far out from each other, and has an insane amount of safe pallets. Camping and tunneling are the far easier and better strategies there.

    Not to mention Circle of Healing, which just hurts the hit and run tactic too much at the moment, and exhaustion perks, especially Dead Hard, which can hard punish a killer for commiting to a chase, both strategies that are much more fun to go against.

    It's just a screwed up balance that has the more unfun strategies be the most effective ones.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    Agreed. Before coh there was reason to spread out the dmg. That person would take time off a gen to heal. Now they heal so fast, theres no point in spreading out dmg

  • Member Posts: 732

    Damn thats crazy, dont care.

  • Member Posts: 300

    Just as survivors should play killer to see what the necessity of tunneling looks like, killers should play say...10 games in a row as survivor. Perhaps take notes on the things you felt and how likely you were to keep cueing up. Just sayin' and I've been saying since the beginning...the game as is has had surprising longevity, given the type of feelings it invokes. I think the game could easily last another 5 years. I've played since day one on console and I still try to play a couple times a week.

    Never played a game this long. The only impediment to playing is gen rush and tunneling. No, it isn't simply a matter of "getting better at chases". When in solo cue, I am frequently unhooked directly in front of campasaurus without borrowed time. Not once but immediately again.

    I play killer...a lot. It has been a struggle but I haven't camped or tunneled in over two years. I realize I will never get better or even grow the community by playing like that. They want to rush gens and force that play style in me? I'll open the gate for them. Put a distance between myself and them with mmr. The perks killers have available now, make it so tunneling is unnecessary. I don't play high mmr though. Nor do I want to.

  • Member Posts: 300

    I forgot to add. "Every game being tunneled" is no exaggeration. It is now worse than ever.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I play survivor over 80% of the time. Feel free to see my response earlier in the thread.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Don't get found first. Problem solved.

    So many survivors play really bold and then shake their fists at getting eliminated.

    I escape not because I'm good, I'm actually quite the potato, but I know how and when to avoid the killer and that is usually enough.

  • Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2022

    I did. I found the post bizarre and contrary to my experience. I play solo most of the time and will get in a mic squad probably 10% of the time. I play solo because it is how the game is designed to be played. I am often surprised how often the game will get down to one gen. This game is quite balanced for solo play. If survivors don't do gens, we all die. I guess there is a lot of people who never get hooked once. One and done with randoms is the norm when solo. Randoms will consistently unhook in the killers face without bt. So, I blame random survivors for the tunneling. When playing with mics? We escape 70-80% of the time. Funny how that works.

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    When i started playing the game i can´t remember that the heals were so many and so fast. If you injured two or three people you had real good pressure.

    I think this changed more of the general playstyle than some might believe.

  • Member Posts: 300

    It absolutely has, Marc. Although tunneling was always here, it is now virtually every game. No jive. Facilitated by random survivors. Not sure if they are trolling or not. I find the suggestion of getting better at chases odd. It is fairly standard to be caught once. The ability to escape a tunneling killer is not real easy when teammates insist on unsafe unhooks. Unless one uses all meta perks, the odds are slim for earning bp at all. So, yeah...not a fan.

  • Member Posts: 696

    It seems nobody here knows what tunneling is, and everyone is arguing rather than discussing...

    Tunneling is chasing the same player throughout the entire game until they are dead. Sometimes it's the weak player, or the most annoying player. For me it's the player that is injured and/or isn't good at looping. Whatever the case, it's a tactic that complaining about it isn't going to stop it from happening.

    Now, I hate face camping. Proxy camping is normal, as some killers are built around that. But constantly hitting a player on hook and face camping needs more BP loss or something because that's just annoying. But again, not against the rules.

    There is also no need to tell people they suck as killer because that's just going to make more killers face camp and tunnel you.

    There are plenty of survivor perks to combat tunneling. All killers have is gen regression perks anymore due to gen rushing.

    I ask survivor mains like yourself to try and play killer and see what it's like before complaining about tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 176
    edited March 2022

    Game is sadly designed that way. People will stop tunneling only once the game changes, currently the design encourages it.

    Post edited by Noz on
  • Member Posts: 361

    make pop goes the weasel base kit for killers, and maybe tunneling will go down. 3 gens popping in 3 minutes due to toolboxes and perks is a huge part of why people feel the need to tunnel and camp

  • Member Posts: 473

    Then fix the unlimited boons, gens speed, swf and etc, simple as that no? Oh wait I forgot, survivors gotta BULLY EVERY SINGLE KILLER AVAILABLE, sorry but tunneling and camping are viable tactics and will keep being thay way

  • Member Posts: 300

    Soon...such voices will only echo.

  • Member Posts: 288

    Tunneling and camping is not against the game rules right? What is the point of this post just adapt to it.

    You like to troll the killers follow them unhook in their face dont cry when you die

  • Member Posts: 1,586
    edited March 2022

    Does allowing lots of escapes help you get easier matches though? In my experience, SBMM doesn’t work at all. I’ll get pro-level players, total noobs and everything in between no matter how well or not well I play as killer. The other issue you’ll run into is if a killer dodges a lobby of four toolbox/four flashlight SWF, matchmaking will just pull in the next available killer regardless of MMR

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    So...Otzdarva is bad at the game?

    The more you know.

    In all seriousness though, tunneling is a tool that killers need to have on their belt. There are ways to prevent it or outplay it. Survivor is not a solo role - you have a team for a reason.

  • Member Posts: 165

    I agree with you regarding not making gens take too long but honestly BHVR themselves aren't really addressing the problem of gen speeds overall. With every killer there always seems to be some new way to either regress or block a gen (Hello Merciless Storm and Call of Brine). I honestly think that they should take time as a whole to address the issues with base gen speeds and base regression so that they don't have to keep coming up with more gen regression/gen blocking perks on every killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,607

    When people complain about tunneling, are they basically complaining about not being good enough to win a chase, or the killer being much better than them and always winning chases? Because tunneling isn't like face camping, unless by tunneling you mean the killer was face camping and hits you off the hook immediately. He begins chasing you again. Win that chase.

    And if you feel you didn't get to play the game, then that means you went down within seconds of the game starting, then immediately lost the chase again after getting unhooked, and then lost yet another after the next unhook. And to that I say, learn to win chases. Chases are part of the game. If you lose a chase, you still played the game. Equip DS if it's that big of a problem for you.

    Also tunneling and camping being more common than ever is a direct result of changes made in the past 6 or so months of the games life.

  • Member Posts: 103

    Removing CoH would make other playstyles more viable but it would do nothing about the actual problem of tunneling being effective. There need to be more basekit tools to disincentivize this strat.

    And I want to be very clear about this, just because I think tunneling needs to be less effective says nothing about my opinion of game balance as a whole. Just that I think it's not a fun consequence of game design.

  • Member Posts: 134

    To counter this meta, you gotta hope you're not the 'chosen one' and have everyone else hard focus on gens while the 'chosen one' hangs from the hook all game. Hopefully, you can get those gates opened just after the chosen one is sacrificed. Just don't try and counter the tunnel meta by all survivors ganging up to save the chosen one from the hook, cause they'll just trade spots, and then no one is doing gens.

  • Member Posts: 209
    edited March 2022

    Why don't they just give survivors another objective and make them find a gen part?

    I'm going to expand on this a bit. Sometimes i tunnel or facecamp just because i'm bored. Don't care about how many kills i get or how fast gens get done. I'm bored and the developers didn't give me anything else todo. Waa but chase survivors....sure. let me run in a circle again for the 500th time. oh look they ran straight to shack or that god loop over there, gee they are so good. No. Screw that, i'm going to camp and tunnel you because i can and that's how i choose to play when i get bored. You want it fixed? Give me something to do besides run in another damn circle.....

  • Member Posts: 68

    Nope it definetly doesn't. I was rank 1 killer and got matched mostly with baby survivors, and i still do after rank reset.

    Pretty good job so far

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    In all seriousness.

    How would you remove player choice of target or location? I think its rather unreasonable to forbid killers to go after a certain target because the targets feels like so. You cannot remove choosing your target without massively nerfing killer ganeplay.

    Survivors probably cant understand this because their targets arent players. How about ai to send hatemail at them for their choice in generator completion order? ( /s )

    I love how "facecamping" is now what normal camping used to be before the real facecamping was removed. Something something goalpost.

    As for the removal of camping... I feel that might go down a baaaaad route like it did in deathgraden if the devs arent careful. It ends with the removal of the hooks and a life system that removes all pressure and again massively nerfs killer pressure. And most ideas to counter camping are crap anyways.

    Punishing camping is like punishing repairing if survivors did Xcharges collectively too fast. Or Y charges without swapping generators. Or X+Z charges without killer interaction.

    Yes it might suck to get eliminated first, but that always is a posdibility in such games.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    This is the way the devs made the game, most people who aren't absolutely sweaty psychos don't actually want to play like this and would rather have a fun time where everyone enjoys themselves. However if you try to be 'nice' as killer in this current state of the game, you just get bullied, teabagged at the exit and abused by survivors when you inevitably lose.

    Survivors cried and cried and the devs gave them what they wanted and killers adapted as a result. Though I am a survivor main myself I would say to all the survivors who cried instead of improving - be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Tbh if you can't chase really long within four chases, chances are it's on you.

  • Member Posts: 1,667

    if you are being tunneled just use ds and play ultrasafe, you won't have much troubles to waste enough of the killer's time and allow to your team to escape (you'll probably die but at least your sacrifice wasn't in vain)... remember that this is an asymmetrical game, you aren't supposed to 1vs1 the killer for the entire match (certain maps allow you to do this despite it shouldn't be possible)

  • Member Posts: 123

    No just no. I'll bring any perk I want and you can't stop me. Muhahahaha. Burn that useless thing you call a rule book.

  • Member Posts: 405

    Bro I actually was saying the killers are killing the game by playing this way, I hear it’s a tactic all the time, but the problem is it’s not healthy for the game, and the devs don’t seem to understand this

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Did the killers in question tell you this post game or are you just assuming their motivation because you are angry about being eliminated efficiently?

    Its very easy to manifest some antagonizing scenario in your head that alleviates you of mistakes and makes the fault entirely your opponents through some imagined malicious intent.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Its an elimination game you are gonna get eliminated early sometimes to the detriment of the rest of your game.

    The threat of elimination is what creates your reason for trying to escape in the first place but people get really angry when they are eliminated. Likely because they are eliminated by another player which is ego hurting.

    If the killer was a really hard AI people would probably relish the challenge but as its a person they all just get upset that they lost to someone else. More so if that loss comes quickly or efficiently.

    Every trialed suggestion to punish camping has just been a huge nerf that was heavily exploited by survivors. Often with game stalling effects.

    I think people just have to understand that sometimes you are going to be eliminated, you may be the only one eliminated, or eliminated early but that's just part playing an elimination game.

    They already nerfed most tools used to auto eliminate people early you can no longer mori on first down or first hook state.

    What do people want? Just to constantly respawn so they can keep playing then everyone just gets a tallied score at the end. What a drawn out repetitive threat-less nightmare that would be.

    Compare this game to say MWO, where you may get caught out surrounded and blown up early, but you don't really see its online community screaming about dying early. They don't want fixes that make them immune to elimination or being targeted because they feel its unfair to miss out.

    I sucks to be knocked out early but screaming that if you get shot and nearly killed in the first two mins there should be a mechanic that makes you immune to damage because waaah I don't want to die first is just silly. Its a mindset that really infects the DBD community though.

  • Member Posts: 696

    Fix looping meta, remove pallets, flashlights, ect.

    See how that sounds? Tunneling is part of the game play. Just get better at looping or go full stealth build. I'm not the best looper but I've gotten away from several chases. I'm sure you can too.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Imagine people from one of those battle royale style games trying to make the same argument as the op, it's hilarious

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    You gen rush, killers are gonna rush their objective too.

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